– On-Going Lesson Plan –
Web 2.0 Tool – Blabberize Biographies
Red – Classroom Teacher
Purple – ESL/LS Teacher
Blue – SLMS
Green – Art Teacher
Black – Integrated throughout every classroom
Unit Essential Question: On-Going in every Lesson
What important information should be included in a biography?
Lesson Essential Questions:
How can we use Blabberize to communicate information to our classmates?
P.A. Academic Standards
1.1.5 A - H Learning to Read Independently
1.2.5 A,B,C Reading Critically in All Content Areas
1.3.5 A,B,F Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
1.4.5 B,C Types of Writing
1.5.5 A - G Quality of Writing
Listening and Speaking
1.6.5 A - F Speaking and Listening
1.8.5 A – C Research
8.1.6 A,B,C Historical Development and Skills Development
8.3.6 A United States History
8.4.6 A,B,D World History
9.1.5 C.D,E.H.J,K Production, Performance and Exhibition of Dance, Music,
Theatre and Visual Arts
Acceleration/Previewing: (Key Vocabulary)
Blabberize Vocabulary
Blabberize, Blabber, Tutorial, User Name, Password, Browse, Blabber
Mouth, Audio, Record, Preview, Save, Tag, Description
Biography Vocabulary
Biography, Genre, Name, Date, Place, Author’s Purpose, Bias, Timeline
Activating Strategies: Completed in Classroom with Teacher
ESL/LS Teacher – Preview Biographies – what makes a book a biography?
Keep Students at Desks
(T) Before showing the book – go over biography words.
List Biographies that we have studied this year so far –
What information did the author include….Make separate poster
Distributed Summary:
(S) Pair, Ink, Share with a partner – Looking at the Biography Poster
“Important Information Included” highlight 5-7 key elements that you and your partner think should be included in a biography. Partners share out….from this list the students and teachers decide what “key” information they are going to focus on for their Biography Research Project .
Activating Strategies: Completed in LMC with SLMS
(T) Review with students some of the Biographies they have studied in class.
Have a copy of the poster that lists the “Key” information that the class decided should be included in a biography.
Distributed Summary:
Venn Diagram – Comparing and Contrasting Biography with
AutoBiography…Students complete this in their table groups on chart paper.
Each group shares out.
Activating Strategies: Completed in Art Room with Art Teacher
(T) Review with students the portraits that they created of themselves – show examples. Review with students – personal collages that they made
using magazine pictures that reflect/represent information they wanted to convey to their classmates about themselves.
Distributed Summary:
Think, Pair, Share with a partner structural components that are important when drawing portraits….list 3-5 components.
Teaching Strategies:
In Classroom:
(S) Students brainstorm 3 African American historical figures they want to learn more about.
ESL/LS students complete this in their ESL/LS classroom.
(S) Using search tools (Oxford African-American Studies data base;
POWER Library: Biographies; Facts for Learning; AP Images; SIRS
Discoverer; Student Research Center; Searchasaurus) students find at least 2 more African American historical figures they want to learn more about.
(S) Students “Rate” (numbering from1(favorite) to 5)
In Classroom:
(S) Students conference with Teacher their five choices and decide which
African American historical figure they are going to research. (Teacher provides a copy of class list – students’ names and historical figures they are going to research – to SLMS.)
ESL/LS students complete this in their ESL/LS classroom. Conference with classroom teacher will occur on the topic that they have chosen.
In Art Room:
After studying pictures of their historical figures students complete portrait drawing using the 5 important structural components discussed in class.
(On going until done – when projects are completed they are given to
(S) Using the search tools listed above and reference material in the LMC students find information on their African American historical figure.
In Classroom:
(S) Students write information on their 5 notecards.
(S) Students use their editing partners to edit information and conference.
(S) Students conference with teacher throughout research process. Teacher gives must approve the FINAL draft.
ESL/LS students will be given extended time in their ESL/LS classrooms to complete this activity.
In LMC – Blabberize Lesson:
Activating Strategy:
(T) Goes over Blabberize Vocabulary
(T) Shows students Blabberize Tutorial.
(T) Shows students teacher-created ‘Blabbers’
Distributed Practice:
(S) Think, Pair, Share – Students summarize with a partner how their
“historical figure” is going to “sound” – comical, serious, stern, important, genuine… How does pacing and voice inflections help to achieve character tone?
Teaching Strategies:
(T) Modeling with the LCD projector the students follow along and complete the steps for logging onto Blabberize (using the SLMSs account that has been previously set up) and upload their pictures (Pictures have been placed on the shared network drive students select their picture).
(T) Models how to alter “Blabber Mouth” – Students alter their “Blabber
Mouth” to fit their portrait picture.
(S) Turn and Talk with your neighbor – check your neighbors “Blabber
Mouth” making sure it looks accurate…help your neighbor if alterations need to be done.
(S) Students upload audio to their picture – (audio includes biography information on their note cards)
(T) SLMS uploads FINAL Blabber characters on Classroom Wiki.
ESL/LS students will have a chance to come to the LMC during their non-
scheduled time to complete this exercise with the SLMS on an individual basis.
In Classroom and LMC:
Students view each other’s Blabber characters.
ESL/LS students will also have the opportunity to view these in during their pull-out time as a center.
Distributed Guided practice/Summarizing Prompts:
In Classroom and LMC :
Using Numbered Partners – Students complete the most important information G.O. on their partners Blabber.
Partners Share out – (SLMS and Classroom Teacher divide class) – Partners share out what they learned about their “Partners” African American historical figure.
Summarizing Strategies: Learners Summarize & Answer Essential
Students Answer Lesson E.Q. - How can we use Blabberize to communicate information to our classmates? in their table groups – each group completes a ticket out the door to be placed in their classroom “parking lot” for other classes to view.