Incident Response Mechanism for Chemical Facilities Stephen C. Fortier and Greg Shaw The George Washington University Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management School of Engineering and Applied Science Washington, D.C., USA Abstract Chemical facilities are an integral part of the critical infrastructure of the United States and remain vulnerable to natural and man-made threats. Harmful contact incidents at many chemical facilities present the potential for significant loss of life or property for the enterprise, as well as the surrounding community. The threat to these facilities has increased significantly since 9/11, because of the propensity of terror organizations to target this industry. Regardless of the origin of the threat, chemical facilities should have a consistent and repeatable emergency response mechanism when responding to incidents. Research has found that there is no standard or defined response mechanism that has been published for the chemical industry. This research-in-progress will produce a model emergency response mechanism for a typical chemical facility. In addition, this research will identify state-of-the-art information technologies that could be utilized by the emergency model response mechanism and determine the impact that these technologies would have on improving system response. This research will analyze the current practices for emergency response for chemical facilities and provide a model that could be utilized by small or large chemical facilities. It will determine what technologies, specifically decision support systems, could be utilized to improve the chemical facility emergency response mechanism. The results will provide statistical estimates that will predict the range for an improved solution for an emergency response mechanism. The benefit of conducting this research will provide the chemical industry with a model emergency response mechanism, and a review of the state-of-the-art technologies that could be used to improve incidence response. Keywords Emergency management, early warning systems, information technology, situational awareness, IDEF0 modeling, business process modeling, simulation, chemical facility. INTRODUCTION Chemical facilities have developed safety and security protection mechanisms to control access, but these mechanisms were not originally designed to protect against intentional outsider threats. Although there is legislation in the U.S. that requires certain reporting requirements, the onus to provide protection and emergency response 6th Dresden Symposium Hazards – Detection and Management September 20-24, 2010 lies with the private companies themselves (Lippin, 2006). The size and financial health of each chemical facility has a major bearing on its ability to provide an effective and timely response to harmful contact incidents. This research is reviewing the following questions: 1. What are the essential elements of an effective and efficient chemical facility emergency response mechanism? 2. What technologies are currently being used, or could be used by chemical facilities to improve the emergency response mechanism? 3. How do you optimize the technologies used in emergency response to provide an optimal solution? 4. How do you measure the value and effectiveness of information technologies in this environment? 5. Does the size of a chemical facility influence its ability to provide an effective response to a threat? Chemical sites have an inherent risk of causing property or humanity loss due to an uncontrolled release of chemicals. The risk of potential unwanted exposure has increased since 9/11, since terror organizations have targeted chemical facilities. The U.S. government has undertaken a program to protect its critical infrastructure assets. The chemical industry is one of the critical infrastructure components. Although the U.S. government has enacted legislation, the onus for protection and response falls largely on the individual chemical companies (Belke, 2000). Chemical facilities come in all shapes and sizes, and it is more difficult for the smaller facilities to protect themselves, and hence respond to the new threats. Many of the managers of critical infrastructure assets use the “acceptable risk” method for protecting their assets and they do not consult with people in the existing communities. For instance, the chemical industry views risk in three ways: chemical inventory, worst-case assessment and population at risk. “Since 9/11, in the absence of federal legislation, ACC members have led the way, investing nearly $3 billion on facility security enhancements such as intrusion prevention/detection and perimeter protection, screening employees and improving cyber-security (ACC, 2007).” But the efforts of the industry members have been focused on prevention. The chemical industry is pushing the notion of inherent safer design in their facilities. Yet, the corporate managers have not ensured buy in from its factory workers. Chemical plant workers are not happy with recent government regulations (Hendershot, Berger, 2006) of their industry. A United Steel Worker’s (USW) analysis (Schierow, 2005) of the Government’s document revealed the following faults: Employees are not involved in plant safety, and there is little or no protection for whistle blowers 6th Dresden Symposium Hazards – Detection and Management September 20-24, 2010 Chemical companies are not required to use less hazardous chemicals or inherently safer technologies Potential preemption of more stringent extant laws and propose state laws “The Homeland Security rules for the nation's high risk chemical plants fall far short of what is needed to truly make facilities safe from terrorist attacks,” said USW President Leo W. Gerard (Dorry, 2004). “It's another example of the Bush Administration's attempt to appear as if it is taking care of industrial safety problems. Security actions alone are insufficient to protect workers and communities.” Emergency Response Mechanisms During the operation phase of many engineering