Philadelphia National Schools Class:-----

Philadelphia National Schools
English Language
Will + base
eg: I will order a pizza.
Can/Can't + base
Ability/ possibility.
eg: I can't swim.
You can ask him if he want an orange juice.
Could + base
Predictions in the future/ ability, possibility in
the past.
eg: Your work could be useful later.
When I was a one year child, I could use a spoon.
Must + base
Duty, strong obligation to do something,
eg: I must see a doctor. (It's essential to do that)
Note: We use must when the speaker has decided that something is
Have to + base
A strong necessity. But we use it when
somebody (not the speaker) has decided that something is necessary.
eg: The teacher said we have to sit the exam tomorrow.
Necessity to do something.
eg: Need I fill in the form? (need = modal verb)
Do I need to fill in the form? (need = main verb)
**There is no difference in the meaning.
Should/ Ought to + base
Weak obligation, advice.
eg: We should/ ought to have the tyres checked.
You should/ ought to make up with your sister.
Mustn't/Can't/May not + base
It's forbidden, it's against rules/
law. (prohibition)
eg: You mustn't/ can't smoke in the hospital.
*present deduction (guesses)* :
1. Must + base
Sure that something is true/real, logical
eg: You have been working all day, you must be tired! (= sure)
2. Can't/Couldn't + base
eg: That girl can't be Maha, she's at work. (= impossible)
*Can/May/Could + base
Asking permission.
eg: Can I open the door please?
*Could/May/Might + base
eg: You should keep that ring, it may be valuable one day.
*Could/Might/Would + (have+v3)
Possibility in the past.
eg: She might have moved house.
Could/Should/Might/Ought to + (have+v3)
Criticism for past
eg: She could have cooked before her husband's arrival. He's very angry
Rana Abdellatif