RAINFALL ESTIMATE FOR FLOOD MANAGEMENT USING METEOROLOGICAL DATA FROM SATELLITE IMAGERY SAISUNEE BUDHAKOONCHAROEN Water Resources Engineering Division, Civil Engineering Department Mahanakorn University of Technology 51 Cheum Samphan Rd., Nong Chok, Bangkok 10530 Thailand Tel. 661- 3095187 Fax. 662- 9883666 Ext. 281-5 Ext.313 E-mail : saisunee@mut.ac.th This article presents the investigation of the relation between rainfall measured by the synoptic stations and that forecasted from the meteorological satellite image taken by Japan’s Geostationary Meteorological Satellite, GMS-5. The north basin of Pasak River in central Thailand was the area selected for this study. The observed rainfall from the synoptic stations located at Muang, Lomsak and Wichianburi Districts, Petchabun Province during wet season (May to October) of the years 1997 and 1998 were analyzed to find out the relations to the cloud top temperature taken from the meteorological satellite image during the same period of time. As the results, the relation between rainfall and cloud top temperature could be revealed by the equations: P = 2.52 x 10 28 Tp– 11.411, P = 7.57 x 1024 Tp– 9.555 and P = 1.796 x 1026 Tp–10.525 with the correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.7527, 0.6829 and 0.8149 for rain gauge stations at the districts of Muang, Lomsak and Wichianburi respectively, where P is the value of rainfall in millimeter and T p is the value of the cloud top temperature in degree Kelvin. Then, the empirical equations were used to estimate the rainfall during the wet season of the years 1999 and 2000 in comparison with the actual rainfall measured from the corresponding synoptic stations during the same period of time. Such comparison gave the correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.8249, 0.6591 and 0.8411 respectively. This result revealed that the estimated rainfall gave an acceptable relation with the values of actually measured at the same period of time. The result of this rainfall estimate is expected to challenge the further study to transform the estimated values of rainfall into the flood hydrograph using appropriate rainfall-runoff model. It can be conclude that this initiation is therefore, alternatively served as an initial challenge for further development of real time flood forecast using more sufficient and appropriate meteorological data from satellite imagery or other types of remote sensing observation. INTRODUCTION In the past decades, many urban areas around the world have been experiencing a dramatic increase in disaster due to flood. Flood is one of the extreme hydrological events which has been a major concern since the dawn of human civilization. Especially the flash flood, it can cause the greatest number of deaths and the greatest damage in a sudden. The impact of flood on people’s livelihood may be much longer than the water take to recede. The effect of lost and degraded assets can also have very much long-term impact on society and ecosystems. It is obvious that flood incident has become the limiting factor to economic and social development. Therefore, various efforts have been set out for establishment of the proper prevention and mitigation to reach sustainable level to relief flood stress in such a way that avoid the past mistakes and satisfy the widest range of needs and maintain the natural ecosystem (Budhakooncharoen, S., [2]). The current situation to cope with this type of water related extreme event is diversified into four levels, namely disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation, emergency response and disaster recovery. Among promising response strategies, the role of forecast and warning system is widely taken into consideration in several research studies to contribute to the systematic preparedness of urban flood management. This calls for a sequence of several steps (Todini, E., [12]), namely establishing an effective monitoring to detect all possible formation of storm through meteorological conditions and hydrological process which may lead to the extreme event. Future river flow condition and water stage are forecasted on the place, time, magnitude, areal extension, duration and time span of crisis based mathematical modeling including meteorological, hydrological and hydraulic models (Bronstert, A., [1]). Warning is sent to the appropriate authorities and to the public. The population at risk and the authorities responsible for the defense responds to the warning. Finally, assistance during and after the disaster hit is taken place, eg. provision of food, drinking water, shelter and medical care including reconstruction of infrastructure, rehabilitation of the environment and of the