systems, a considerable number of problems, faults, and incidents can occur leading to direct and indirect consequences ranging from citizen complaints and increased operational cost to human lives losses and possibly to disasters. This is especially true when dealing with chemical processing or producing facilities. In order to retain an operation mode that is considered “normal” the engineers are using models and techniques from a wide range of principles like risk and barrier analysis, cognitive analysis, psychology, ergonomics, computer-human interaction, etc. They are aiming to design better and safer facilities and proper operating procedures to minimize the number of harmful contact incidents. However, during the operation stage of many engineering systems, the timely warning and response of imminent problems is more desirable in terms of economic, political, environmental, and human resources than to deal with the outbreak and aftermath in an ad-hoc manner. Thus chemical facilities managers and personnel have to receive and understand the information that is transmitted by the components of the system and by the surrounding environment indicating potential occurrence of unwanted events. Based on these information flows the personnel must react accordingly in order to prevent the unwanted events from occurring or mitigate loss if an event occurs. In this framework, information-based computer systems and communication systems can help managers and personnel to prevent operational problems and failures by informing them about the inherent risks and hazards in a timely manner by delivering a clear message to stakeholders and by providing a list of emergency response procedures. An early warning system (EWS) in engineering facilities, specifically chemical facilities, can assist in estimating the occurrence and probability of operational problems during operations and to provide advice on how to respond to incidents. This research views EWS as an integral component of an emergency response mechanism. RESEARCH PROGRAM AND GOALS The purpose of this research is to characterize the methods, practices, experiences and problems with chemical facilities responding to terrorism, insider threats, or natural disasters. Speed to identification of a problem and response to mitigate potential losses is critical. Special interest is being paid to small production facilities where reports have 6th Dresden Symposium Hazards – Detection and Management September 20-24, 2010 indicated that these facilities lack the resources to implement rudimentary safety and security precautions. A specific concern is how information technology is used to provide the situational awareness of the inherent risks in the environment. A review of the literature finds that there is little published in the area of emergency response mechanisms for chemical facilities. This is a two phase research project. The first phase will analyze relevant data, and conduct site visits to chemical facilities. The second phase will mode and simulate the utilization of various technology to determine the potential benefit and utility for the response mechanism. As a case study, 12 chemical facilities will be selected to analyze the response mechanism when a facility experiences a harmful contact incident. Of the 12, there is a mixture of large and small chemical producing/processing facilities. In addition to the review of the actual chemical facilities, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data is being analyzed to enhance the views developed by the modeling. The analysis of the data and the site visits are currently underway. This research will take a look at a new way to leverage the above mechanisms to achieve information reuse and drastically improved situational awareness. A systems integration approach will be employed to risk mitigation and vulnerability reduction. The IDEF0 (FIPS 183, 1993) modeling will be used to bind the problem space. Once bounded, application of IDEF0 models allows the decomposition of the activities of the chemical facility emergency response mechanism. The application of IDEF0 model will identify the information flow between the activities. These information flows are integral to understanding critical elements of the response mechanism. The “as is” models are being developed and they will be “normalized” to a single model to characterize the typical emergency response mechanism. In the second phase of this research, the authors will propose a “to be” view of an efficient response mechanism for a chemical facility. There are extant and evolving technologies that could be used for the response mechanism when emergencies occur at chemical facilities and this research will determine what is being used in the industry. This research proposes using simulation modeling. The model will contain both elements of DES and continuous simulation. The simulation model will be developed using the Arena tool. The design approach will utilize the process models developed earlier and will be converted into simulation models. There will be a clear understanding of the problem space because the models started as a top-down analysis and the top level models will be decomposed until they can be effectively processed by the Arena toolset. The Arena toolset allows each element of the system, and the connection/relationships between elements are modeled in a flow chart visual environment, similar to IDEF0 process models. Figure 1 illustrates a basic model of an emergency response mechanism that has been developed. 