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Today the centre has a strong international reputation particularly in the fields of labour markets, social and demographic change, housing, finance and governance, and is the leading academic centre for analyses of city-wide developments in London. For the latest news on our HEIF5 project 'Accelerating housing production in London', please visit our project webpage. News Events Research and publications 18 January 2016: HEIF5 Accelerating Housing Production in London Roundtable 1: Setting the Priorities On 23 November 2015 LSE London launched its new HEIF5 knowledge-exchange project, entitled Accelerating Housing Production in London. A small group of experts from the private sector, the public sector and academia gathered to discuss priorities—what are the key barriers to accelerating residential development in the capital? We started with some concerns identified by our earlier project: uncertainties in planning; the role of small and medium sized builders; housing zones; mayoral powers and financing issues. Click here to read the blog. 15 December 2015: GLA Intelligence seminar: House prices in London Our research fellow, Kath Scanlon, was on the panel at the GLA Intelligence Seminar on house prices, held Tuesday, 15 December 2015. Kath said that the low supply responsiveness of the London housing market was due not only to planning but also to the dominance of the market by major house builders, whose business model relies on relatively slow rates of construction even on large sites. Also that the steady increase in rates of Stamp Duty Land Tax means that this tax is now a major deterrent to transactions, especially in London where house prices are so high-this seems a counter-intuitive measure if transactions like downsizing that result in more efficient use of the housing stock are to be encouraged. Click here to see the full speakers list. 4 December 2015: Applications now open: Sharing in the future: how collaboration influences ecological behaviour If you wish to attend one of the seminars in this series, then you must send a completed application form to as soon as possible. Places are limited and selection will be made on the basis of the information provided in the document. You can download the document here. 4 December 2015: The PRS: Evolution in London and international perspective On Tuesday, Dec 1st, 2015 Kath Scanlon presented evidence to the Housing Select Committee of the London Borough of Lewisham about private renting in London and Germany. The presentation can be downloaded here. 30 November 2015: Christine Whitehead gave the keynote address at the Private Renters’ Rights: Safe and stable homes in Kensington and Chelsea Professor Christine Whitehead gave the keynote address titled, 'The future of the private rented sector' at the report launch of Private Renters’ Rights: Safe and stable homes in Kensington and Chelsea report. Melissa Fernàndez and Christine Whitehead worked in the advisory group. The presentation can be found here and the report can be downloaded here. 20 November 2015: New buy-to-let tax 'puts the UK out of step with how other countries approach the PRS', says Kathleen Scanlon Kathleen Scanlon discusses research on the PRS across Europe and the United States in The Telegraph. She touches on some possible implications that the new buy-to-let tax may have on professional small landlords. The article can be read here. 17 November 2015: Immigration and Asylum In Britain and Europe LSE London is cohosting with LSE British Government discussing immigration and asylum policies in Britain in the context of Britain’s place in Europe. The event will specifically discuss economics, public opinion, communities and poverty. Date: Tuesday 17th November Time: 18:30 - 20:00 Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building Speakers: Sara Hobolt (LSE), Deborah Mattinson (Britain Thinks), Eiko Thielemann (LSE) Chair: Simon Hix (LSE) Twitter Hashtag: #LSEImmigration 12 November 2015: Is there a problem with the current housing market? Christine Whitehead discusses the social implications of a changing housing market at the ESRC Festival of Social Science: Housing Event at the Geffrye Museum of the Home. She argues that the housing system is failing to provide for population and household formation let alone for economic growth as well as other intricacies of how we have a dysfunctional housing system. You can download the presentation here. 11 November 2015: Barriers to Accelerating Delivery Christine Whitehead discusses barriers to accelerating housing delivery at the New Ideas for Housing: Tools for accelerating delivery, New Architecture London event. The presentation can be downloaded here. 6 November 2015: England needs to build 1.5 million homes in next five years, says Christine Whitehead co-authored report Research for the Town and Country Planning Association co-authored by Christine Whitehead has found that young people across the country are struggling to live independently because of the cost of housing. To catch up with housing demand by 2020, the number of homes suggested by the projections, 310,000 extra homes a year are needed over the next 5 years. The report has been covered by the Financial Times, you can read the article here. 6 November 2015: Congraulations Christine Whitehead on her prestigious appointments We congratulate one of our leading researchers, Professor Christine Whitehead, on her two recent appointments as a member of the London Housing Commission and as a specialist adviser to the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee for their inquiry on Housing Association and the Right to Buy. 6 November 2015: Recent coverage of our research on Brazil The Guardian. 28 October 2015: Melissa Fernández discusses the impacts of resettlements in Rio de Janeiro with The Guardian's Bruce Douglas. She speaks about her research conducted in Recanto da Natureza, a housing complex of 384 apartments 50km outside of Rio and the impacts on residents' job opportunities and mental health. More coverage: BBC. 22 October 2015 | Folha de S. Paulo. 