Unit 4 Spring 2 - Diocese of Oxford

Mid-term planning
Year 4: Unit 4
Term: Spring 2
Should believers give things up?
Key Concepts: Christianity; Lent; Giving things up
Learning Objective: to explore Lent
Attainment Target Focus:
 AT1 Knowledge about religion – Believing;
 AT2 Learning from religion – Making sense of right
and wrong
Syllabus Questions addressed:
 Is religion the most important influence and
inspiration is everyone’s life?
 Do religious people lead better lives?
Assessment Criteria: (L3 & L4)
 Make links between beliefs and sources (L3), describe an understanding of concepts, making some
comparisons between religions (L4)
 Identify impact religion has on believers life (L3) describe and show understanding of feeling and experiences
 Describe key features of religion and religious expression (L3) suggesting meanings for religious forms and
practices (L4)Identify what influences them (L3) raising and suggesting answers to questions of identity and
belonging (L4)
 Ask important questions about religion and beliefs (L3) raising and suggesting answers to questions of
meaning, purpose and truth (L4)
 Make links between values and commitments and their own attitudes and behaviour (L3) raising and
suggesting answers to questions of values and commitments (L4)
 Read a story about children who are tempted to do something wrong – ask pupils to think about what
happened in the story; ask them to think about whether giving in to the temptation was right or whether
they should have given up their desire for whatever it was.
 Ask pupils to write or tell a story about something wrong they have done or been tempted to do, looking at
the consequences and thinking particularly about what might have happened if they had done it differently.
Act sketches on similar topic or do conscience alley activity. Encourage them to think about how and why
they know/believe something to be wrong.
Enquire & Explore: (AT1)
 Begin to discuss and debate the kind of things that Christians might think are wrong. Are they the same or
different to what the children believe?
 Explore the story of Jesus and his temptations in the wilderness. Find out how Christians respond to this
story in the Bible. Investigate all the features of Lent that link to the temptations in the desert – 40 days, no
food, giving things up, remembering all the things they have done wrong, saying sorry etc. Explore the
concept of sin and how Jesus alone is perfect according to the Christian faith. Look at how the temptations
are represented in art; discuss particularly how Jesus responded to the suggestions the Devil made.
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Mid-term planning
Evaluate: (AT2 Impersonal)
 Suggest some reasons why Christians chose to follow Lenten customs, especially ashing or fasting and
discuss ways of deciding what is right or wrong. Look at some stories of people who have given things up to
follow God/Jesus and what the consequences have been. Did they need to give these things up? Was it right
to do so? Prepare a reflection on what Lent means to Christians.
Reflect & Communicate: (AT2 Personal)
 What have pupils ever given up? How did it make them feel? Did it have good consequences? What helps
them to decide what is right and what is wrong? Is it only the consequences that inform their decision? Do
they refer to the Bible or a different text to help them make decisions? Is it always necessary to resist
temptation? This could refer back to the story that they wrote or told at the beginning.
 What went well?
 Even better if:
Some suggested resources:
 A story about temptation
 Bibles
 Pictures of the temptations of Jesus – lots of artistic interpretations available
 Life of Jesus through the eyes of an artist (website of Oxford Diocese – education – RE)
 Story of Eric Liddle (Chariots of fire) or someone else who gave things up
 RE Today Publications: More than 101 great ideas for RE
 www.request.org.uk - facts about Lent, including a game about sin
 www.reonline.org.uk
 www.retoday.org.uk
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Assessment opportunities & activities
Year 4: Unit 4
Term: Spring 2
Should believers give things up?
Some pupils will have made more progress and be working at
Level 4 and will use a developing religious vocabulary to:
Describe and show understanding of how the story of the
temptations of Jesus can have an impact on Christians today
Describe the benefits a Christian may believe they receive by
observing Lent
Connect the way Jesus resists the Devil to the way Christians resist
Refer to biblical quotations when explaining their own beliefs about
giving things up
Create a statement about their own beliefs about resisting
temptation and compare that to Christian views
Most pupils will be working at Level 3 and able to use an
increasing religious vocabulary to:
Describe the importance of Lent to Christians, and say what
difference it makes to Christians
Make a link between the story of the temptations of Christ and the
impact it has on a child today
Suggest reasons why people observe Lent, perhaps through a hot
seating activity
Suggest ways in which Christians give things up and compare this to
their own ideas
Make a link between their own choices and the idea of giving things
up for religious reasons
Pupils working at Level 2 will be able to use religious words and
phrases to:
Suggest three reasons why believers might choose to give things up
for Lent
Talk about the kinds of things believers and others might choose to
give up
Sequence the story of Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness
Ask some questions about why people choose to give things up
Recognise the link between their own actions in giving things up and
the Church season of Lent
Discuss the value of giving things up
Write a story with the title “Temptation”
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