Kids Kollege Ltd General Welfare Requirement: Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Welfare Sick Child and Staff Statements of Intent At Kids Kollege Ltd we believe that every child and employee’s health is of paramount importance, and will uphold standards to prevent the spread of illness that are preventable. Guidelines for Sick children and staff Kids Kollege Ltd recognise and appreciate that a working parent needs to be able to go to work, however, if your child is unwell then they will be better cared for in their own home by a parent. We are happy to care for children who have minor coughs and colds, but will not care for children who are; Very unwell, unable to stand, unable to function, lacks desire to eat or drink, or has an infectious illness (Sickness and/or diarrhoea) have an infectious rash, high temperature. Kids Kollege Ltd has an obligation to consider welfare of all the children in the setting. Kids Kollege Ltd has an obligation to the welfare of its staff. Children who have had sickness and/or diarrhoea must not attend the setting until after 48 hours after the last episode. Any child who has an episode of sickness and/or diarrhoea whilst at the setting, will be sent home immediately and action will be taken to prevent the spread to other children. If a child becomes ill we will Make the child as comfortable as possible. Isolate them from other children if necessary and reassure them. We will contact parent/first point of contact immediately and continue to care for your child until you/they arrive. If we cannot contact parent/first point of contact, then we will contact emergency contacts provided to us on your child’s registration form. The setting will not administer medication ‘as standard’ unless circumstances require us to. The staff have an obligation to inform parents of infectious illnesses, within their close family units, providing information such as symptoms and duration. This allows parents to make an informed decision on whether they wish their child to attend or not. Kids Kollege Ltd reserves the right to close the setting for a period of time, if the staff are unable to attend, due to illness. Please note that any parents who pay for their sessions will be refunded for any days the setting is closed. © Kids Kollege Ltd 2014 Date Revised: 29/10/2014 Serious Illness Symptoms A high pitched/weak/continuous cry Lack of responsiveness, reduction in activity or increased floppiness Stiff neck Not drinking for more than 8 hours High temperature with cold hands and feet High temperature accompanied by quietness and listlessness Fits, convulsions or seizures Turning blue, very pale or mottled skin Difficulty breathing Fast breathing Grunting while breathing Unusually drowsy Hard to wake up Confusion Spotty, purple rash, anywhere on the body Repeated and/or bile stained vomiting It can be difficult to know when to call an ambulance or to attend Accident and Emergency. Call an ambulance if your child… Stops breathing Is struggling to breathe Is unconscious Confused and/or dazed (does not know where they/what’s happening) Go straight to A&E if your child… Has had fit/seizure Has a high fever and persistently lethargic, despite taking paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen Has difficulty breathing (fast, panting, and/or wheezing) Has a cut that will not stop bleeding or is gaping Has a leg or arm injury and cannot use the limb Has swallowed tablets or poison This Policy is part of the Kids Kollege Ltd Good Practice Procedures which are adhered to as everyday practice by all staff working at the setting. All staff have read the policy and will sign a confirmation form to acknowledge the following: © Kids Kollege Ltd 2014 Date Revised: 29/10/2014 1) They have read and understood to the policy 2) Agree to abide by the guidelines, practices, procedures and methods stated within the policy. © Kids Kollege Ltd 2014 Date Revised: 29/10/2014