Music through the Decades – Spring 2014 Key Skills Communication, Application of number, IT, Working with others, Improving own Learning and Performance, Problem solving, Thinking Skills. Starting Point: Cross-curricular learning opportunities: Beauty and the Beast Panto Please see additional planning sheets for each curriculum area and topic map. National Curriculum Coverage Learning Objectives Knowledge and Understanding Creative PE P.S.H.E I.C.T Science Sc1 Music Controlling sounds through singing and playing performing skills 1.Pupils should be taught how to: a. use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes b. play tuned and untuned instruments c. rehearse and perform with others [for example, starting and finishing together, keeping to a steady pulse]. Creating and developing musical ideas - composing skills 2. Pupils should be taught how to: a. create musical patterns b. explore, choose and organise sounds and musical ideas. Responding and reviewing - appraising skills 3. Pupils should be taught how to: a. explore and express their ideas and feelings about music using movement, dance and expressive and musical language b. make improvements to their own work. Listening, and applying knowledge and understanding 4. Pupils should be taught: a. to listen with concentration and to internalise and recall sounds with increasing aural memory b. how the combined musical elements of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and silence can be organised and used expressively within simple structures [for example, beginning, middle, end] c. how sounds can be made in different ways [for example, vocalising, clapping, by musical instruments, in the environment] and described using given and invented signs and symbols d. how music is used for particular purposes [for example, for dance, as a lullaby]. Breadth of study 5. During the key stage, pupils should be taught the Dance and Multi skills 2a – to explore how to choose and apply skills and actions in sequence and in combination. 2b – to vary the way they perform skills by using simple tactics and movements phrases. 3a – to describe what they have done. 3b – to observe, describe and copy what others have done. 3c – to use what they have learnt to improve the quality and control of their work. 4a – to understand how important it is to be active. 4b – to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during different activities. 6a – to use movement imaginatively, responding to stimuli, including music and performing basic skills. 6b – to change the rhythm, speed, level and direction of their movements. 6c – to create and perform dances using simple movement patterns, including those from different times and cultures. 6d – to express and communicate ideas and feelings. Developing confidence and responsibility. 1a – to gather information from a variety of sources. 1b – to enter and store information in a variety of forms. 1c – to retrieve information that has been stored. 2a – to use text, tables and images and sounds to develop their ideas. 2b – how to select from and add to information they have retrieved for particular purposes. Children to carry on using their skills across the curriculum. Different apps – musical/video. 3a – to know how to share their ideas by presenting information in a variety of forms. 3b – to present their completed work effectively. Look at different ways of presenting their work. Eg:powerpoint, word, 2simple, apps 4a – to review what they have done to help them develop their ideas. 4b – to describe the effects of their actions. 4c – to talk about what they might change in future work. Children to reflect on their work already recorded/worked on and how could they make it better. 5a – to work with a range of information to investigate the different ways it can be presented. 5b – to explore a range of ICT tools. 5c – to be able to talk about the 1 – Pupils should be taught that it is important to collect evidence by making observations and measurements when trying to answer a question. 2a – to ask questions and decide how they might find answers to them. 2b – to use first-hand experience and simple information sources to answer questions. 2c- to think about what might happen before deciding what to do. 2d – to recognise when a test or comparison is unfair. 2e – follow simple instructions to control the risks to themselves and to others 2f – to explore, using the sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste as appropriate, and make and record observations and measurements. 2g – to communication what happened in a variety of ways, including using ICT. 2h – to make simple comparisons and identify simple patterns. 2i – to compare what happened with what they thought would happen and try to explain it drawing on their knowledge and understanding. 2j – review their work and explain what they did to others. Sc2 2g – about the senses that enable humans and other animals to be P.E as timetabled. Preparing to play an active role as citizens. Developing a healthy, safer lifestyle RE Y1 – 1.2 New Beginnings Y2 – 2.2 Believing aware of the world around them. Sc4 1a – to know about everyday appliances that use electricity. 1b – about simple series circuits involving batteries, wires, bulbs and other components. 1c – how a switch can be used to break a circuit. 3a – to identify different light sources, including the Sun 3b – that darkness is the absence of light 3c – that there are many kinds of sounds and sources of sound 3d – that sound travel away from sources, getting fainter as they do so, and that they are heard when they enter the ear. Geography 1a – to ask geographical questions. 1b – to observe and record. 1c – to express their own views about places and environments. 1d – to communicate in different ways. 2a – to use geographical vocabulary. 2c – to use globes, maps and plans at a range of scales. 2d – to use secondary sources of information. 3b - to identify and describe where places are. 3d – recognise how places compare with other places. 3e – to recognise how places are linked to other places in the world. ISA LINKS History 1a – place events in chronological order 1b – use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. 