CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) Proforma for submitting proposal for organization of CAFT Programmes (20122013) 1. Topic of Training Programme: ‘Advances in diagnostics of infectious diseases of domestic animals’ 2. Justification of the proposed programme in the light of suggestive training needs in the discipline (not more than 100 words): Development and validation of molecular and immunodiagnostic tests for infectious diseases of domestic animals has shown rapid strides during the past decade. As a consequence, several validated diagnostic tests having high predictive values have been made available for applications in management of clinical cases, epidemiology and control of important infectious diseases, including transboundry and emerging diseases of animals. The department has made and is continuing to make significant contributions in development and application of molecular and immunodiagnostic tests for infectious diseases such as FMD, PPR, sheep pox, hemorrhagic septicaemia, bluetongue, viral & bacterial diarrhoeas, mastitis, surra, etc. The proposed topic is covered under the ICAR suggestive list of topics (Sr. No. 74. ‘Molecular approaches in disease diagnostics and vaccines’). 3. Venue with full postal/ e-mail address and office phone/fax numbers: Centre of Advance Faculty Training Department of Veterinary Microbiology Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Hisar- 125 004, Haryana E-mail:, Office Tel: 01662 289319 Telefax: 01662 284312 4. Proposed dates: September 17- October 7, 2013 5. Eligibility qualification for the participants of the Training Programme i) Master's Degree, ii) Working not below the rank of Assistant Professor and equivalent in the concerned subject under Agricultural/ Veterinary Universities /I.C.A.R. Institute 6. A. Information regarding proposed Course Coordinator, other than the Director, CAFT (enclose bio-data clearly bringing out the specific qualification, experience and scientific contribution of the Course Coordinator in the proposed topic): 1. Dr S. K.Batra, Professor 2. Dr Shiv Charan Gupta, Senior Scientist Information about Course Coordinator- 1. Dr S.K. Batra Designation: Professor (Ex- Head of Department) Academic Qualifications : Bachelor of Vet. Sc. & Animal Husbandry (Hons.) Master of Veterinary Sciences (Veterinary Microbiology) Ph D (Virology) Univ. of Glasgow (U.K.) Professional Experience: Teaching and Research - 32 years Page 1 of 9 CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) Research contribution to the proposed area of proposed topic: The course coordinator has a vast experience of working with pox viruses, parapox viruses, enteroviruses and PPR virus of sheep and goats. He has been working with pox viruses of sheep and goats for a decade. A number of outbreaks of sheep pox and goat pox infections were investigated for their viral aetiology. Out breaks of parapox infections in sheep were also investigated. The poly peptides made by the parapox isolates in cell culture were studied in the lab by employing SDS PAGE analysis. Immunogenic poly peptides were then identified using Western blot technique. Fusion protein gene of the sheep pox virus was cloned in PEX vector and expressed in E. coli. The expressed protein was then used as antigen for detection of anti sheep pox virus antibodies in the sheep flocks. Lymphocyte profiles in sheep pox virus infected animals were also studied. Currently investigation on standardization of a quick and cost effective test for the detection of anti-PPR virus antibodies in the sera of small ruminants is being undertaken. Research publications related to the proposed topic: Kumar, P; Batra, S.K. 2004. Upregulation of T lymphocyte responses and nitric oxide production in lambs upon infection with CPD virus. J. Immunol. Immunopathol. 6: 551. Kumar, P; Batra, S.K. and Sharma, R. 2002. Cellular immune response to contagious pustular dermatitis virus. J. Immunol. Immunopathol. 4(1&2): 43-46. Kumar, P; Batra, S.K. and Sharma, R. 2001. Alterations in T lymphocyte sub-population in lambs experimental infected contagious pustular dermatitis virus. I. Immunol. Immunopathol. 3: 22-27. Khatri, M; Chand, P. and Batra; S.K. 2001. Western blot analysis of soluble and structural proteins of contagious pustular dermatitis virus. Israel J. Vet. Med. 56: 90-94. Khatri, M; Sharma, R; Batra, S. K. and Chand, P. 2000. Cytokines restore infectious bursal disease virus induced immunosuppression in in-vitro assays J. Immunol. Immunopathol. 