VERTIMAR-2005 Symposium on Marine Accidental Oil Spills Decrease and rebound effect of some indicator taxa after the Prestige oil spill in the Galician Atlantic shelf Alberto SERRANO1, Francisco SÁNCHEZ1, Izaskun PRECIADO1, Santiago PARRA2 and Inmaculada FRUTOS2 1 Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Santander, Spain 2 Instituto Español de Oceanografía, A Coruña, Spain ABSTRACT. Two years after the Prestige oil spill (POS) an assessment of the effects on benthic fauna was carried out using the data obtained in 5 multidisciplinary surveys. Otter trawl was used to study demersal, and megaepibenthic communities and a beam trawl was used to study macro- and megaepibenthic fauna along eight transects perpendicular to the coastline. Beam trawl was also employed to quantify the amount of tar aggregates on the continental shelf. No correlation between tar concentration and indicator densities was detected. Nevertheless, a decrease in the densities of several megafaunal indicators was detected the first year after spill, followed by a noteworthy recovery in 2004. Nonmacroscopic toxicity and some oceanographic agents are suggested as possible causes of these shifts. 1. INTRODUCTION The Prestige oil spill (POS) resulted in the release of over 50 000 tons of heavy oil (type M100) 250 miles from the Galician coastline in oceanic waters (Northwest Iberian Peninsula) in November 2002. Heavier fractions of oil reached the bottom by dropping from the water column as tar aggregates with low bioavailability or in the form of small toxic particles in sea snow. Therefore, the taxa initially affected by those sedimented oil components are assumed to be secondary producers, suspension feeders and detritivorous organisms, followed by planktophagous and benthophagous organisms in the trophic web. These possible shifts in the abundances of lower trophic levels would unleash cascading bottom-up type ecosystem effects (Peterson et al., 2003). On the other hand, top-down effects may also be relevant due to spatiotemporal prohibitions on trawling following the POS, which reduced fishing mortality and led to an enhancement in the biomass of top predators that affected lower trophic levels. These cascading changes may affect benthic taxa in different ways. Several sensitive or opportunistic taxa can be used as indicators. Megabenthic species of slow growth and with slow recovery capability, mainly crustaceans and echinoderms, show a high sensitivity to oil exposure. Several studies have shown a fall in populations of sensitive species, such as megafaunal crabs, gastropoda and echinoderms (Elmgren et al., 1983; Feder & Blanchard, 1998). Furthermore, initial mortalities may be followed by extreme fluctuations of stress-tolerant or opportunistic species (Suchanek, 1993). The main goal of the present work was to study variations in indicator taxa following the POS and to analyse the relevance of tar aggregates on the abundance and composition of taxa distribution. 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results obtained in the present work suggest that tar aggregates found on the bottoms of the Galician continental shelf after the POS did not affect the distribution of demersal and benthic indicators. Tar aggregate abundance did not show any significant correlation with indicator densities. The low bioavailability of tar aggregates probably provides the explanation for these results. Nevertheless, negative correlations between depth and Triglidae, Catshark and Paguridae densities were found showing that variable as the main factor in indicator distribution. The lack of correlations between the distribution of macroscopic tar aggregates and the distribution of all benthic compartments does not imply an absence of effects of the POS in shelf communities. Soluble components and toxic sea snow (microparticled oil, oiled plankton) are not estimated by our methodology, and these sources of toxicity may affect the whole area. All megafaunal indicator taxa well-sampled in the otter trawls (rays and urchins did not present significant yearly variations), except pouting, monkfish and starfishes showed a significant decrease in density in 2003 with respect to pre-POS years (Fig. 1). Indicators VERTIMAR-2005 Symposium on Marine Accidental Oil Spills showing a clearer decrease in 2003 were benthic species with a higher muddy-affinity, and benthophagous fishes. All taxa except pouting and Paguridae presented a significant recovery the following year with respect to 2003 (Fig. 1). Figures 2-5 show the decrease in 2003 and the recovery of 2004, and how these shifts in indicators densities affected the whole area, not only the maximum impact zone. SIMPER multivariate analysis on the megafaunal indicators in the maximum impact zone indicated that the same taxa that typified the post-POS decrease typified the clear recovery in 2004. Plesionika heterocarpus, Munida sp. and flatfishes were the three species that most percentage of similarity explained in the perturbation dichotomy (2002-03), and also in the recovery dichotomy (2003-04). This rapid recovery of indicator taxa in autumn 2004 is remarkable. Several studies reported benthic long-term recovery over 3-15 years following oil spills (e.g. Feder & Blanchard, 1998). In contrast, there are scarce reports on the quick rebound of benthic fauna after post-spill decreases (Elmgren et al., 1983; Dean et al., 1996) that is explained as a consequence of the recovery from unoiled adjacent sites. Nevertheless, the absence of unoiled areas in the shelf after the POS and the evidence of density decreases throughout the Galician shelf may indicate that the origin of recovery is to be found in causes other than emigration. Enhanced nutrient