“Powerful benefits of bilingualism” Martha Vela Rafael Cervantes

“Powerful benefits of bilingualism”
Martha Vela
Rafael Cervantes
This document is designed for anyone that wants to know more about the benefits
of being bilingual. Speaking more than one language has obvious practical benefits in
today's globalized world, and it has become commonplace for people to know more than
one language. But the benefits of being bilingual are not limited to having conversations
with more people around the world or from other cultures. The ability to speak more than
one language is more than just a social or cultural advantage. Although many years ago it
was believed that bilingualism had negative effects on people, it is now a well-accepted idea
among societies. It is more common to hear that one could get more benefits from this skill
in order to have quality life. Some of the benefits among others are: it fights certain mental
diseases, improves cognitive skills, and enhances social relationships.
Being bilingual can make one smarter if it is well practiced. It has a big impact on
mental health due to its struggle against dementia and some other mental diseases like
Alzheimer. This might explain why every day more people are trying to learn another
language and it is now a frequent practice among people. Likewise, it is usually mentioned
that the power of human brain has not been totally developed, that makes bilingualism a
good source for searching these benefits. We offer the following three principles to
promote bilingualism: Bilingual Education Provides Mental Health, Bilingual Education
Supports Better Academic Achievement, and Bilingualism Enhances Social Skills- Through
these, we provide relevant information about the topic and the inducement to enjoy these
powerful benefits from English or other languages.