2: 78 – 83. Khatri, M; Jain, V.K; Batra, S.K; Chand, P. and Khatri, N. 2000. A severe outbreak of contagious pustular dermatitis in a goat flock. Inter. J. Anim. Sc. 15 : 273 – 274. Sachan, A.; Khatri, M; Sharma, R. and Batra, S. K. 2000. Sheep pox virus infection alters T lymphocyte sub population in sheep. Inter. J. Anim. Sc. 15: 105 – 108. Khatri, M; Chand, P. and Batra, S. K. 1999. Confirmatory diagnosis of contagious pustular dermatitis virus by electron microscopy. Ind. J. Anim. Sc. 69: 498 – 500. Batra, S.K; Chand, P. and Rajpurohit, B. S. 1999. A severe outbreak of contagious pustular dermatitis in a sheep flock. Ind. J. Anim. Sc. 69: 34- 35 Malik, Y; Chand, P. and Batra, S. K. 1998. Isolation and identification of a virus from severe outbreak of pox in sheep. Ind. J. Anim. Sc. 68:1207 – 1209. Chauhan, R, S; Batra, S.K; Sharma, R. and Chand, P. 1998. Investigation of an outbreak of pox in racing pigeons. Ind. J. Anim. Sc. 68: 539 – 541. Malik,Y; Khatri, M; Batra, S.K. and Chand, P. 1997. Occurrence of sheep pox in unorganized flocks in Haryana State. Ind. J. Anim. Sc. 68: 962 – 963. Kaul, A. and Batra, S. K. 1997. Expression of capripox fusion protein and its immune response in lambs. Int. J. Anim. Sc. 12: 103 – 106. Batra, S.K; Chand, P. and Rajpurohit, B.S. 1996. Outbreak of capripox in a vaccinated sheep flock. Ind. J. Vet. Res. 5: 39 – 44. Batra, S. K. 1994. Sheeppox a dreaded viral disease of sheep. Haryana Farming. 23: 20. Batra, S. K. and Kalra, S.K. 1990. Adaptability of capripox virus in continuous cell line of ovine origin. Ind. J. Microbiol. 30: 86 – 88. Jain,N.C. and Batra, S. K. 1985. Characterization of ovine enteroviruses. Ind. J. Virol. 1: 17 – 25. Page 2 of 9 CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) Jain, N.C; Batra, S. K. and Ram, G.C. 1984. Isolation and characterization of enteroviruses from neonatal kid diarrhoea. Int J. Diarrh. Dis. Res. 2: 43 – 46. Papers presented at the national and international conferences: Karale, P.V. and Batra, S.K. 2011. Comparative evaluation of HI, c-ELISA and SNT for detection of anti peste des petits virus antibodies in goats. Paper presented at XX National conference of Indian Virological Sciety (Virocon-2011) held at NRCE, Hisar. Abs pp 58-59 Kumar, P. and Batra, S. K. 2001. Contagious pustular dermatitis virus increases production of nitric oxide by the epithelial blood monolayer cells. Second Annual Conference of SIIP. Batra, S. K. and Chand, P. 2000. Virological investigation of an outbreak of scabby mouth in a goat flock. XX Annual Con. of IAVMI and National Symposium on Trends in Vaccinology in Animal Diseases. Oct. 14-16, pp 79. Khatri, M; Chand, P. and Batra, S. K. 1998. Analysis of antigenic nature of contagious dermatitis virus proteins. Eighth International Congress on Infectious Diseases. Boston, USA 1998. 54045. Malik,Y; Khatri, M; Batra, S. K. and Chand, P. 1997.Prevalence of sheep pox in Haryana State. XII Annual Convention of IVS, Gujrat. 1997. Malik,Y;. Chand, P and Batra, S. K..1997. Detection of A type inclusions in LT cell monolayers infected with a local isolate of sheep pox virus. IAVMI Annual Conference, Nov.97. Batra, S.K; Chand, P. and Rajpurohit, B.S. 1995. Capripox virus outbreak in a vaccinated sheep flock. 36th Ann. Conf. of AMI pp 282. Batra,S.K. and Kalra, S.K. 1989. Susceptibility of ovine kidney cells to capripox infections. IX Annual Conf. and National Symp. of IAVMI, pp21 Jain, N.C; Batra, S. K. 1983. Sheep enterovirus isolation and characterization from different geographical regions. Ann. Virol. Conf. of IVS. Jain, N.C. and Batra. S.K. 1982.Studies on neonatal kid diarrhoea virus 4th Ann conf. and National Symposium of IAVMI. pp19. Batra,S.K. and Jain,N.C. 1981. Suitability of lamb tissues for goat picorna viruses. 3rd Ann. Conf. of IAVMI. Pp 67. B. Information about Course Co-Coordinator- 2. Dr Shiv Charan Designation: Senior scientist [Professor] Academic Qualifications: Degree Year Institute (Area of research) B.V.Sc.&A.H. 1976 Haryana Agril. University, Hisar M.V.Sc.