22 October 2015 30 October 2015: Urban-construction-migration nexus | 5 cities | South Asia Dr Melissa Fernández and Dr Sunil Kumar presented findings of their DFID-funded research project looking at the links between urbanisation, internal migration and construction in five South Asian cities. Other project outputs will be published from November 2015 onwards. Their research findings can be accessed here. 30 October 2015: Accelerating Housing Development in London LSE London awarded new year-long HEIF5 project. See our October newsletter with all the latest details. 12 October 2015: Housing in London - Final Roundtable and Report Launch On October 12th we hosted our final event of our year-long project, Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis. We provided an opportunity for different stakeholders ranging from academics, local politicians, developers, planners, and other representatives from the private and public sectors to discuss the recommendations from our final report. Other points of conversation were ways in which we could the debate forward, particularly in light of government announcements and the upcoming Mayoral election. You can read the report here. The executive summary is available here. On Tuesday, Dec 1st, 2015 Kath Scanlon presented evidence to the Housing Select Committee of the London Borough of Lewisham about private renting in London and Germany. The presentation can be downloaded here. 4 December 2015 LSE London held its first roundtable of the HEIF5 Accelerating Housing Production in London project. Here is our first blog titled: Roundtable 1: Setting the Priorities 23 November 2015 In a presentation titled, 'Is there a problem with the current housing market?' Christine Whitehead discusses the social implications of a changing housing market at the ESRC Festival of Social Science: Housing Event at the Geffrye Museum of the Home. 12 November 2015 Christine Whitehead discusses Barriers to Accelerating Delivery at the New Ideas for Housing: Tools for accelerating delivery, New Architecture London event. 11 November 2015 Melissa Fernández and Sunil Kumar present their DFID funded research on the urbanconstruction-migration nexus | 5 cities | South Asia 30 October 2015 Christine Whitehead discusses the contemporary politics surrounding housing in London in a talk titled 'Housing in London - the current state of play' for the Policy Forum for London. 21 October 2015 Christine Whitehead presents at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Uppsala University in a talk titled 'The Role of Social Housing in Europe'. 13 October 2015 Melissa Fernández gave a talk titled Unsettled resettlements: community, belonging and livelihood in Rio de Janeiro's Minha Casa Minha Vida at King's College London as part of the King's Brazil Institute Research Seminar Series. 13 October 2015 LSE London hosted a roundtable with different stakeholders to discuss recommendations we published in our final report of our year-long projects on London's housing crisis 12 October 2015 Christine Whitehead gives a talk at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) titled, 'Housing Associations, capital markets and housing supply'. 6 October 2015 Christine Whitehead presents at an ARC sponsored symposium titled 'Illuminating the black box of housing and health', Univerisity of Adelaide. Presentation titled, 'Housing affordability and policy change: impacts on wellbeing in the UK' 21-23 September 2015 Workshop: The role of Housing Associations in accelerating residential development in London 11 August 2015 HEIF 5 Post-Election Event and Expert Panel: Looking ahead - how should the new government address London's housing supply crisis? 17 June 2015 For details of all past LSE London events please see the Events page. England needs to build 1.5 million homes in next five years, says Christine Whitehead coauthored report (6 November 2015) Urbanisation-construction-migration nexus | 5 cities | South Asia. Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia and Sunil Kumar (October 2015) Co-designing senior co-housing Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia and Kathllen Scanlon (Autumn 2015) Housing in London: Addressing the Supply Crisis (Final Report and Executive Summary) (12 October 2015) Islington Park Street Community: a model for alternative housing in London Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia (21 September 2015) Home advantage: Housing the young employed in London Kath Scanlon, Melissa Fernandez, Emma Sagor, and Christine Whitehead (16 September 2015) The increasing complexities of the welfare cap Christine Whitehead & Emma Sagor (3 August 2015) Blog: Does residential development always drive down local prices? Christine Whitehead & Emma Sagor (29 July 2015) Social housing in Europe Kathleen Scanlon, Melissa Fernández, and Christine Whitehead (July 2015) Financing affordable housing in the UK; building on success? Christine Whitehead and Peter Williams (June 2015) Cross-boundary effects of additional landlord licensing in Camden Kathleen Scanlon and Emma Sagor (June 2015) Affordability: a step forward - establishing principles for rent setting Christine Whitehead and Kathy Ellis (May 2015) Understanding the local impact of new residential development Christine Whitehead, Emma Sagor, Annie Edge and Bruce Walker (June 2015). Summary Report here. Full Report here. To access all LSE London research please see the Research page. Share: Latest news Tweets by username Browser does not support script. HEIF Metropolitan Green Belt Recent HEIF Lent Term Seminars 2015 GY244: London Geographies Copyright © LSE 2014 | Page updated 24 Jan 2016 Comment on this page | Freedom of information | About this site | Social media Use of this website is subject to, and implies acceptance of, its Terms of use (including Copyright and intellectual property, Privacy and data protection and Accessibility). 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