6th Dresden Symposium Hazards – Detection and Management September 20-24, 2010 Figure 1. Arena Simulation Model of a Generic Emergency Response Mechanism The basic building blocks for simulation model creation include Create, Dispose, Process, Decide, Assign and Record. Each block represents the functionality that will be used in the model. This model was derived from the initial research into incident response models, or standard emergency response mechanisms. The model was also influenced by the requirements of federal regulations for chemical facilities. Typically, chemical facilities produce emergency plans that require 24-hour emergency coordination, a plan of action and a review of off-site consequence analysis. The plan of action usually consist of on-site response plans, alarms, location of sensors to monitor or test the air and off-site response plans. The simulation model follows a typical sequence when there is a chemical release detected. It answers the following questions: 1. What is the identification of the chemical? Is the release a result of a chemical interaction? 2. Is the chemical an EHS or CERCLA hazardous substance (CFATS, 2007)? 3. What quantity was released? 4. What was (or is) the time and duration of the release? 5. What was the release mode? Waterborne or airborne? 6. Is there any acute or chronic health risks associated with this release? 7. What medical information is available for exposed individuals? 8. What part of the local community could be impacted by the release? 6th Dresden Symposium Hazards – Detection and Management September 20-24, 2010 9. Should the effected area shelter in place or evacuate? Decision support tools will be introduced into the simulation model to determine the most efficient or optimal solution, in terms of speed of response to the above problems (questions)? The technologies included in the simulation are, but not limited to: Alert mechanisms such as chemical sensors, text messaging, Twitter messaging, SMS messaging, and broadcast alerts Analysis mechanisms such as atmospheric dispersion models, evacuation models, and damage assessment models Decision support systems and associated technology The expected impact of this research on response mechanisms for chemical facilities includes the following: a. Normalized view of an efficient response mechanism b. Understanding of the impact the size of a chemical facility has on the structure and processes of the response mechanism c. Evaluation of current technology on related to the response mechanism The result of this modeling activity would allow for information sharing and consistency between the mechanisms of response, plant operation, and external response organizations. This could potentially improve emergency preparedness planning. This methodology, taken from business process engineering, will rationalize the potential threats to a chemical facility and the possible actions one could take to mitigate potential losses. CONCLUSION This research highlights the need to define an effective and cost efficient emergency response mechanism for chemical facilities. This proposal comprehensively reviewed the existing literature on the chemical industry, community right-to-know, information technology for emergency response, early warning systems, and modeling and simulation. The proposal offers to conduct a two-phase mixed method study on defining emergency response for small and large chemical facilities. Both the qualitative analysis of the current response mechanisms and the quantitative analysis provided by the simulation of the information technology components could provide the industry with valuable information on future technology investments. This analysis could also elucidate any potential problems of chemical facilities that do not conscribe with the “normal” emergency response architecture. The proposed research is unique and valuable to both the research community and industry. Rinaldi (2004) called for researchers to develop simulation models in the area of critical infrastructure protection, and this research will contribute to the general body 6th Dresden Symposium Hazards – Detection and Management September 20-24, 2010 of knowledge. There has been no other identified research conducted on emergency response mechanism for chemical facilities. Although this research will define an optimal response mechanism for chemical facilities, the onus is on that industry to build the infrastructure to be responsive to harmful incidents. The chemical industry still operates in the mode of self regulation and considers the EPA mandates to be “suggestions” in many instances. The results of this research will be shared with the participants in a structured process and other peer organizations so that the results can be validated. The benefit of conducting this research will provide the chemical industry with a model emergency response mechanism, and a review of the state-of-the-art technologies that could be used to improve incidence response. The ultimate goal is to provide accurate information about a release in the shortest time possible. REFERENCES 1. ACC, 2007, American Chemical Council, 2. FIPS 183, (1993) FIPS Publication 183, 3. Belke, J.C., (2000) “Chemical accident risks in U.S. industry – A preliminary analysis of accident risk data from U.S. hazardous chemical facilities, U.S. EPA, 25 September 2000 4. Schierow, L, (2005) Chemical Plant Security, CRS Report for Congress, Updated February 14, 2005 5. Dorry, N., Jayaraman, N., (2004) “Chemical Industry vs. Public Interest: Redefining the Public Debate on Chemical Security,” Center for Public Integrity, 6. CFATS (2007) Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard, 7. Rinaldi, S.M., “Modeling and Simulating Critical Infrastructures and Their Interdependencies,” Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 8. Lippin, T.M., et al, (2006) “Chemical Plants Remain Vulnerable to Terrorists: A Call to Action,” Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 114, No. 9, Sept. 2006, pp. 13071311 9. Fischer, H.W., (1999) “Enhancing Disaster Mitigation Planning and Response Through the Use of Cyberspace: Suggestions and Issues to Consider,” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, March 1999 10. Hendershot, D.C., Berger, S. (2006), “Inherently Safer Design and Chemcial Plant Security and Safety.” Prepared for submission to the United States Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, 21 June 2006, Washington, D.C. 6th Dresden Symposium Hazards – Detection and Management September 20-24, 2010