(Vet Microbiology) 1978 Haryana Agril. University, Hisar Ph.D. (Microbiology) 1983 All India Inst. of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Post-doc Research Fellow July,1983-Aug., Univ. Zurich, Switzerland 85 (Research work on anti-viral Immunity) Post-doc Research Fellow Aug., 1992-Sept., Royal Vet College, Univ. London, U.K. 95 (Research on equine herpes virus) Post-doc Research Fellow Oct., 1995Univ. Berne, Switzerland March, 97 (Research on Caprin arthritis-encephalitis) Professional Experience: Teaching and Research > 30 years Research contribution to the proposed areas of topic: This course coordinator has extensive exposure on various aspects of the mechanisms of host-defence against microbial infections including T- and B-cell memory, T-B cell cooperation, hapten-carrier effect and immuno-suppression employing the vesicular Page 3 of 9 CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) stomatitis virus model ( J. Virol 57:1139; 61:2509; PNAS (USA) 83:2604; J. Immunol 136:3057; Eur J Immunol 18:511; 20:2547). In horses, during the equine herpesvirus-1 infection, the precise role of immuno-suppressive cytokines viz. transforming growth factor-β, that may be induced due to vaccine or with the challenge virus itself, has been identified as to why in spite of protective T-cell response the animal fails to protect. (Immunology 90:586). In goats investigations using caprine arthritis encephalitis virus induced arthritis as a model for rheumatoid arthritis showed an interesting correlation between T-cell reactivity against CAEV and the severity of arthritis (Vaccine 24:597606). The current research interests include the development of strategies for the improved immunogenicity of the currently available vaccine against Pasteurella multocida involving development a laboratory model, identification of the protective epitope /peptide and a suitable adjuvant (Ind J. Expt Biology 48:1181; Vet Res Comm 35:457 & ibid 36:in press). In overall the course coordinator has vast experience in the development of diagnostic tools for a number of infectious diseases as evidenced by the publication in the international journals ( ref 8,16, 20-22). Research publications related to the proposed topic: FULL LENGTH PAPERS: Kharb S & S Charan. (2011). Mucosal immunization provides better protection than subcutaneous immunization against Pasteurella multocida (B:2) in mice preimmunized with the outer membrane proteins. Veterinary Research Communication.35:457-461. 2010. Kharb S & S Charan. 2010. Immunogenicity of iron-regulated outer membrane ptoreins of Pasteurella multocida B:2 im mice model. Indian J Experimental Biology, 48:11811187. Fluri A, C Nanci, M-L Zahno, H-R Vogt, S Charan, A Bursato, G Pancino, E Peterhans, G Obexer-Ruff & G Bertoni, 2006. The MHC-haplotype influences primary, but not secondary memory, immune responses to an immunodominant peptide containing T- and B- cell epitopes of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus gag protein. Vaccine, 24:597-606. Poonia B & S Charan. 2005. Early and transient induction of nitic oxide ( NO ) in infectious bursal disease virus infection is T-cell dependent: a study in cyclosporinA treated chicken model. Indian J Experimental Biology, 43:192-196. Poonia B & S Charan. 2004. Infiltration by CD4+and CD8+ lymphocytes in bursa of chickens infected with infectious bursal disease virus ( IBDV ) – strain-specific differences. Indian J Experimental Biology, 42:823-829. Poonia B & S Charan. 2001. T- cell suppression by cyclosporin-A enhances infectious bursal disease virus infection in experimentally infected chickens. Avian pathology, 30:311-319. Charan S, K Palmer, P Chester, AA Mire-sluis, A Meager & N Edington. 1997. Transforming growth factor-β1 induced by live or ultraviolet-inactivated equid herpesvirus type-1 mediates immunosuppression in the horse. Immunology, 90:586-591. Richa, YP Grover & S Charan. 1993. A dot immunobinding assay in comparison with agar gel immunodiffusion test for the detection of equine herpesvirus type-1 from field cases. Scientific and Technical Reviews of Office of International Epizootics (Paris), 12:923-930. Singh M & S Charan.1992. Immunokinetics of equine herpesvirus type-1 in donkey mares: suppression of secondary cellular responses. Scientific and Technical Reviews of Office of International Epizootics (Paris), 11:901-908. Page 4 of 9 CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) Roost HP, Charan S & RM Zinkernagel. 1990. Analysis of the kinetics of antiviral memory T-cell help in vivo: characterization of short lived cross-reactive T help. European J Immunology, 20:2547-2554. Roost HP, S Charan, R Gobet, R Reuedi, H Hengartner, A Althage & RM Zinkernagel. 