History Policy - Calton Primary School

Calton Primary School
History Policy
1. Introduction
The purpose of the policy
To benefit pupils, staff, governors and parents
To outline our school’s approaches to the curriculum (ensuring
coverage and progression of history from reception to year 6)
To ensure provisions match statutory requirements
To examine teaching and learning strategies
To record the organisational structure of how History is planned and
To assist teachers with the planning of History
To enable the Head teacher, and governors, to identify priorities
and issues.
The nature of the History Curriculum
History is a foundation subject and will be included within the taught
curriculum within topics and linked to other subjects where appropriate. In
some instances History will be taught as a discreet subject.
2. What we want the children at Calton Primary to achieve
To stimulate pupils interest through meaningful first-hand
To develop a sense of time and chronology
To appreciate the importance of change
To gain an understanding of how people lived in the past to
use as a comparison to their way of life
To understand how Britain has been influenced and
influenced the world
To know and understand significant aspects of the history of
the wider world: ancient civilisations; the expansion and
dissolution of empires; characteristic features of past nonEuropean societies; achievements and follies of mankind
To develop a respect for and interest in artefacts
To develop in children the skills of enquiry, investigation,
analysis, evaluation and presentation.
History will be delivered to the children in Foundation stage through
the Early Learning Goals, particularly knowledge and understanding
of the world.
By the end of Key stage one all pupils should be able to:
 Recognise the difference between past and present in their
own and other people’s lives
 Use common words and phrases relating to the passing of
Most pupils will be able to:
 Demonstrate factual knowledge about events beyond living
memory that are significant nationally or globally that they
have been taught (for example, the Great Fire of London, the
first aeroplane flight or events commemorated through
festivals or anniversaries)
 Demonstrate factual knowledge about the lives of significant
individuals in the past who have contributed to national and
international achievements (for example, Elizabeth I, Neil
Armstrong, Florence Nightingale)
 Know about significant historical events, people and places in
their own locality.
Some pupils should be able to:
 Know where the people and events they study fit within a
timeline and identify similarities and differences between
ways of life in different periods
 Begin to give reasons for events happening
 Give answers to questions about the past using different
sources of information.
By the end of Key Stage Two all pupils will be able to:
Know where the people and events they study fit within a
timeline and should note connections
Give reasons for events happening
Give answers to questions about the past using different
sources of information
Most pupils will be able to:
 Regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid
questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and
 Understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed
from a range of sources.
Some pupils should be able to:
Note connections, contrasts and trends over time and
develop the appropriate use of historical terms
Use a range of sources of information to answer questions in
3. Implementation
History teaching focuses on enabling children to think as historians. We place
an emphasis on examining historical artefacts and primary sources. In each
key stage we give children the opportunity to visit sites that are local and of
historical significance. We encourage visitors to come into the school and
talk about their experiences of events in the past. We recognize and value
the importance of stories in history teaching and we regard this as an
important way of stimulating interest in the past. We focus on helping children
understand that historical events can be interpreted in different ways and
that they should always ask searching questions, such as ‘how do we know?’,
about information they are given.
We recognise the fact that in all classes there are children of widely-different
abilities in history and we seek to provide suitable learning opportunities for all
children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We
achieve this by:
• setting common tasks which are open-ended and can have a
variety of responses;
• setting tasks of increasing difficulty. Not all children complete all
• grouping children by ability in the room and setting different
tasks for each ability group;
• providing resources of different complexity depending on the
ability of the child;
• using classroom assistants to support children individually or in
4. The contribution of history to other subjects
History contributes significantly to the teaching of English/literacy in our school
by actively promoting the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Some of the texts that we use in English are historical in nature. Children
develop oracy through discussing historical questions or presenting their
findings to the rest of the class. They develop their writing ability by
composing reports and letters and through using writing frames.
History teaching contributes to the teaching of mathematics in a variety of
ways. Children learn to use numbers when developing a sense of chronology
through doing activities such as time-lines. Children learn to interpret
information presented in graphical or diagrammatic form, for example they
study the impact of the WWII by analysing evacuee or service men numbers.
Information and communication technology (ICT)
We use ICT in history teaching where appropriate and we meet the statutory
requirement for children to use ICT as part of their work in history. Children use
ICT in history to enhance their skills in data handling and in presenting written
work, and they research information using the Internet. Children have the
opportunity to use the digital camera to record and use photographic.
Personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship
History contributes significantly to the teaching of personal, social, citizenship
and health education. Children develop self-confidence by having
opportunities to explain their views on a number of social questions such as
how society did/should respond to poverty and homelessness. They discover
how to be active citizens in a democratic society by learning how laws are
made and changed, and they learn how to recognize and challenge
stereotypes and to appreciate that racism is a harmful aspect of society.
They learn how society is made up of people from different cultures and start
to develop tolerance and respect for others.
5. Teaching history to children with special needs
We teach history to all children, whatever their ability. History forms part
of the school’s curriculum policy to provide a broad and balanced
education to all children. We provide learning opportunities matched to the
needs of children with learning difficulties and we take into account the
targets set for individual children in their Individual Education Plans (IEPs).
Assessment and recording
We assess children’s work in history by making informal judgements as
we observe them during each history lesson. On completion of a piece of
work, the teacher marks the work and comments as necessary, as part of the
marking policy. We use teacher assessment to assess individual children’s
progress and we pass this information on to the next teacher at the end of
the year.
The history subject leader keeps samples of children’s work in a
portfolio. These demonstrate what the expected level of achievement is in
history for each age group in the school.
There are sufficient resources for all history teaching units in the school.
We keep these resources in a central store in the Key Stage building. The
library also contains a good supply of topic books to support children’s
individual research.
Monitoring and review
Monitoring of the standards of children’s work and of the quality of
teaching in history is the responsibility of the history subject leader. The history
subject leader monitors children’s work, wall displays, planning and carries
out pupil interviews. The work of the history subject leader also involves
supporting colleagues in the teaching of history and being informed about
current developments in the subject.