442Lecture Summaries

Lecture Summaries
The descriptions below will summarize what we did up to now and will give the plan
for the upcoming lecture. It will also suggest optional reading for each lecture.
Sometimes this reading will include more information than what we covered (and
than you probably need to know). Some of this information should indeed be skipped
(it is too deep for our introductory course), while some other will contain the proofs
and discussion that is useful, but was not done in class due to the lack of time. You
should use your intellegence to skip the ``unclear (advanced) parts'' and extract the
useful information. Do not worry, it is usually very easy to do.
Lecture 1 . Problem of secret communication. One-time pad and Shannon
impossibility result. Modern Cryptography: computationally bounded
adversaries. Private-Key vs. Public-Key Cryptography. In search of public-key
solution: motivation for one-way functions and trapdoor permutations.
Read: this web page, [GB notes, chap. 1, sec. 6.3-6.4, 2.1-2.2].
Lecture 2. Examples of one-way functions: RSA, Modular Exponentiation,
Integer Multiplication, Modular Squaring. Applications: UNIX password
authentication, S/Key one-time password system. Problems with using (iterated)
one-way (trapdoor) permutations for both puclic- and private-key ecnryption.
Main problems and criticism of one-way functions: reveal partial information, not
Read: [GB notes, sec. 2.3, 7.2].
Lecture 3 . Brish-up on number theory. Primes vs. composites, easy and hard
problems. RSA, discrete log, factoring, square root extraction. Chinese
remainder theorem. Primality tests.
Read: refresh number theory (handouts in class, skim appendix C in [GB
Lecture 4 . Motivation to hardcore bits. Examples: MSB for discrete log, LSB
for squaring. Definition. General construction (Goldreich-Levin). Getting
more bits out: construction based on hardcore bits of one-way permutations.
Informal Applications to public- and secret-ket encryption. Definitions of
pseudorandom generators. Definition of next-bit test.
Read: [GB notes, sec. 2.4, 3.0-3.2].
Lecture 5 . Proving the general construction satisfies the next-bit test.
Showing that next-bit test implies all statistical tests. Computational
Indistinguishability and its properties, hybrid argument and its importance.
PRG Examples: Blum-Micali, Blum-Blum-Shub. Properties of PRG's (e.g.,
closure under composition). Equivalence to OWF's. Forward-Secure PRG's:
generic construction is forward-secure, builing forward-secure PRG from any
PRG, application to secret-key encryption.
Read: [GB notes, sec. 3.3-3.4].
Lecture 6 . Public-Key encryption. Problems with TDP approach and
deterministic encryption in general. Encrypting single bits, definition of
indistinguishability. Scheme based on TDP's. Extending to many bits: PK-only
definition. Blum-Goldwasser scheme and formal proof of security (using
PRG's). General one-bit => many bits construction.
Read: [GB notes, sec. 7-7.4.5].
Lecture 7 . Specific efficient encryptions. ElGamal scheme and the DDH
assumption. Application: Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Stronger notion: CPA
security, definition and separation from PK-only. Notice that all results (BG +
1-bit=>many-bits + ElGamal) still work in CPA.
Read: [GB notes, sec. 7-7.4.5].
Lecture 8 . Semantic security. Simulators and their importance. Equivalence
to CPA definition. Private-Key Encryption. One-time definition and scheme.
CPA definition and closure under composition. Stateful schemes (stream
ciphers) based on forward-secure PRGs.
Read: [GB notes, sec. 7.3.2, 7.5, 6.1, 6.3, 6.5-6.7, 6.12.2].
Lecture 9 . Towards stateless schemes: pseudorandom functions (PRFs).
Definition, construction using PRGs, Naor-Reingold construction using DDH.
Properties of PRFs. Applications: friend-and-foe, secret-key encryption. CTR
and XOR schemes, their comparison. Birthday attack. Stream vs. Block
Read: [GB notes, sec. 5-5.3, 5.6.1, 5.9, 5.11-5.12, 6.2, 6.8, 6.12.1]
Lecture 10 . Pseudorandom permutations (PRPs). PRPs vs. PRFs. LubyRackoff construction using the Feistel network. Strong PRPs. Block ciphers
and their modes of operation: ECB, CTR, CFB, OFB, XOR, CBC. CPAsecurity of CFB,OFB,CBC modes. Exact security and its importance. Practical
ciphers: DES, AES. Integration of symmetric and asymmetric encryption
Read: [GB notes, sec. 5.4, 5.6.2, 5.10, 4-4.4, 6.2, 6.8-6.9]
Lecture 11 . The problem of authentication. Message authentication codes
(MACs). Definition of security: existential unforgeability against chosen
message attack. Construction using PRFs. Unpredictable functions, their
relation to MACs and PRFs. Reducing MAC length: using e-universal hash
functions (e-UHFs) and e-xor-universal hash functions. Examples of UHFs:
information-theoretic examples, XOR-MAC, CBC-MAC. A glimpse at CCA
security and using MAC to go from CPA to CCA.
Read: [GB notes, chap. 8, sec. 6.10-6.11]
Lecture 12 . Moving to public-key: digital signatures. Definitions, RSA and
Rabin's signatures. Trapdoor approach and its deficiency. Signature paradox
and its resolution. Towards better signatures: one-time signatures. Lamport
Scheme. Merkle signatures. Naor-Yung construction. Universal one-way hash
functions (UOWHF) and Collision-resistant hash functions (CRHF). Hashthen-sign paradigm for one-time and regular signature schemes.
Read: [GB notes, sec. 9-9.3, 9.4.6]
Lecture 13 . Construction of UOWHFs using OWPs and universal hash
functions. Construction of CRHFs under discrete log. Composition paradigms
for UOWHFs and CRHFs. Comparing UOWHFs and CHRFs. Random oracle
model and practical hash-then-sign signatures: full domain hash. Practical
signature without random oracles: Cramer-Shoup scheme.
Read: [GB notes, sec. 9.5-9.5.7, 9.5.12]
Lecture 14 . Commitment Schemes. Definition and properties. Increasing
input size: bit-by-bit composition, hash-then-commit technique using CRHF's.
Constructions: from (1) OWF's, (2) OWP's, (3) CRHF's and (4) Pedersen
commitment (based on DL). Relaxed commitments and composition using
UOWHF's. Applications: bidding, coin-flipping, parallel authenticated
encryption, password authentication, zero-knowledge. Introduction to ZeroKnowledge (ZK). Motivation and quadratic residue example. Proof that NP
belongs to CZK using commitments. Making password authentication with
OWFs or commitments an identification scheme using ZK.
What's next? (never happened). Many things we did NOT cover... More ZK.
Protocols - huge! Identification protocols, OT and PIR, RO model (incl.
OAEP and Fiat-Shamir heuristics), CCA and non-malleability, secret sharing
and VSS, threshold crypto, multiparty computation and SFE (incl. coinflipping), gadgets (trapdoor commitments, deniable encryption, blind
signatures, etc.)... Cryptanalysis (incl. applications of lattices), e-commerse,
anonymity (incl. pseudonyms, mix-nets), electronic voting, key exposure (incl.
forward and bidirectional security), broadcast encryption/traitor tracing...