defense system. The challenge lies in the improvement of meteorological model to assess in detail the location and the magnitude of rainfall especially the local convective heavy thunderstorm that may cause flash flood. Then, the hydrological model plays an important role to simulate the transformation of rainfall into run-off as part of a real time flood prediction system. Hydraulic model provides details of flow and stage for different locations and times of flood wave propagation. Improvement and coupling of all modeling system will allow for increased early warning lead-times to alleviate flood damage. To contribute in this research study to the early step of real time flood forecast, it has led to the option using remote sensing data to estimate the rainfall in a pilot study area. REAL–TIME FLOOD FORECASTING Rainfall is a major factor controlling the hydrology in the region. It is the main input of flood. The study of rainfall is thus of fundamental importance especially for flash flood disaster management. Among the promising response strategies to cope with urban flood management, the role of watch, forecast and warning system is widely taken into consideration in several research studies to contribute to the systematic preparedness. In addition to those mentioned in the abstract, calls for a sequence of several steps in the earlier years to estimate the precipitation such as Grose et.al. [3], V.Thorne et.al. [11], Gruber et.al. [4], Krajewski et.al. [7], etc. with greatest emphasis on use of satellite imagery. To contribute in this research study to the early step of real time flood forecast, it has led to the accomplish of term projects of civil engineering students at Mahanakorn University of Technology. The main purpose of study is to estimate the convective rainfall using meteorological satellite image. And this paper is also attempted to compare the accuracy of estimated rainfall with that measured by the synoptic stations. In this paper, the concept of using estimated rainfall for application in real – time flood forecasting is described. The data used in the study is summarized. The results of 2 the study consisting of analyses of estimated rainfall along with estimate verification results are presented. Finally, summary conclusions are made in this paper. The increase in damage caused by flood is due to the area vulnerable to higher risk of flood disaster. In the other side, it can’t help accusing the weakness in natural disaster management in the past which concentrate in a reactive approach especially dealing with rescue operation and rehabilitation. One should rethink to establish a better and more holistic concept such as the proactive approach in disaster management which incorporates a full management cycle of flood disaster preparedness, readiness, emergency response and recovery / rehabilitation. The concept of real – time rainfall estimate using satellite data provides guidance to hydrologist issuing flash flood watch, forecast and warning. This is due to the reason that use of conventional rain gauge measurements is limited because their distribution is sparse and not available in mountainous and remote areas. The rainfall estimate should be accomplished on real time basis from remote sensing data. Appropriate rainfall – runoff model is used. Discharge and water level along the river in any sub–basin are simulated using the hydrodynamic model. If the real time data is available, flood forecast and warning will be automatically issued through a pre-defined time span. METHODOLOGY AND CASE STUDY The cloud of cold top produces more rainfall than that with warmer top. The convective thunderstorm is characterized by very low cloud top temperature (195 – 210 Kelvin) (Scherer and Hudlow, 1971 ; Scofield, 1987). Due to its acceptable relation, the power – law regression fit between cloud top temperature and precipitation rate was studied in many research activities, such as Goodman et.al (1994), Martin et.al (1990), Gagin et.al. (1985) etc. In this study, rainfall estimate was initially accomplished by compute the power – law regression relationship between cloud top temperature and observed rainfall rate. This regression was derived from a statistical record of cloud top temperature (202 – 244 Kelvin) converted from the consecutive hourly GMS – 5 satellite images in infrared band and the 3 – hour rainfall rate measured at the synoptic stations north of Pasak river basin in Central Thailand during wet season (May to October) of the years 1997 and 1998 (see Figure 1). In this study, only convective rainfall rate of greater than 10 mm. per 3 hours was considered. Every satellite image is coincident within time difference of one