Catholic Social Services - Psychologists` Association of Alberta

8212 118 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5B 0S3
Phone 780 471 1122 Fax 780 479 2579
Family Living Program 2015
Fall Workshop Schedule
For more information or to register, please contact Kari Boult at
780 420 6081 or
Payment plans may be available…
ask me how.
Mindfulness & Mastery of Emotions Level One
Date offered:
$250 / person
September 1 – October 20, 2015
Eight Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm at Catholic Social Services East
Office (8212 – 118 Avenue in room R4).
Do you feel easily overwhelmed by and react strongly to emotions? Do you find it hard, as a
result, to build healthy relationships? In this program you will learn to develop skills in paying
full attention to your "uncontrollable" emotions, thoughts and sensations and, learn to master
your emotions more effectively. This will enable you to enhance your social and occupational
functioning and thus, build a more peaceful relationship not only with yourself, but others. The
main objective is for you to learn and refine skills in changing behavioural, emotional, and
thinking patterns towards healthier emotional living. Some of the behaviours to be decreased
will include thought distortions, uncontrollable emotions, impulsive reactions and interpersonal
chaos. At the same time, you will learn and practise core mindfulness, distress tolerance,
emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness skills. Mindfulness is “paying attention in
a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally” (by Kabat-Zinn).
Facilitator: Diana Yiu
Creating a Positive Perspective / Overcoming Depression & Adversity
Level One
$300 / person
Date offered:
September 28 – December 7, 2015
Ten Monday evenings from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm at Catholic Social Services East Office
(8212 – 118 Avenue in Room 035).
Do you find yourself thinking about how bad things are? Do you feel little excitement, joy or
anticipation in the things you typically like to do? Are you feeling stuck with little hope that life
will be better? Do you feel alone? Do you want to make changes and move forward? This
program may help you to understand what is holding you in a negative place. You will learn
about how you feel about yourself and where those feelings come from. You will learn to
examine your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions to increase your awareness.
With this awareness, you can decide what you may want to change. Through this workshop you
will learn skills to help change negative thinking to positive thinking patterns. There will be
discussion and exercises on topics such as measuring your moods, identifying your personal
goals, modifying negative thoughts, and building self-esteem. You will work towards learning to
enjoy greater happiness, embrace hope, be more productive, and improve your day-to-day life.
The “Ten Days to Self-Esteem” workbook by David D. Burns, M.D. is included in this workshop.
This 10-week program gives you the opportunity to look for solutions and make changes
towards increasing your emotional wellness. Remember you FEEL the way you THINK, you can
CHANGE the way you FEEL, and the way you BEHAVE. Facilitator: Debbie Hart.
Couples Communication
Date offered:
$350 / couple
September 30 – December 9, 2015
Ten Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at Catholic Social Services East
Office (8212 – 118 Avenue in Room 035).
Do you want to reconnect with your partner? Is your relationship not as strong or meaningful as
you would like it to be? Learn practical and effective communication techniques to make your
relationship the formula for success. Explore your differences and learn to support each others’
dreams and goals. Find out if you are truly “listening” to “hear” what your partner has to say.
This ten week program includes topics such as rebuilding a healthy foundation for your
relationship, strengthening and developing new skills in communication, problem solving,
learning how to “turn towards each other” instead of away, building intimacy, and strengthening
the positive perspective in your relationship. Included is “The Seven Principles for Making
Marriage Work” by John M. Gottman for each of you to start reconnecting with your
partner! Facilitator: Debbie Hart.
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Handling Anger Level One
Date offered:
$300 / person
October 6 – December 8, 2015
Ten Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm at Catholic Social Services East Office
(8212 – 118 Avenue in Room 035).
Do you find yourself feeling like you are ready to explode too often? Do you feel you just want
to scream, hurt someone or break something? Are your relationships and work starting to
deteriorate because of your feelings and actions? Feeling angry is normal, although how you
express anger can impact your life in sometimes unhealthy ways. This workshop is designed to
help you learn how to handle your anger effectively. The goal is to learn to express anger in a
healthy way without hurting others, yourself or your relationships. Anger may be linked to the
way you think or perceive situations. You will learn to use “I” statements to take responsibility for
your feelings. You will also learn to identify your thoughts, feelings and behaviours when you
are angry and understand how to communicate them effectively. By the end of the program,
you will have practised and begun to integrate new behaviours in communication and personal
problem solving. You will learn to become aware of the factors that may be “triggers” for your
anger. Topics included are: anger and its uses, sources of anger, understanding the anger
cycle, becoming familiar with what makes you angry, learning alternative ways of expressing
anger and dealing with rage, and learning how to use anger appropriately to enhance your
relationships at work and in your personal life. Facilitator: Debbie Hart
Debbie Hart has participated in the facilitation of many psycho-educational workshops within
Catholic Social Services such as Handling Anger, Setting Healthy Boundaries, Couples
Communication and Overcoming Depression. She currently facilitates Suicide Intervention
workshops using the ASIST model. She is involved in educational growth with university
courses primarily relating to psychology. She is enthusiastic, dedicated, energetic, skilled,
motivated and highly effective at planning, organizing and facilitating various group workshops.