1988. An acquired immune suppression in mice caused by infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. European J Immunology, 18:511-518. Charan S, H Hengartner & RM Zinkernagel. 1987. Antibodies against the two serotypes of vesicular stomatitis virus measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: Immuno-dominance of serotype-specific determinants and induction of asymmetrically cross-reactive antibodies. J Virology, 61:2509-2514. Charan S & RM Zinkernagel. 1986. Antibody mediated suppression of secondary IgM response in nude mice against vesicular stomatitis virus. J Immunology, 136:30573061. Charan S, H Hengartner & RM Zinkernagel. 1986. Primary antibody responses to a welldefined and unique hapten are not enhanced by pre-immunization with carrier: Analysis in a viral model. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (USA), 83:2604-2608. Charan S, A Huegin, A Cerny, H Hengartner & RM Zinkernagel. 1986. Effect of cyclosporin-A on humoral immune response and resistance against vesicular stomatitis virus in mice. J Virology, 57:1139-1144. Charan S & OP Gautam. 1984. Applications of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays in veterinary medicine: a bibliography. Veterinary Research Communication, 8:255267. Charan S, VM Mahajan, A Rai & S Balaya. 1984. Ocular pathogenesis of Newcastle disease virus in rabbits and monkeys. J Comparative Pathology, 94:159-163. Charan S & VM Mahajan. 1983. Pathogenesis of Newcastle disease virus in cell mediated immune response deprived mice. J Veterinary Medicine (West Germany), 30B: 462465. Charan S, YP Grover & S Prasad. 1983. Efficacy of double F (Lentogenic) vaccination in chickens against Newcastle disease. Indian J Poultry Sciences, 18:111-113. Charan S, A Rai & VM Mahajan. 1983. Comparison of seroreactivity of Lentogenic, Mesogenic and Velogenic strains of Newcastle disease virus by enzyme linked immunosorbent and haemagglutination inhibition assays on human sera. J Veterinary Medicine (West Germany), 30B: 55-60. Rai A, S Charan & VM Mahajan. 1982. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of chlamydial antibodies in poultry associated individuals. Indian J Medical Research, 76:393-397. Charan S & VM Mahajan. 1981. Comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and haemagglutination inhibition test for the detection of Newcastle disease virus antibodies in human sera. J Clinical Pathology, 34:90-92. Charan S, A Rai, LP Aggarwal & VM Mahajan. 1981. Complement in aqueous humor and serum of rabbits and monkeys. Indian J Ophthalmology, 28:207-209. Charan S, VM Mahajan & LP Agarwal. 1981. Newcastle disease virus antibodies in human sera. Indian J Medical Research, 73:303-307. Charan S & S Prasad. 1981. Studies on vaccination of pigs with attenuated foot and mouth disease virus passaged in mice brain. Indian J Animal Sciences, 51:10701074. SHORT COMMUNICATIONS: Kumar R & S Charan. 2001. Virus enhancement following infection with antibody-coated infectious bursal disease virus in chickens. Indian J Experimental Biology, 39:13141317. Page 5 of 9 CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) Charan S, A Rai, VM Mahajan & LP Agarwal. 1981. Modified single radial haemolysis technique: measurement of antibodies to Newcastle disease virus. J Immunological Methods, 40:239-242. Charan S & S Prasad. 1981. Applicability of conglutinating complement adsorption test to pig serum in foot and mouth disease. Indian J Experimental Biology, 19:181-182. Charan S & S Prasad. 1981. A note on assessment of post-challenge viraemia as an index of protective immunity in pigs against foot and mouth disease. J Veterinary Medicine (West Germany), 28B: 260-262. Charan S, S Prasad, SC Tewari & Rama kant. 1980. A note on adaptation of a pig strain of foot and mouth disease virus in baby mice brain. Indian J Animal Sciences, 50:569570. 