When it comes to the new digital format, film producers and what they offer don’t lag behind
the cinemas in the Czech Republic and abroad which are quickly adopting digital technology.
The first Czech movie which viewers will be able to watch in stereoscopic format with 3D
glasses in digital cinemas will be the last part of the Werich trilogy: “Fimfarum – Third Time
Lucky“. Its premiere is planned for October 2010.
As Martin Vandas, producer of the movie from the MAUR film company said: “The number 3
in the title not only signifies the part of the trilogy, it also denotes the innovative shift in
technology. After an intense period of experimentation with plausible and suitable technical
formats we developped our own, totally unique technology, respecting the possibilities
allowed by the classic puppet animation. At the same time I am very happy to say that we
confirmed the traditional Czech ingenuity and gift to find new original solutions in places
where it would have been more straightforward to adopt already existing foreign methods,
but with “the original foreign price tag“…
“The Hat and the Little Jay Feather“ 25´
Director: Vlasta Pospíšilová:
“The story is set in the 1960s, which was the time of my youth, when I was pursuing many of
my interests. I used to go to the cinema to watch the “new wave“ movies, to the theatre, to
concerts, I did a lot of sports and acted in a puppet theatre. Young directors nowadays like to
shoot retro films from the 1960s, but I lived during those times and I'm happy that it will be
alluded to in my new movie...
For me, the story of the hat and its precious little feather is a fairy tale about old age and the
nostalgic memories of long lost youth. Not everybody manages to go back to their youth
even for a brief spell like the King does. But it is also about the modest Jack who is the only
one who understands his father the King and wants to help him. He triumphs over his
overbearing brothers and fullfills the King's greatest wish.“
Art director: Petr Poš
“How the Ogres Died out in the Mountains“ 9´
Director: Kristína Dufková:
“The story is transplanted to the 1960s, in similar fashion to the other two Werich stories in
the new Fimfarum film. A team of three filmmakers goes on an expedition in the Sumava
Mountains to see if it is true that Ogres still live there, and the question is – what will they
Setting the story in the 1960s is not typical of Czech animated puppet movies but it creates
never ending possibilities in terms of the choice of costumes, hairstyles, and props (a filmcamera, all the other filmmakers tools, the car,...) which will create a comic effect when
combined with the classic puppets. Just try to imagine a little puppet dressed in terylene
trousers, sporting a moustache and looking at you through thick-set black rimmed glasses...“
Art director: Denisa Abrhámová
MAUR film s.r.o.
Salvátorská 4, 110 00 Praha 1
e: vandasova@maurfilm.com, tel. +420 775 117 646
“Reason and Luck“ 40´
Director: David Súkup
“Reason and Luck“ interested me because of the almost grotesque mischief that both the
title characters indulge in to play with the fate of the main character Lew. And even though
Reason and Luck are competing, in the end they have to combine their efforts to prevail
over the Folly and Misfortune that abound all around.“
Art director: Patricie Ortiz Martínez
The script of the individual stories was written by Jiří Kubíček and the cameramen are
Hubert Hesoun and Zdeněk Pospíšil. The music was composed by Karel Holas and the
authors of the central song in the “Reason and Luck“ fairytale are Jaroslav Uhlíř and
Zdeněk Svěrák. The puppets were animated by Lenka Křížková, David Súkup, David
Filcík and Jan Smrčka.
The chief production company is MAUR film, the executive producer Martin Vandas. The coproducers are Česká televize, ACE and Krátký film Praha. The partner of the film is HBO.
The film is being made with the support of the Czech State Fund for the support and
development of the Czech Cinematography. Shooting takes place in the Hafan Film and
Anima studios. The technology for shooting was supplied by the partners of the movie,
Servodata a.s. - the added value distributor - and Fujifilm Czech.
The distributor for the cinemas in the Czech republic is the Bioscop company and the movie
should have its premiere on 7th October 2010.
Additional information and photographs at: www.fimfarum.cz
Looking forward to seeing you in the cinemas and willing to provide more info:
Alena Vandasová, MAUR film
Press service & PR
tel: +420 775 117 646
e: vandasova@maurfilm.com
MAUR film s.r.o.
Salvátorská 4, 110 00 Praha 1
e: vandasova@maurfilm.com, tel. +420 775 117 646