Margaret Deuchar: list of publications

Margaret Deuchar: list of publications
Deuchar, M; and Davies, P. (forthcoming). Code-switching and the future of Welsh.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language.
Deuchar, M., Muysken, P. and Sung-Lan Wang (2007), Structured variation in codeswitching; towards an empirically based typology of bilingual speech patterns.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 10:3, 298-340.
Deuchar, M. (2006) Welsh-English code-switching and the Matrix Language frame
model”. Lingua. 116: 11, 1986-2011.
Leech, G.N., Deuchar, M. and Hoogenraad, R. (2005). English Grammar for Today.
London: Macmillan. [second edition]
Deuchar, M. (2005) Congruence and code-switching in Welsh. Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition 8:3, 1-15.
Deuchar, M. & Vihman, M. (2005) A radical approach to early mixed utterances.
International Journal of Bilingualism 9:2 , 137-57.
Deuchar, M. (2005). Minority Language Survival in Northwest Wales: an
Introduction. In Cohen, J, McAlister, K., Rolstad, K. and MacSwan, J. (eds)
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Somerville,
MA: Cascadilla Press, 621-624.
Deuchar, M. (2005). Minority Language Survival: Code-mixing in Welsh. In Cohen,
J, McAlister, K., Rolstad, K. and MacSwan, J. (eds) Proceedings of the 4th
International Symposium on Bilingualism. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press,
Deuchar, M. (2005). Conversing with English. Agenda, Spring 2005,15-16.
Deuchar, M. & Muntz, R. (2003) Factors accounting for code-mixing in an early
developing bilingual. In N. Müller, N. (ed.) (In)vulnerable Domains in
Multilingualism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 161-90.
Deuchar, M. (2002). The case study approach to bilingual acquisition. Hungarian
Journal of Applied Linguistics II:2, 33-42.
Deuchar, M. and Vihman, M. (2002). Language contact in early bilinguals. The
special status of function words. To appear in M.C. Jones and E. Esch (eds),
Contact-Induced Language Change: An Examination of Internal, External and
Non-linguistic Factors. The Hague: Mouton, 267-81.
Deuchar, M. (2002) Review of Jørgensen, J.N. and Holmen, A. (eds) The
Development of Successive Bilingualism in School-Age Children. In
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 5:5, 300-301.
Deuchar, M. and Quay, S. (2001). Bilingual Acquisition: Theoretical Implications of a
Case Study. Oxford: OUP. [paperback edition]
Deuchar, M. (2001) Individual rather than group differences? Bilingualism: Language
and Cognition 4:1, 26-28.
Deuchar, M. and Quay, S. (2001). What use is a case study of bilingual acquisition?
In Almgren, M., Barreña, A., Ezeizabarrena M-J, Idiazabal, I. and
MacWhinney, M. Research on Child Language Acquisition: Proceedings of
the 8th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Child
Language. Somerville, Maryland: Cascadilla Press.
Deuchar, M. (1999). Are function words non-language-specific in early bilingual twoword utterances? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2:1, 23-34.
Deuchar, M. & Quay, S. (1999). Language choice in the earliest utterances: a case
study with methodological implications. Journal of Child Language 26:2, 461475.
Deuchar, M. & Quay, S. (1998). One vs. two systems in early bilingual syntax: Two
versions of the question. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1:3, 231243.
Deuchar, M. (1998). Review of Fletcher, P. and MacWhinney, B. (eds), The
Handbook of Child Language, Journal of Linguistics 34, 253-257.
Deuchar, M. and Clark, A. (1996). Early bilingual acquisition of the voicing contrast
in English and Spanish. Journal of Phonetics 24, 351-65.
Deuchar, M. (1996). The emergence of syntax. In Johnson, C.E. and Gilbert, J.H.,
(eds) Children's Language, Volume 7. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum, 5560.
Deuchar, M. (1996). Spoken language and sign language. In A. Lock and C. Peters
(eds) Human Symbolic Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 553-570.
Deuchar, M. (1995). Do two-word utterances by bilingual children show evidence of
code-switching? In Gorter, D. (1995) (ed) Proceedings of the 1994 Summer
School on code-switching and language contact, Frisian Language Academy,
Deuchar, M. (1995) From sign language to bilingualism. Signpost 8:2.
Deuchar, M. (1995). First Verbs by M. Tomasello: a reply to Pine. First Language
15, 103-109.
Deuchar, M. and Clark, A. (1995) Bilingual acquisition of the voicing contrast.
Bangor Working Papers in Linguistics.
Deuchar, M. and Quay, S. (1995). Language choice and code-switching in a young
bilingual child. ERIC report ED 385 137.
Deuchar, M. (1994). Son arbitrarios los signos lingüisticos? In Barlow, H.,
Blakemore, C., Weston-Smith, M. (eds) Imagen y Conocimiento. Barcelona:
Crítica, 1994, 133-146.
Deuchar, M. (1993). X-bar syntax and language acquisition. Revista Canaria de
Estudios Ingleses, 26-27, 9-16.
Deuchar, M. (1992). Can government and binding theory account for language
acquisition? In Martín Vide, C. (ed) Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes
Formales VIII, Universitat de Barcelona, 273-299.
Deuchar, M. and Clark, A. (1992). Bilingual acquisition of the voicing contrast in
word-initial stop consonants of English and Spanish. In Cognitive Science
Research Papers no. 213, University of Sussex.
Deuchar, M. (1990). Are the signs of language arbitrary? In H. Barlow, C.
Blakemore and M. Weston-Smith (eds) Images and Understanding.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 168-179.
