Report of activities – Phase 2 of the Life Cycle Initiative Water Use in

Report of activities – Phase 2 of the Life Cycle Initiative
Water Use in LCA (WULCA)
Project title:
Assessment of use and depletion of water resources within the LCA Framework
The WULCA working group works as an international working group focusing on water use assessment
and water footprinting taking the life cycle perspective. The group was founded in August 2007 within
the Phase 2 program under the auspices of the UNEP/Society for Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry (SETAC) Life Cycle Initiative. The working group represents a community of people from
academia, various industries (e.g. chemical, food and consumer goods industry, pulp and paper, water
treatment, etc.) and public institutions. Constituting a multi-stakeholder group, the group acts globally
and cross-sectoral.
The WULCA working group’s overall goal focuses on providing practitioners, from both industry and
academia, with a coherent framework within which to measure, assess and compare the environmental
performance of products and operations regarding freshwater use an their impacts on water. The
specific objectives comprise to:
- Develop a general assessment framework for assessing water use including indicators that measure
the environmental impacts on human health, ecosystems and freshwater resources;
- Establish adequate water inventory schemes and parameters;
- Establish impact assessment methods for characterizing water use and related environmental impacts;
- Derive recommended practice and guidance for LCA method developers and practitioners.
Objectives 1 and 2 were accomplished with a peer-reviewed publication (Bayart et al. 2010), and
objective 3 and 4 have progressed but are have not been completed yet. Preliminary guidance to
different stakeholder groups is given in a second publication (Kounina et al. accepted, INT J LCA). Below
is the summary of the two main deliverables of the group during Phase 2. More work is required to
achieve a consensual method and concrete recommendations to practitioners.
1- A general framework was provided for assessing impacts from water use in Life Cycle Assessment in
order to support further quantitative modeling of the cause–effect chain relationships of water use
(Bayart et al., 2010). The framework includes recommendations for life cycle inventory (LCI) modeling
and provides a description of possible impact pathways for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), including
indicators on midpoint and endpoint levels that reflect different areas of protection (AoP).
2- A review of current methods and approaches addressing freshwater use in life cycle inventory and
impact assessment was performed. This work (Kounina et al, accepted, INT J LCA) reviewed several
methodologies describing the inventory and impact assessment of freshwater use potentially applicable
in LCA. This review is used as a base to identify the key elements to build a scientific consensus for an
operational water characterization method for LCA and can be considered as a complement to the
Handbook on good practice released by the JRC which actually fails to represent state-of-the art
description in LCA.
This work, along with training and communication activities has established WULCA as an expert group
with about 50 members from four continents. The current project webpage can be found here:
List of active members:
Bayart, Jean-Baptiste; Quantis, Lausanne, Switzerland and Paris, France / Veolia, Paris, France
Margni, Manuele; Quantis, Lausanne, Switzerland and Paris, France / CIRAIG, École
Polytechnique of Montréal, Canada
Milà i Canals, Llorenç; Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre, Unilever R&D, Colworth
Science Park, Sharnbrook, Bedford, MK44 1LQ, UK
Motoshita, Masaharu; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
Tsukuba, Japan
Núñez, Montserrat; IRTA, Cabrils, Spain
Ridoutt, Brad; CSIRO, Clayton South VIC, Australia
Berger, Markus; Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Boulay, Anne-Marie; CIRAIG, École Polytechnique of Montréal, Canada
Bulle, Cecile; CIRAIG, École Polytechnique of Montréal, Canada
Frischknecht, Rolf; ESU Service Ltd, Uster, Switzerland
Humbert, Sebastien; Quantis, Lausanne, Switzerland and Paris, France
Koehler, Annette; PE International, Winterthur, Switzerland
Kounina, Anna; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland / Quantis, Lausanne,
Switzerland and Paris, France
Peters, Gregory; Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Pfister, Stephan; ETH Zurich, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland / Aveny
GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland / UC Santa Barbara, United States
Verones, Francesca; ETH Zurich, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland
Zelm, Rosalie van; Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Several meetings have been organized for informing the research community and interested people
from industry, government and academia on the ongoing activities:
List of meetings (on-site meetings only) :
Kick-off meeting, 30 August, 2007; LCM 2007 Conference; Zurich, Switzerland.
