SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Barbara Hackett Blakey, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent for Instruction 6 Wierk Avenue, Liberty, NY 12754 (845) 295-4029 Fax (845) 295-3416 CHECKLIST FOR INQUIRY TEAM ASSESSMENT Please review current building practices and evaluate your building’s capacity in each area. Please check the column that best describes your building’s current level of functioning. 1. Make data part of an ongoing cycle of instructional improvement. DELIVERABLE Collect and prepare a variety of data about student learning. EVIDENCE Demographic data Informal pre-and post instruction data Standardized achievement test data Common district assessments Attendance records Disciplinary action records Guidance records (career plans, postsecondary outcomes) / Transcripts Perceptual data (i.e. surveys) Taught curriculum data (skills, content, assessments and standards) STRONG CAPACITY DEVELOPING CAPACITY INITIAL CAPACITY - Routine practice - Used system-wide - Included in most/all district plans - Professional development in this area provided to all faculty -Sporadic Practice - Used by some in district - Included in some district plans - Professional development in this area provided to some faculty - Not yet addressed - Very limited eamples of use - Professional development in this area not yet provided 2 DELIVERABLE EVIDENCE Interpret data and develop hypotheses about how to improve student learning. Identification of areas of student growth, decline and stagnation for specific classes/teachers, grade levels, departments, groups of students and school-wide population Data-driven identification of target population in need of support Data-driven selection of a specific learning target (long-term goal) for identified group of students Development of short-term goals with benchmark formative assessments that will provide evidence of growth for learning target Knowledge of resources for identifying research-based best practices Compilation of research-based best practices Development of protocols for standardized implementation of best practices Survey teachers’ capacity to implement best practices Development and implementation of differentiated professional development plans to build teachers’ capacity in delivering best practices Modify instruction to test hypotheses and increase student learning. STRONG CAPACITY DEVELOPING CAPACITY INITIAL CAPACITY 5-16-2011Checklist for Inquiry Team Assessment Adapted from: Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making (p.9) What Works Clearinghouse 2009 3 2. Teach students to eamine their own data and set learning goals. DELIVERABLE EVIDENCE Eplain epectations and assessment criteria. Development and sharing of strong and weak eamples of assessments/products Provide feedback to students that is timely, specific, well formatted, and constructive. Provide tools that help student learn from feedback. Development and use of standards-based rubrics and observational checklists Use students’ data analyses to guide instructional changes. STRONG CAPACITY DEVELOPING CAPACITY INITIAL CAPACITY Development and use of forms and templates to record/monitor student progress Development and use of goal-setting templates for student use Development and implementation of differentiated lessons based on students’ varying readiness levels Fleible grouping of learners 5-16-2011Checklist for Inquiry Team Assessment Adapted from: Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making (p.9) What Works Clearinghouse 2009 4 3. Establish a clear vision for schoolwide data use. DELIVERABLE EVIDENCE Establish a schoolwide data team that sets the tone for ongoing data use. Define critical teaching and learning concepts. Team established Develop a written plan that articulates activities, roles and responsibilities. Provide ongoing data leadership. Building plan aligns with District Plan STRONG CAPACITY DEVELOPING CAPACITY INITIAL CAPACITY Articulated Curriculum (i.e. consensus curriculum map) Participation in regional conferences Participation in webinars and book studies Plan professional learning to support teaching and learning 5-16-2011Checklist for Inquiry Team Assessment Adapted from: Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making (p.9) What Works Clearinghouse 2009 5 4. Provide supports that foster a data driven culture within the school. DELIVERABLE Designate a school based facilitator who meets with teacher teams to discuss data. Dedicate structured time for staff collaboration. Provide targeted professional development regularly. Establish structures for remote ongoing progress monitoring and collaboration EVIDENCE STRONG CAPACITY DEVELOPING CAPACITY INITIAL CAPACITY Building leader has specific role Interface with district data administrator and BOCES Data Analyst Delayed openings Conference Days Professional Learning Team Meetings Set Grade Level/Department Meetings Book Studies Moodle Customized, job-embedded programs Differentiated professional development based on faculty’s needs Shared data-drives Online forums (i.e. Google docs, Wikispaces, Moodle, blogs, etc.) 5-16-2011Checklist for Inquiry Team Assessment Adapted from: Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making (p.9) What Works Clearinghouse 2009