Grace Preschool and Early Childhood Center


Registration Information

Child’s Name ________________________ Birthdate __________________________

Address ___________________________ City __________________ Zip _____________

Phone ______________________________ Email________________________________

Father’s Name _________________________ Mother’s Name _______________________

Occupation ____________________________ Occupation _________________________

Employed at ____________________________ Employed at________________________

Phone _______________________________ Phone_____________________________

Siblings: Name _____________________________ Age____________

Name _____________________________ Age ____________

Name _____________________________ Age ____________

Church Attending ____________________________________________

Is your child adopted? _________ At what age? _______ has he/she been told? _______

What are your goals/expectations for your child during this preschool experience?



Share your child’s strengths and challenges



Any additional comments or concerns?



People authorized to take child from Grace Preschool and Early Childhood Center:

Name _____________________________________ Phone _______________________

Name _____________________________________ Phone _______________________

Name _____________________________________ Phone _______________________

Who is NOT ALLOWED to pick up your child? ________________________________

Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date_________________

Permission and Release Form

Child’s Name ___________________________________Date of Birth______________

Parent/Guardian Name(s) ___________________________________________________

Information/Publication Release

I give permission for my child’s name and family contact information (email, phone, address) to be listed in a school directory.

□ Yes

□ No

I give permission for my child’s

Artwork/ Photo/ Writing/ Video image

To be included in:

□ Preschool or GELC publications/advertising

□ GPS/GELC Website

□ GPS Facebook page

Images will be used for education or promotional purposes and children’s full names will not be used.

Field Trips/Walks

I understand that my child will regularly participate in field trips/walks while enrolled in

Grace Preschool. We recognize that unanticipated situations can arise that are not reasonably within the control of the supervising staff. In such an instance, we agree that

Grace Preschool and the supervising staff will not be held legally responsible in the event of an accident or injury.

I have read carefully and understand the above information. I have indicated my consent and authorization

where applicable.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________Date: _____________

Parent Release

Diapering (Toddlers)

Grace Preschool has my permission to use diapering products, specifically pre-moistened wipes and ointments for rash while my child is in attendance.

Child’s Name_____________________________________________________



Emergency Card

Name__________________________________________Birth date_________________

Parent’s Names___________________________________________________________

Phone (Home) _________________ (Work) ________________ (Mobile) ____________

Alternate Contacts______________________________________Phone______________






Other Information________________________________________________________

Last DPT Shot (Date) _____________________________________________________

This authorizes the staff of Grace Preschool to give my child emergency medical attention, in case of injury or accident while in attendance on school property. In the event the parents cannot be reached, the child’s personal medical source is unavailable; it is my understanding that staff in charge will call 911.

Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________________

Date________________Insurance Company and Phone___________________________

Hospital of Choice if Insurance Stipulated_______________________________________

Doctor Emergency Phone___________________________________________________

Dental Emergency Phone___________________________________________________

Parent Volunteer

(Please indicate areas of interest and availability)

Share your occupation ______

Make Playdough ______

Classroom assistant ______

Repair/Maintenance ______

Maintain Parent Center ______

Play Instrument _______

Prep for Art Activities (cutting, etc…) _______

Maintain Bulletin Board by main entrance ______

Chaperone Field Trips _______

Share Hobby _______

Fundraising Event Volunteer _______

Fundraising Event Organization _______

Lunch Bunch Volunteer ______ (we need 2 volunteers for Mondays and 1 volunteer for Tuesday-Friday)

M _____ T_____ W_____ Th______ F_______

Other Connections _____________________________________________________

Other Suggestions _____________________________________________________


Child’s Name__________________________________

Days available to help: M ____ T ____ W____ Th____ F_____

Health Care Summary

Preschool Enrollment Date__________

Parent/Guardian to complete the following section:

Name of Child____________________________________________________ Birthdate______________



Name of Physician_______________________________________________________________________

Name of Clinic_________________________________________Phone____________________________


Healthcare Provider to complete the following section:

Date of last physical exam___________________How long has child been your patient? ________________

Any allergies (include medication, food, environment)? ___________________________________________

Is a modified diet necessary? _______________________________________________________________

Any conditions present that may result in an emergency? _________________________________________

Is the child on any medications? __________If yes, list medications and reason________________________


Vision______________________________ What is the status of the child’s:

Hearing______________________________ Speech_____________________________

Please list below any important health problems, indicate who is following the child for that problem and note any problems that require special attention at the preschool (use back side if needed).

Important Followed Followed by other Requires special

Health Problems by you medical source (name) attention at preschool









Other information helpful to the preschool____________________________________________________


Signature of healthcare provider and title________________________________________Date___________
