Rubric for Scoring of Field Camp Final Report Component Weight Mechanics 1x Descriptions of Sedimentary rock units (report and columnar section) 2x Interpretations of depositional processes and/or environments of sedimentary rock units 2x Unacceptable (1 point) Abundant errors make reading the paper difficult Acceptable (2 Good (3 points) Excellent (4 points) points) Grammatical or Some Very few spelling errors grammatical or grammatical and affect readability, spelling errors, spelling errors. organization paper organized Well organized needs editing in a clear manner and easy to read. One or fewer 2-3 criteria fully 4-5 criteria fully 6-7 criteria fully criteria met. met. met. met. All descriptions of sedimentary rocks should include accurate statements about (1) color when fresh and/or weathered, (2) size, sorting and rounding of grains, (3) composition of sand and gravel grains, including approximate proportions of each, (4) bedding characteristics and sedimentary structures, (5) overall trend of any characteristic that changes systematically, (6) fossil content, (7) stratigraphic order of any subunits. Depositional Depositional Depositional Depositional processes and/or processes and/or processes and/or processes and/or environment not environment environment environment interpreted. interpreted very interpreted very interpreted generally or generally or specifically and incorrectly; little incorrectly but accurately; well or no evidence or well supported by supported by faulty evidence evidence or evidence. presented. depositional processes and/or environment interpreted specifically and accurately but not well supported by evidence. 2x Descriptions of igneous and metamorphic rock units Interpretation of mechanisms of formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks (relating to “fossil” subduction zone). 2x Description and interpretation of structural features 2x One or no criteria 2 criteria met. 3 criteria met. 4-5 criteria met. met. All descriptions of igneous rocks should include: (1) color when fresh and/or weathered, (2) rock type, (3) mineralogical composition (4) texture (e.g. grain size, vesicular or porphyritic textures, visible crystal zonation), and (5) description of the internal variability of the unit (e.g. interlayered, irregularly distributed) Mechanism of Mechanism of Mechanism of Mechanism of formation and formation and formation and formation of the tectonic tectonic tectonic rocks interpreted environment of environment of environment of specifically and the rocks not the rocks the rocks accurately interpreted. interpreted very interpreted very including generally or generally or incor- tectonic incorrectly; little rectly but well environment; or no evidence or supported by well supported faulty evidence evidence or by evidence. presented. mechanism of formation and tectonic environment interpreted specifically and accurately but not well supported by evidence. No stereonets or Described general Contained limited Contained many structural structure but did data points of data points on descriptions not use stereonets stereonets of stereonets of to support bedding and bedding and interpretations; or foliation, foliation, included misinterpreted interpreted stereonets but no paleo-stress fields paleo-stress interpretations. fields correctly Discussion of nature of contacts between main units 2x Did not discuss contacts. Briefly discussed contacts, but did not provide specific references to map Sequence and timing of tectonic events. 3x Did not discuss sequence of events. Briefly discussed sequence of events without adequate references. Discussed all contacts with reference to map but did not include outside literature. Discussed sequence of events with adequate references and map evidence. Discussed all contacts with reference to map and literature. Discussed sequence of events clearly with good references and good map references. Outcrop map Neatness of map legend representation of outcrops visited: including lithology, accurately drawn outcrop boundaries, neatly colored outcrop blobs Structural features with appropriate symbology representation of Qls coverage Interpretation Map Neatness of map legend projection of lithology into covered areas or areas not visited Matches outcrop map Faults with appropriate symbology Cross-section Neatness Accuracy of profile Matches interpretation map interpretation of subsurface Use of outside literature Weight 1x 1x 3x 2x 1x 1x 1x 2x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 3x 1x Goal #1: Determine the physical and chemical composition of earth materials and the processes that produced them. a. Identify and fully describe rocks, minerals and fossils in the field, in hand sample and under the microscope. b. Use the textural characteristics, and the mineralogical and chemical compositions, of igneous and metamorphic rocks to interpret the processes that formed those rocks and the environments in which they formed. c. Use fossils, sedimentary structures, and other physical characteristics of sedimentary rocks to interpret their ages and depositional environments.