Environmental Policy - rough draft

Mind Aberystwyth
Environmental Policy
1 Introduction
1.1 At Mind Aberystwyth we are aware that our activities and energy use have an
environmental impact in terms of carbon emissions and pollution, and we believe
it is important to minimise this impact where possible within the organisation,
with a view to helping combat climate change and achieving sustainability.
1.2 We will endeavour to do this through changing our habits and developing
strategies with regard to such areas as waste, energy, and sourcing of goods and
services, and by communicating our objectives effectively to staff, volunteers and
the beneficiaries of our service.
2 Waste Reduction Policy
2.1 Paper
 Printing should only be carried out when necessary (e.g. when emailing is
not an option). Items should be printed on both sides of the paper where
applicable, or for informal items, should be printed on office ‘scrap’ paper
(already printed on one side).
 All paper should be recycled where not reusable.
2.3 Packaging
 When purchasing food, items presented with the minimum of packaging
should be chosen over heavily packaged items where an option exists.
 All packaging, food or otherwise, should be recycled where possible.
2.4 Food
 Food scraps (excluding meat scraps) should be put in the compost bucket
and reserved for composting.
2.5 Furnishings
 Broken furnishings and appliances should be fixed where possible, and if not
should be taken to a recycling facility
 Unwanted items should be offered for re-use, such as to a second hand
furniture outlet.
Last Updated: 01/09/15
Environmental policy
3 Energy Conservation
 Natural lighting should be utilised to its maximum potential. Lights
should be switched off whenever not in use, or unnecessary. Energyefficient light bulbs should be used in all light fixtures where applicable.
 Electrical appliances should not be left on standby, but should be
switched off at the socket after use.
 Room heaters should only be used when necessary and when a room is
in active use. When additional heating is required, putting on a warm
layer of clothing should be considered if heating is already at 19 degrees
 Insulation measures should be installed where inadequate insulation is
discovered and in consultation and agreement with the landlord or his
4 Green procurement
 Stationary products should be sourced whenever possible from suppliers
with good environmental credentials (e.g. offering papers made of postconsumer waste).
 Mind Aberystwyth commits to sourcing all other items from ethical,
environmentally-minded suppliers, where affordable.
 When buying new, ‘Energy A rated’ electrical goods should be chosen
over less efficient models.
 Reusable products should be chosen over disposable products where
there is an option.
 Second hand products (excluding electrical, kitchen or safety equipment)
should be chosen over new, where there is a satisfactory option and
where a risk assessment has been undertaken.
5 Communications
 Directors, staff, volunteers and beneficiaries of the service will be made
aware of our environmental policy by the use of promotions (posters,
Last Updated: 01/09/15
Mind Aberystwyth
leaflets, etc.), signposting, and through staff meetings, supervision and
specific environmental awareness sessions.
 Awareness of this policy should also be communicated via members’
activity sessions, where applicable. For example, use of recycled goods
(Art, Textiles), the importance of a healthy natural ecology (Walks and
trips), sustainable food production issues (Healthy Eating Group).
 The landlord and co-users of building should be approached regarding
our policy and their views sought as to the possibility of switching to a
‘green’ energy provider.
6 Water conservation
6.1 Water conservation measures should be employed where efficacious. This
includes practices such as fitting ‘bricks’ into toilet cisterns and putting up signs
near taps to encourage water-saving habits (that do not compromise on
7 Action plan
7.1 Nominated ‘green officer’ in partnership with the Quality Group to draw up
timetable for implementing improvements, and to liaise with others in the
implementation of the policy.
7.2 Targets set, e.g. to reduce our electricity or paper consumption over given time
frame (e.g. by agreed percentage cut over a year)
7.3 Informal environmental audit carried out (as in, tour of the building), identifying
areas for improvement (e.g. appliances known to be left on standby over the
8 Monitoring and review
8.1 ‘Green officer’ to create file detailing actions taken and objectives to be worked
on, etc.
8.2 Staff consulted as to any merits/disadvantages noticed when changes made,
and points recorded.
Last Updated: 01/09/15
Environmental policy
8.3 Dates set for reviewing the progress of any changes aimed for.
8.4 Success of any improvements promoted / publicised, e.g. via internal emails,
articles in newsletter and by a report at the AGM.
8.5 All policies to be reviewed by the Quality Group for ratification by the board
Last Updated: 01/09/15