Checklist for Assessing Problem Solving in Copybooks/Worksheets/Portfolios (Completed by 6 tracker pupils per class room, 2 high ability pupils, 2 average ability pupils, 2 lower ability pupils) Checklist for Maths copies/teaching Evidence strategies Total sample of 24 copies analysed 1. What general information can be Children not using words to explain their solutions. gathered from the copies in terms In senior classes, some definitions (e.g. area, perimeter) and labelled of maths vocabulary? diagrams (e.g. obtuse, acute angles) are recorded. 2. Is the child's work laid out clearly Pupils’ copies are laid out very well in all classes. 18/24 and well structured? 3. Are any of the following problem solving strategies in use by the child in the copy? Drawing a diagram to illustrate a problem Making a chart or table of the information Making a guess and testing it Writing a number sentence for the problem Breaking the problem down and solving each part Some pupils draw diagrams to help them solve problems. 9/24 0/24 Some pupils have evidence of estimation recorded, there is also evidence of where pupils have rubbed out their estimates. All pupils have evidence of writing number sentences. 10/24 Few pupils have evidence of recording each step of a multi-step word problem, a number of pupils seem to have failed to attempt the second/third component. *For training purposes only 6/24 24/24