Diana Yiu, M.S.S.W., R.S.W., Clinical Registry. Diana’s area of specialization include addiction
and mental health, marriage and family therapy, intercultural and spiritual counselling. In the
past decade, Diana has been involved in the study and practice of Dialectical Behavioral
Therapy (DBT), using mindfulness training as a base to help build skills including distress
tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. She has a special interest in
working with people of different personality types such as having borderline, avoidant and
dependent traits and people experiencing depression and anxiety.
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Workshop Registration: Registrations are taken on a first come, first served basis. Register
early to reserve your place in the workshop. (Catholic Social Services reserves the right to
cancel scheduled workshops if a minimum number of registrants is not achieved. Full refunds
will be issued in such instances).
Refund Policy: Refunds will only be issued if a workshop registration is cancelled at least (7)
days prior to the start of a workshop. A $50 administration fee will be charged for cancellations.
NO refunds will be made for non-attendance at workshops.
How to Register: Call 780 420 6081 to register or you can drop by the office (8212 – 118
Avenue) and speak with the Family Living Program Coordinator. We accept Visa, MasterCard,
Debit Card, Money Order, Cheque and / or Post-Dated Cheques or Cash.
Fees: Our workshops are affordable; we can set up a payment plan that works for you.
Special Note: You must be 18 years of age to register for a workshop.
Workshop Leadership: Our workshop facilitators have post-secondary education in Social
Work, Psychology, Marital and Family Therapy, Education, or Life Management Skills
Certification. Your facilitator has extensive experience and is a team leader with skills and
education in group process, leadership skills, and crisis intervention.
To register, please contact Kari Boult at 780-420-6081
At Catholic Social Services, we value our community and respect your privacy. Please note that
we do not share or sell any of your personal information. If you do not wish to be on our contact
email list, please reply to this message and your information will be removed. Thank you for
your continuing support.
Courses and/or course dates / prices are subject to change without notice. If you would like to
be added to our email mailing list please email me directly at
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Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Canada: for Adults who Interact with
Youth Course
$195 / person
2 Full Days from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at Catholic Social Services East Office
(8212 – 118 Avenue)
Training dates for Edmonton:
Wednesday and Thursday, October 28 and 29, 2015
Thursday and Friday, December 3 and 4, 2015
The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training course was developed to help people provide
initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a
mental health crisis.
MHFA Canada teaches mental health first aid skills. MHFA Canada: for Adults who Interact
with Youth focuses on the mental health problems and first aid for youth ages 12 to 24. Mental
health problems often first develop during adolescence or early childhood, with half of all mental
disorders beginning by age 14, and 75 percent beginning by age 24.
Most mental disorders develop gradually. The early signs and symptoms of developing mental
health problems will be different from the more established clinical profiles which are reflected
later in life. The social, educational and family environments in which mental disorders occur in
young people are also different from those later in life. Therefore, the information in this course
is designed to be sensitive to the unique aspects of mental health problems in young people. It
is meant to assist education professionals, health providers, parents and other adults in the
identification of mental health problems and appropriate first aid intervention strategies.
The following mental health problems are covered: Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders,
Psychosis, Substance Use Disorder, Eating Disorders, and Deliberate Self-Injury.
The following mental health crisis situations are covered: Suicidal Behavior, Overdoses,
Panic Attacks, Reactions to Traumatic Events, and Psychotic Episodes.
About the facilitator: Carol Siziba - Carol has substantial experience in supporting treatment
programs for children and youth. She is passionate about supporting families and teams who
are working with children and youth and operates from a strength-based resilient perspective.
She has practical professional work experience in the field of mental health, providing supports
on an individual basis as well as group basis. She has excellent interpersonal and
communication skills with tremendous ability to work with a diversified population on a variety of
levels. She has experience in facilitating Response Ability Pathways training also known as
RAP as well as experience facilitating Peacemaking Circles. The knowledge and experience
from facilitating the various trainings enables Carol to conduct this training effectively. Carol has
a Masters’ Degree in Psychology Counselling and has gained valuable experience working
alongside registered psychiatrists as well as registered psychologists.
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Application Date:
Coordinator Initial:
Workshop Name:
Payment Information
Standard Fee:
Start Date
End Date:
Subsidized Fee:
Payment Method
Applicant Name:
Cash / Debit
Credit Card
Postal Code:
Phone: (H)
Phone: (W)
Phone: (C)
Birth Date: (m/d/y)
Gender: M / F
Card #
Expiry Date:
Email :
Name on card:
Ethnic Background: (eg. Canadian, Irish, Spanish, Mexican)
First Nations
Payment Dates and
Are you currently receiving services from other programs with CSS? If
yes, which program: ___________________________________
For spouse / partner / child attending same workshop:
2nd Application Name:
Address: (If different from above)
Postal Code:
Phone: (H)
Phone: (W)
Phone: (C)
Birth Date: (m/d/y)
Gender: M / F
Are you currently receiving services from other programs with CSS? If
yes, which program: ___________________________________
Third Party Registrant /
Child Welfare
Probation Officer
Social Worker
Personal Information (for statistical purposes):
Marital Status:
Never Married
Married / Common-Law
Widowed Separated
How did you find out about this workshop?
Counsellor / Therapist
Edmonton Examiner
Other Publication:___________________________________
Is a release of information
form required?
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