hour. Next, verification of the empirical equations obtained were made by using to estimate the rainfall during the wet season of the years 1999 and 2000 in comparison with the actual rainfall measured from the corresponding synoptic stations during the same period of time 3 Figure 1. Pilot study area, Pasak river basin in central Thailand (Note: The bar graphs in the figure are mean monthly rainfall in mm.) RAINFALL RATE & CLOUD TOP TEMPERATURE The statistical relationship between GMS cloud top brightness temperature and 3 – hourly rainfall measurement over the study area during wet season (May to October) of the years 1997 and 1998 with one - hour time lag is presented in Figure 2. The result of power – law fit between instantaneous observed cloud top temperature and rainfall rate is shown in Figure 3 and could be revealed by the equations in Table 1 Table 1. Power – law regression fit between cloud top temperature and rainfall observations over the study area during wet season of the years 1997 and 1998 Synoptic stations Muang (379201) Lomsak (379401) Wichianburi (379402) Power – law regressions P = 2.52 x 1028 Tp– 11.411 P = 7.57 x 1024 Tp– 9.555 P = 1.796 x 1026 Tp–10.525 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.7527 0.6829 0.8149 where P is the value of convective rainfall rate in millimeter per three hours, Tp is the value of the cloud top temperature from the consecutive hourly GMS satellite images in infrared band in degree Kelvin. 4 Rainfall measurement (m m. per three hours ) Station code 379201 (Muang) Station code 379401 (Lomsak) Station code 379402 (Wichianburi) 200 200 200 150 150 150 100 100 100 50 50 50 0 0 0 200 220 240 200 Cloud top temperature 220 200 240 220 240 Tp (Kelvin) Figure 2. Statistical relationship between cloud top temperature and rainfall observations over the study area during wet season of the years 1997 and 1998 Station code 379201 (Muang) 1000 Station code 379402 (Wichianburi) Station code 379401 (Lomsak) 1000 100 100 100 10 10 10 Rainfall measurement (mm. per three hours) 1000 28 P = 2.52 x 10 Tp -11.411 24 P = 7.57 x 10 Tp 2 R = 0.7527 240 Cloud top temperature 200 -10.525 2 R = 0.8149 1 220 P =1.796 x 10 Tp R = 0.6829 1 200 26 -9.9555 2 1 220 240 200 220 240 Tp (Kelvin) Figure 3. Power - law regression fit between cloud top temperature and rainfall observations over the study area during wet season of the years 1997 and 1998 5 Station code 379201 (Muang) Estimated rainfall (mm. per three hours) 100 Station code 379402 (Wichinburi) Station code 379401 (Lomsak) 100 100 75 75 R2 = 0.8249 75 R2 = 0.6591 50 50 50 25 25 25 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 Observed rainfall R2 = 0.8411 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 (mm.per three hours) Figure 4. Comparison between estimated and observed rainfall rates during the wet season of the years 1999 and 2000 VERIFICATION Verification was made by estimating the rainfall rate through the above power – law regression during the wet season of the years 1999 and 2000 in comparison with the actual rainfall measured from the corresponding synoptic stations during the same period of time as shown in Figure 4. The correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.8249, 0.6591 and 0.8411 were respectively achieved for rain gauge stations at the districts of Muang, Lomsak and Wichianburi. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS This paper describes the development of power – law regression relationship between cloud top brightness temperature provided by the GMS – 5 satellite and the observed rainfall rate collected from three adjacent synoptic stations in Central Thailand. The aim of this early step study is to estimate rainfall for further study in flash flood forecasting. Preliminary result of this study on the potential application of this technique to flash flood / heavy rainfall prediction is encouraging. It is indicated from the result that the relationship is likely to be regionally dependent. A relationship derived from one special case will not accurately fit another. However, the result of study has demonstrated the viability for additional validation and sensitivity analyses. Since rain tends to be a random variable, the accurate estimate thus depends not only on instantaneous rainfall amount for a point. Cloud top temperature distribution as well as areal and temporal variation of the 6 cloud system will help locate the going to rain area. A great deal of work is still required to strengthen the study introduced in this paper. It is expected to model a relationship that is able to extract all possible variables that are related to the rainfall process. 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