Annual Meeting, 25 May, 2008; SETAC Europe Annual Meeting; Warsaw, Poland.
Annual Meeting, 31 May, 2009; SETAC Europe Annual Meeting; Göteborg, Sweden.
Annual Meeting, 24 May, 2010; SETAC Europe Annual Meeting; Seville, Spain.
Annual Meeting, 15 May, 2011; WULCA Working Group Meeting, SETAC Annual Meeting;
Milano, Italy.
Annual Meeting, 20 May, 2012; WULCA Annual Meeting, SETAC World; Berlin, Germany.
WULCA harmonized the efforts to efficiently close the most important gaps in LCI and LCIA regarding
water use and also facilitated cooperation among research groups. This resulted in several papers by
participants of the working group:
List of papers benefitting from WULCA:
All papers documenting methods being analyzed and compared in the review of methodologies
by Kounina et al (2012). Extensive list of papers can be found at the end of this document.
Furthermore WULCA presented the work on many conferences:
List of WULCA presentations:
Review of methods addressing freshwater use in life cycle inventory and impact assessment;
Kounina et al..
Water footprint: Stand alone method or impact category within life cycle assessment?; Berger,
Water in life cycle assessment: Review of methods; Kounina et al. 2009; 01 October, 2009; LCA
IX, Boston MA; Boston, USA.
Qualitative characterization of available assessment methods assessing human water use.
Review of methods addressing water in LCA; Humbert et al. 2010; 24 May, 2010; WULCA,
SETAC Sevilla; Sevilla, Spain.
Assessment and responses strategies of water footprints: specific product categories; Pfister
2012; 14 March, 2012; 6th World Water Forum; Marseille, France.
Review of methods addressing freshwater use in life cycle inventory and impact assessment;
Kounina et al. 2012; 20 May, 2012; SETAC Berlin - WULCA meeting; Berlin, Germany.
Water use in life cycle assessment and water footprinting: outputs and prospects of the
working group WULCA; Pfister et al. 2012; 21 May, 2012; SETAC World Congress 2012; Berlin,
Review of methods addressing freshwater use in life cycle inventory and impact assessment;
Humbert et al. 2012; 25 September, 2012; LCAXII, Tacoma; Tacoma, USA.
WULCA was actively outreaching to other initiatives dealing with water use assessments and water
footprinting, such as WBCSD and WRI, WFN, WWF, and the standardization process of the new ISO
standard 14046 on water footprinting. Partly these outreach activities were intensified in closer
collaborations (e.g. ISO standardization and WFN).
Also WULCA was contributing to the goals at the Word Water Fforum and actively participating in
dissemination through UNEP’s related water programs.
List of papers benefitting from WULCA:
Bayart J-B, Bulle C, Deschênes L, Margni M, Pfister S, Vince F, Koehler A (2010) A framework
for assessing off-stream freshwater use in LCA. The International Journal of Life Cycle
Assessment 15 (5):439-453
Bayart J, Grimaud J, E A (2011) The Water Impact Index: a simplified single-indicator approach
for water footprinting. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (submitted)
Boesch M, Hellweg S, Huijbregts M, Frischknecht R (2007) Applying cumulative exergy demand
(CExD) indicators to the ecoinvent database. The International Journal of Life Cycle
Assessment 12 (3):181-190
Boulay A-M, Bouchard C, Bulle C, Deschênes L, Margni M (2011a) Categorizing water for LCA
inventory. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 16 (7):639-651
Boulay A-M, Bulle C, Bayart J-B, Deschênes L, Margni M (2011b) Regional characterization of
freshwater use in LCA: modeling direct impacts on human health. Environmental Science and
Falkenmark M, Lundqvist J, Widstrand C (1989) Macro-scale water scarcity requires microscale approaches. Aspects of vulnerability in semi-arid development. Natural Resources Forum
13 (4):258-267
Frischknecht R, Steiner R, Braunschweig A, Egli N, Hildesheimer G (2006) Swiss Ecological
Scarcity Method: The New Version 2006. Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN),
Zurich and Bern, Switzerland