2a – recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result 2b – identify differences between ways of life at different times. 4a – how to find out about the past from a range of sources of knowledge, skills and understanding through: a. a range of musical activities that integrate performing, composing and appraising b. responding to a range of musical and non-musical starting points c. working on their own, in groups of different sizes and as a class d. a range of live and recorded music from different times and cultures. Note for 1a - Cross reference to English En1 Speaking and listening: Speaking 1. To speak clearly, fluently and confidently to different people, pupils should be taught to: a. speak with clear diction and appropriate intonation En1 Speaking and listening: Breadth of study Speaking 8. The range should include: b. reading aloud and reciting Note for 2b - ICT opportunity Pupils could use software designed to enable exploration of sounds. Note for 3a - Cross reference to English En1 Speaking and listening: Drama 4. To participate in a range of drama activities, pupils should be taught to: a. use language and actions to explore and convey situations, characters and emotions Note for 3a - Cross reference to PE (Dance activities) 6. Pupils should be taught to: a. use movement imaginatively, responding to stimuli, including music, and performing basic skills [for example, travelling, being still, making a shape, jumping, turning and gesturing] c. create and perform dances using simple movement patterns, including those from different times and cultures Note for 3b - ICT opportunity Pupils could use recording equipment to recall sounds and identify and make improvements. Note for 4 Listening is integral to the development of all aspects of pupils' knowledge and understanding of music. Note for 4a - Cross reference to English En1 Speaking and listening: Listening 2. To listen, understand and respond to others, pupils should be taught to: a. sustain concentration f. identify and respond to sound patterns in language [for example, alliteration, rhyme, word play] DT 1a – to generate ideas by drawing on their own and other people’s experiences. 1b – to develop ideas by shaping materials and putting together components. 1c – to talk about their ideas. 1d – to plan by suggesting what to do next as their ideas develop. 1e – to communicate their ideas using a variety of methods, including drawing and making models. 2a – to select tools, techniques and materials for making their product from a range suggested by the teacher. 2b – explore the sensory qualities of materials 2c – to measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of materials. 2d – to assemble, join and combine materials and components. 2e – use simple finishing techniques to improve the appearance of their product, using a range of equipment 3a – to talk about their ideas, saying what they like and dislike. 3b – to identify what they could have done differently or how they could improve their working the future. 4a – to learn about the working characteristics of materials. 4b – to learn how mechanisms can be used in different ways. uses of ICT inside and outside school. Music video, piano app, 2simple information 4b – to ask and answer questions about the past 6c – the lives of significant men, women and children drawn from the history of Britain and the wider world 6d – past events from the history of Britain and the wider world National Curriculum Coverage Other areas of study – Mini Topics 06.01.14 Inset Monday New Year Resolutions Art – assessment draw a TA/Teacher Week 1 13.01.14 (50’s Music) 14.01.14 Beauty and the Beast Panto Note for 4b 'pitch' - higher/lower 'duration' - longer/shorter, steady pulse, beat, rhythm 'dynamics' - louder/quieter/silence 'tempo' - faster/slower 'timbre' - different types of sound 'texture' - different ways sounds are combined 'structure' - different ways sounds are organised Note for 4b - Cross reference to science Sc4 Physical processes: Light and sound 3. Pupils should be taught: Making and detecting sounds c. that there are many kinds of sound and sources of sound d. that sounds travel away from sources, getting fainter as they do so, and that they are heard when they enter the ear Note for 4c - Cross reference to science Sc4 Physical processes: Light and sound 3. Pupils should be taught: Making and detecting sounds c. that there are many kinds of sound and sources of sound d. that sounds travel away from sources, getting fainter as they do so, and that they are heard when they enter the ear Week 2 20.01.14 (60’s Music) Week 3 27.01.14 (70’s Music) Week 4 03.02.14 (80’s Music) Assessment – Character Profile Week 5 10.02.14 (90’s Music) Art 1a – to record from first hand observation, experience and imagination, and explore ideas. 1b – to ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work, and develop their ideas. 2a – to investigate the possibilities of a range of materials and processes. 2b – try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes, including drawing 2c – to represent observations, ideas and feeling, and design and make images and artefacts. 3a – to review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it. 3b – to identify what they might change in their current work or develop in their future work. 4a – to understand about visual and tactile elements, including colour, pattern and texture, line and tone, shape, form and space. 4b – to understand materials and processes used in making art, craft and design 4c – to understand difference and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in different time and cultures. 5a – to explore a range of starting points for practical work. 5b – to understand how to work on their own, and collaborate with others, on projects in two and three dimensions and on different scales. 5c – to use a range of materials and processes. 5d – to investigate different kinds of art, craft and design Week 6 24.02.14 (00’s Music) Week 7 03.03.14 (Current Music) Week 8 10.03.14 Week 9 17.03.14 Trip to Auditorium 05.03.14/06.03.14 Infant Singing Festival @ Auditorium Favourite Music Mantle of the Expert - Festival Week 10 24.03.14 Week 11 31.0314