7. Sr. No. 1 Faculty Staff strength in CAFT: 14 (Fourteen) Assistant Professor : 1 Associate Professor : 2 Professor and equivalent : 11 Name and Qualification Designation Dr. Ajit Singh, B.Sc., B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (India/UK), PDF (UK) Professor Head 2 Dr. Ravindra Sharma, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK) Sr. Scientist 3 Dr. Satish K. Batra, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK) Dr. Yash Pal Grover, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (France) Dr. Arvind Kumar, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK) Professor 6 Dr. Sanjay Kapoor, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK) Professor 7 Dr. Surinder K.Kadian, B.Sc., B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK) Dr. Shiv Charan Gupta, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (India), PDF (Switzerland, UK) Dr. Naresh K. Kakker, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK), PDF (UK) Professor Sr. Scientist 01662-284333; 9466265761 10 Dr. Jagveer Rawat, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK) Associate Professor 09468044373 11 Dr. (Mrs) Archana Sharma, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (India) Dr (Mrs) Anshu Sharma, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK) Associate Professor Sr. Scientist 01662-276076; 9416867562 01662-243786; 09812066778 13 Dr. Puran Chand, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (UK) Sr. Scientist 01662-289320 14 Dr Rajesh Chhabra, B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (India) Asstt. Scientist 01662-289320 4 5 8 9 12 & Contact details (Phone/Mob/E-mail) 01662-289319;01662288266; +919896176392; 01662-284333;01662243786 09896823198 01662-239244 01662-244496; 9813481628 9896030778 m/ 9354325830 sanjaykapoor59@rediffmail.c om/ 9896689999 01662-270088; 9996630017 Professor Sr. Scientist Sr. Scientist Page 6 of 9 CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) 8. Information regarding other academic staff of the host Institute, who are likely to be used as resource persons: Academic staff from Departments of Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar, Veterinary Parasitology and other Scientists from local ICAR institute shall be invited during the training. 9. Specific facilities available for conducting the Programme such as laboratory equipments/instruments, research farm, library, classroom, guest-house etc.: Department of Veterinary Microbiology is CAS/CAFT since 1995 and has so far successfully conducted 25 trainings for mid-carrier Scientists from SAUs and ICAR institutes. The Department is well-equipped for conducting the proposed CAFT training with the laboratory equipments/instruments, class/lecture rooms with multimedia and other related facilities. Further, the Animal Science section of COVS has well maintained Animal Farm. The LLRUVAS is located within the campus of CCS HAU, Hisar and all the common facilities viz. Nehru Library, Faculty House, etc. are available for use for the participants of CAFT. The department has recently gone for purchasing ‘smart class room’ facilities. 10. Programmes/Projects and achievements in the area of special topic proposed for the training programme: The department has made significant contributions to the field of modern molecular and immunological tests for infectious disease diagnosis of important animal diseases. Notable contributions are in the area of rotavirus, coronavirus, blue-tongue, pox viruses of animals particularly buffalopox and sheep & goat pox viruses, FMD, PPR, mastitis-causing agents, equine herpes virus, colibacillosis, salmonella infections, hemorrhagic septicaemia, etc. Hybridoma technology for monoclonal antibody production and phage display technology for single-domain antibody production have been with funding from DBT, Government of India and are being used in the department since then. Diagnostic tests based on these reagent antibodies have been developed. RNA electropherotyping and PCR based molecular tests have been introduced for infectious disease diagnosis. Real-time PCR and LAMP are currently being undertaken for development of diagnostic tests for some important diseases in a collaborative research project with Deptt. of Animal Biotechnology in this university. Regional Research Centre on FMD through its epidemiological and diagnostic services has made outstanding contributions in on-going FMD control programme in the state. 