Gleick PH (1996) Basic Water Requirements for Human Activities: Meeting Basic Needs. Water
International 21 (2): 83-92
Hanafiah M, Xenopoulos M, Pfister S, Leuven RS, Huijbregts M (2011) Characterization factors
for water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions based on freshwater fish species
extinction. Environment Science and Technology 45 (12):5272–5278
Hoekstra AY, Chapagain AK, Aldaya MM, Mekonnen MM (2011) The water footprint
assessment manual: setting the global standard. Water Footprint Network. Enschede, the
Jolliet O, Müller-Wenk R, Bare J, Brent A, Goedkoop M, Heijungs R, Itsubo N, Pena C,
Pennington D, Potting J, Rebitzer G, Stewart M, de Haes H, Weidema B (2004) The LCIA
midpoint-damage framework of the UNEP/SETAC life cycle initiative. The International Journal
of Life Cycle Assessment 9 (6):394-404
Maendly R, Humbert S (2011) Empirical characterization model and factors assessing aquatic
biodiversity damages of hydropower water use The International Journal of Life Cycle
Assessment, Submitted
Milà i Canals L, Chenoweth J, Chapagain A, Orr S, Antón A, Clift R (2009) Assessing
freshwater use impacts in LCA: Part I — inventory modelling and characterisation factors for the
main impact pathways. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14 (1):28-42
Motoshita M, Itsubo N, Inaba A (2010a) Damage assessment of water scarcity for agricultural
use. Proceedings of 9th international conference on EcoBalance. D1-1410. National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Motoshita M, Itsubo N, Inaba A (2010b) Development of impact factors on damage to health by
infectious diseases caused by domestic water scarcity. The International Journal of Life Cycle
Assessment 16 (1):65-73
Ohlsson L (2000) Water conflicts and social resource scarcity. Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere 25 (3):213-220
Owens JW (2001) Water Resources in Life-Cycle Impact Assessment: Considerations in
Choosing Category Indicators. Journal of Industrial Ecology 5 (2):37-54
Pfister S, Bayer P, Koehler A, Hellweg S (2011) Environmental Impacts of Water Use in Global
Crop Production: Hotspots and Trade-Offs with Land Use. Environmental Science and
Technology 45 (13):5761-5768
Pfister S, Koehler A, Hellweg S (2009) Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Freshwater
Consumption in LCA. Environmental Science and Technology 43 (11):4098-4104
Raskin P, Gleick P, Kirshen P, Pontius G, Strzepek K (1997) Water Futures: Assessment of
Long-range Patterns and Prospects. Stockholm, Sweden
Ridoutt BG, Pfister S (2010a) Reducing humanity's water footprint. Environmental Science and
Technology 44 (16):6019-6021
Ridoutt BG, Pfister S (2010b) A revised approach to water footprinting to make transparent the
impacts of consumption and production on global freshwater scarcity. Global Environmental
Change 20 (1):113-120
Ridoutt BG, Williams SRO, Baud S, Fraval S, Marks N (2010) Short communication: The water
footprint of dairy products: Case study involving skim milk powder. Journal of Dairy Science 93
Seckler D, Amarasinghe U, Molden DJ, de Silva R, Barker R (1998) World Water Demand and
Supply, 1990 to 2025: Scenarios and Issues. IWMI Research Report vol 19. IWMI, Colombo, Sri
Smakhtin V, Revenga C, Döll P (2004) A Pilot Global Assessment of Environmental Water
Requirements and Scarcity. Water International 29 (3):307-317
Sullivan C, Meigh J, Giacomello A (2003) The Water Poverty Index: Development and
application at the community scale. Natural Resources Forum 27 (3):189-199
van Zelm R, Schipper AM, Rombouts M, Snepvangers J, Huijbregts MAJ (2011) Implementing
Groundwater Extraction in Life Cycle Impact Assessment: Characterization Factors Based on
Plant Species Richness for the Netherlands. Environmental Science and Technology 45
WBCSD (2010) The global water tool. Accessible at: Geneva,
Xenopoulos MA, Lodge DM, Alcamo J, Märker M, Schulze K, Van Vuuren DP (2005) Scenarios
of freshwater fish extinctions from climate change and water withdrawal. Global Change Biology