Deuchar, M. (1990). Review of D. Slobin (ed) The Crosslinguistic Study of Language
Acquisition, Volume 1: The Data, Lingua 80:4, 352-359.
Deuchar, M. (1988). A pragmatic account of women's use of standard speech. In J.
Coates and D. Cameron (eds) Women in their Speech Communities: New
Perspectives on Language and Sex. London: Longman 1988, 27-32.
Deuchar, M. (1988). Review of L. Arnberg, Raising Children Bilingually: The
Pre-School Years, Journal of Child Language 15, 459-468.
Deuchar, M. (1988). Review of A. Fantini, Language Acquisition of a Bilingual
Child: A Sociolinguistic Perspective, Lingua, 322-329
Deuchar, M. (1987). Negative incorporation in three sign languages. In J. Kyle (ed.)
Sign and School. Clevedon:Multilingual Matters Ltd, 35-43.
Deuchar, M. (1987). Sign languages as creoles and Chomsky's notion of universal
grammar. In S. and C. Modgil (eds.) Noam Chomsky. Consensus and
Controversy. London: Falmer Press, 81-91, 104-105.
Deuchar, M. (1987). Sign language research. In J. Lyons, R. Coates, M. Deuchar and
G. Gazdar (eds) New Horizons in Linguistics 2. Harmondsworth, Middlesex:
Penguin, 311-335.
Deuchar, M. (1987). Sociolinguistics. In J. Lyons, R. Coates, M. Deuchar and G.
Gazdar (eds) New Horizons in Linguistics 2. Harmondsworth, Middlesex:
Penguin, 296-310.
Lyons, J., Coates, R., Deuchar, M., and Gazdar, G. (1987) (eds). New Horizons in
Linguistics 2, Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin.
Deuchar, M. and Clark, A. (1987). Infant bilingualism: are there two voicing systems?
In Griffiths, P., Local, J. and Mills, A. (eds) Proceedings of the 1987 Child
Language Seminar, University of York, 1-12.
Deuchar, M. (1987). Review of D. Cameron, Feminism and Linguistic Theory.
Language and Communication 7.1, 77-90.
Deuchar, M. (1986). Review of P. Smith, Language, the Sexes and Society, Journal of
Linguistics 22:1, 243-245.
Deuchar, M. (1985). 'Parts of speech'. Review of R. Quirk et al, A Comprehensive
Grammar of the English Language in Times Higher Education Supplement,
October 1985.
Deuchar, M. (1985). The implications of sign language research for linguistic theory.
In W. Stokoe and V.Volterra (eds) Proceedings of the Third International
Symposium on Sign Language Research, Silver Spring, Maryland: Linstok
Press and Rome: Istituto di Psicología, 239-246.
Deuchar, M. and Martin-Jones, M. (1985). Linguistic research in majority and
minority communities. Language and Communication 5:4, 281-286.
Deuchar, M. and James, H. (1985). English as the second language of the deaf.
Language and Communication 5:1.
Deuchar, M. (1984). British Sign Language. London: Routledge
Deuchar, M. (1984). Diglossia in British Sign Language. Indiana University
Linguistics Club.
Deuchar, M. (1984). 'Syntax rules'. Review of K. Brown, Linguistics Today and R.
Invitation to Linguistics. Times Higher Education
Supplement, July 1984.
Deuchar, M. (1984). Review of T. Moore and C. Carling, Understanding Language:
Towards a Post-Chomskyan Linguistics, Macmillan, 1982, Journal of
Linguistics 20:2, 374-378.
Deuchar, M. (1984) Relative clauses and linguistic equality’, C.L.I.E. Working paper.
Deuchar, M. (1983). Is BSL an SVO language? In J. Kyle and B.Woll (eds)
Language in Sign: International Perspectives on Sign Language. London:
Croom Helm, 69-76.
Deuchar, M. (1983) 'I never done it'. Review of J. Cheshire, Variation In an English
Dialect, Times Higher Education Supplement, August 1983.
Leech, G.N., Deuchar, M. and Hoogenraad, R. (1982). English Grammar for Today.
London: Macmillan.
Woll, B., Kyle, J. and Deuchar (1981) (eds). Perspectives on British Sign Language
and Deafness. London: Croom Helm.
Deuchar, M. (1981). Methodology of sign language research. Proceedings of the
Conference on Language Varieties, Sheffield.
Deuchar, M. (1981). Review of P. Siple (ed) Understanding language through sign
language research, Journal of Pragmatics 5.
Deuchar, M. (1980). Variation in British Sign Language. In B. Woll, J. Kyle and M.
Deuchar (eds) Perspectives on British Sign Language and Deafness, London:
Croom Helm, 1981, 109-119.
Deuchar, M. (1980). Language planning and treatment of BSL: problems for research,
Papers from the First International Symposium on Sign Language Research.
Deuchar, M. (1979). The grammar of British Sign Language. Supplement to The
British Deaf News.
Deuchar, M. (1978). Doing without word order and inflections: the case of British
Sign Language, in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley
Linguistics Society, 78-85.
Deuchar, M. (1978). Diglossia in British Sign Language', Working Papers in
Sociolinguistics 46.
Deuchar, M. (1978). Sign language research and sociolinguistic theory. ERIC report
ED 158 614.
Deuchar, M. (1978). Sign language and integration in the British deaf community.
ERIC report ED 158 615.
Deuchar, M. (1977). Sign language diglossia in a British deaf community, Sign
Language Studies, 17, 347-356.
Deuchar, M. (1976). Annotated bibliography of sign language material, Linguistic
Reporter, 18:8.