availability and changes in interspecific relationships, such as a decrease in predation or competition pressure, may be causes of the rebound effect detected. The fall in the indicator densities in 2003 may reflect bottom-up changes derived from the POS, although these changes may also be related to other factors not taken into account in this work. Factors such as upwelling and outwelling processes or the strength of the Navidad” flow are of great importance to the benthic regime of the Galician shelf, determining primary and secondary production changes or larval advection. Nevertheless, a historical perspective is required to corroborate the megafaunal decrease/rebound shifts of 2002-2003 or the absence of infaunal indicator changes, since important interannual fluctuations in benthic fauna may be characteristic in the Galician continental shelf. REFERENCES Dean, T.A., Jewett, S.C., Laur, D.R., Smith, R.O., 1996. Injury to epibenthic invertebrates resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. In R.B. Spies, D.A. Wolfe, B.A. Wright, Proceedings of the Exxon Valdez Symposium, pp. 424-439. American Fisheries Society Symposium Elmgren, R., Hansson, S., Larsson, U., Sundelin, B., Boehm, P.D., 1983. The "Tsesis" oil spill: acute and long-term impact on benthos. Mar. Biol. 73, 51-65. Feder, H.M., Blanchard, A., 1998. The deep benthos of Prince William Sound, Alaska, 16 months after Exxon Valdez oil spill. Mar. Poll. Bull. 36, 118-130. Peterson, C.H.; Rice, S.D.; Short, J.W.; Esler, D.; Bodkin,J.L.; Ballachey, B.E. & Irons, D.B. 2003. Long-term ecosystem response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Science, 302, 20822086 Suchanek, T.H., 1993. Oil impacts on marine invertebrate populations and communities. Amer. Zool. 33, 510-523. VERTIMAR-2005 Symposium on Marine Accidental Oil Spills Figure 1. Densities (number / 30 min otter trawl ± SE) of indicator species or groups of species in the pre-POS and post-POS periods. 350 30 250 number / 30 min traw l number / 30 min t raw l 300 200 150 100 20 10 50 0 0 Four-spot megrim Other flatfis hes Forkbeard Spotted dragonet Triglidae 15 6000 number / 30 min traw l number / 30 min t rawl 5000 10 5 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 Pouting Catshark Monkfish Plesionika heterocarpus Munida sp 15 50 number / 30 min traw l number / 30 min traw l 40 30 20 10 5 10 0 0 Crabs 2001 Nephrops Paguridae 2002 --- POS --- Starfishes 2003 2004 VERTIMAR-2005 Symposium on Marine Accidental Oil Spills Figure 2. Spatial distribution of flatfishes (L. boscii excluded) densities in the study area in the pre-POS and post-POS periods (historical series of surveys 2001-04). 44.0° 500 44.0° 0 20 0 10 43.5° 43.5° 43.0° 43.0° FLATFISHES Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2001 FLATFISHES Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2002 0 0 125 42.5° 125 42.5° 250 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 250 500 500 1000 1000 8.0° 10.0° 44.0° 44.0° 43.5° 43.5° 43.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 43.0° FLATFISHES Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2003 8.0° FLATFISHES Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2004 0 0 125 42.5° 125 42.5° 250 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 250 500 500 1000 1000 8.0° 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° Figure 3. Spatial distribution of forkbeard (Phycis blennoides) densities in the study area in the pre-POS and post-POS periods (historical series of surveys 200144.0° 500 44.0° 0 20 0 10 43.5° 43.5° 43.0° FORKBEARD Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2001 43.0° FORKBEARD Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2002 0 10 42.5° 0 10 42.5° 20 20 40 40 80 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° 80 10.0° 44.0° 44.0° 43.5° 43.5° 43.0° FORKBEARD Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2003 9.5° 9.0° 43.0° 8.5° FORKBEARD Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2004 0 10 42.5° 0 10 42.5° 20 20 40 40 80 04). 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° 8.0° 80 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° VERTIMAR-2005 Symposium on Marine Accidental Oil Spills Figure 4. Spatial distribution of spotted dragonet (Callyonimus maculatus) densities in the study area in the pre-POS and post-POS periods (historical series of surveys 2001-04). 44.0° 500 44.0° 0 20 0 10 43.5° 43.5° 43.0° SPOTTED DRAGONET Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2001 43.0° SPOTTED DRAGONET Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2002 0 10 42.5° 0 10 42.5° 20 20 40 40 80 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° 80 10.0° 44.0° 44.0° 43.5° 43.5° 43.0° SPOTTED DRAGONET Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2003 9.5° 9.0° 43.0° 8.5° SPOTTED DRAGONET Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2004 0 10 42.5° 0 10 42.5° 20 20 40 40 80 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° 8.0° 80 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° Figure 5. Spatial distribution of crab densities in the study area in the pre-POS and post-POS periods (historical series of surveys 2001-04). 44.0° 500 44.0° 0 20 0 10 43.5° 43.5° 43.0° CRABS Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2001 43.0° CRABS Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2002 0 50 42.5° 0 50 42.5° 100 100 200 200 400 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° 400 10.0° 44.0° 44.0° 43.5° 43.5° 43.0° CRABS Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2003 9.5° 9.0° 43.0° 8.5° CRABS Density (nº ∙ haul) Autumn 2004 0 50 42.5° 0 50 42.5° 100 100 200 200 400 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0° 8.0° 400 10.0° 9.5° 9.0° 8.5° 8.0°