11. Sr No. 1 2 3 4 5 Tentative Schedule of daily lectures/ practical topics to be covered and name of the faculty proposed to be engaged during the CAFT Training Programme: Day/Date Topic Speaker & Designation 17.9.13 Inauguration of the course and lab orientation Faculty (Tuesday) 18.9.13 Current trends in diagnostics of infectious diseases of Dr. Ajit Singh* domestic animals 19.9.13 Recent developments in diagnosis of colibacillosis in Dr Y P domestic animals Grover* 20.9.13 Advances in diagnosis of brucellosis in animals Dr P Chand* 21.9.13 PPR virus infection in small ruminants: diagnosis and Dr S K Batra* Page 7 of 9 CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) 6 22.9.13 7 23.9.13 8 24.9.13 9 25.9.13 10 26.9.13 11 12 27.9.13 28.9.13 13 29.9.13 14 30.9.13 15 16 01.10.13 02.10.13 17 18 03.10.13 04.10.13 19 20 05.10.13 06.10.13 21 06.10.13 22 07.10.13 (Monday) Practicals 1 17.9.13 2 18.9.13 3 19.9.13 & 20.9.13 4 21.9.13 5 22.9.13 6 23.9.13 7 8 9 24.9.13 & 25.9.13 26.9.13 27.9.13 10 28.9.13 11 12 29.9.13 30.9.13 control Recent developments in diagnosis and control of pox virus infections in domestic animals Recent developments in diagnosis and control of mastitis in farm animals Current strategies for diagnosis and control of blue tongue An update on serodiagnosis of bacterial and viral diseases of sheep and goat Recent approaches in diagnosis and control of mycobacterial infections in animals Diagnosis and epidemiology of FMD in animals Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus infection and its diagnosis Diagnosis of infectious diseases transmitted through embryo transfer Diagnosis of common fungal infections in animals Dr Naveen Kumar** Dr Anshu Sharma* Dr Sushila Maan* Dr P Dwiwedi** Dr S V Singh** Dr R Sharma* Dr S Charan* Invited speaker** Dr Archana Sharma* Pathobiology of slow virus infections in farm animals Dr N Kakkar* Advances in diagnosis of parasitic infections of farm Dr R Garg1 animals Rabies in farm animals: diagnosis and control Dr S R Garg2 Trends in diagnosis and control of Japanese encephalitis Dr B R Gulati3 in animal Advances in diagnosis of rotavirus infections in bovines Dr S Kapoor* Conventional and molecular methods for diagnosis of Dr Arvind haemorrhagic septicaemia of cattle and buffaloes Kumar* Cytokine – based study of cellular immunity of Dr J Rawat* infectious diseases of domestic animals: role in diagnosis Conclusion PCR for detection of Pasteurella multocida B:2 in blood LAMP assay for diagnosis of PPR Hands on training Application of fluorescent polarization diagnosis of brucellosis in animals Different methods of diagnosis of mastitis Dr Ajit Singh Dr Ajit Singh Dr Ajit Singh assay in Dr Puran Chand Dr Anshu Sharma Use of flow cytometry in diagnosis of mastitis Dr Anshu Sharma Hands on training Dr Anshu Sharma Competitive ELISA for detection of PPR infection Dr S K Batra Detection of antibodies against structural proteins of Dr R Sharma FMD in sheep by liquid phase blocking ELISA Demonstration of carrier status of sheep for FMD by Dr R Sharma NSP- ELISA Hands on training Dr R Sharma RT-PCR based diagnosis of blue tongue virus infection Dr Sushila Page 8 of 9 CAFT training in Veterinary Microbiology: Proposal for the year 2013-13. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, LLRUVAS, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) Maan 13 01.10.13 Lympho-proliferative assay for detection of FMD virus Dr S K Kadian infection 14 02.10.13 Isolation and identification of dermatophytes of small Dr Archana ruminants Sharma 15 03.10.13 Serodiagnosis of Japanese encephalitis in animals Dr B R Gulati 16 04.10.13 Detection of mycobacterial infection by DTH reaction Dr J Rawat 17 05.10.13 Monoclonal antibody-based ELISA in detection of Dr Arvind Pasteurella multocida B:2 antibodies in buffalo sera Kumar 18 06.10.13 Hands on training & Presentation by the participants Participants 19 07.10.13 Conclusion *Designations in the list above; **Invited speakers from outside; 1: Professor, Veterinary Parasitology; 2: Professor, Veterinary Public Health; 3: Principal scientist, NRCE, Hisar 12. 1 2 3 Name of the Trainings organized during the last three years: ‘Modern 1 trends in vaccines and diagnostics for the control of infectious diseases in animals’ ‘Molecular 2 and cellular immunology techniques in animal health’ ‘Control 2 of infectious diseases of animals, with particular emphasis on FMD Control Programme’ Dr. Shiv Charan & Dr. Ajit March 5-25, 2010 Dr. S.K. Batra Singh Dr. S. K. Kadian & Dr. Jagveer Rawat Dr. R. Sharma and Dr. N. K. Kakker Dr. Ajit Nov. 3-23, 2011 Singh Dr. Ajit Sept. 18- Oct. 8, Singh 2012 13. Signature of the Director of the CAFTs (With official Seal): -signed(Dr Ajit Singh) Prof. & Head-cumDirector, CAFT Deptt. of Vet. Microbiology LLRUVAS, Hisar Dated: 11.2.1013 Page 9 of 9