Questions for during the test:

Questions During Test
How much did you like or dislike this beverage overall? (Choose one response)
9 Liked it extremely
8 Liked it very much
7 Liked moderately
6 Liked it slightly
5 Neither like nor disliked
4 Disliked it slightly
3 Disliked moderately
2 Disliked it very much
1 Disliked it extremely
If the beverage you just tasted was available where you usually shop, which of the following
best describes how likely you would be to buy it? (Choose one response)
5 Definitely would buy it
4 Probably would buy it
3 Might or might not buy it
2 Probably would not buy it
1 Definitely would not buy it
Would you say the product you just tasted was…(Choose one response)
5 Much better than you expected
4 Somewhat better than you expected
3 About the same as you expected
2 Not quite as good as you expected
1 Not at all as good as you expected
Overall how much do you like or dislike the machine that you just selected?
9 Liked it extremely
8 Liked it very much
7 Liked moderately
6 Liked it slightly
5 Neither like nor disliked
4 Disliked it slightly
3 Disliked moderately
2 Disliked it very much
1 Disliked it extremely
Overall how much do you like or dislike the other machine?
9 Liked it extremely
8 Liked it very much
7 Liked moderately
6 Liked it slightly
5 Neither like nor disliked
4 Disliked it slightly
3 Disliked moderately
2 Disliked it very much
1 Disliked it extremely
Questions After Test
Machine Questions
Now, thinking about the two machines you tasted from, please tell me which one you
preferred overall, machine 1, machine 2? (Choose one response.)
3 Prefer product machine 1 (go to next question)
2 Prefer product machine 2 (go to next question)
1 No preference
(skip next question)
How much did you prefer that machine over the other? (Choose one response.)
3 Much more
2 Somewhat more
1 Slightly more
0 No preference
Did you like both equally or did you dislike both equally? (Choose one response.)
2 Like both equally
1 Dislike both equally
Product Questions
Now, thinking about the two products you tasted, please tell me which one you preferred
overall, 135, 246? (Choose one response.)
3 Prefer product 135 (go to next question)
2 Prefer product 246 (go to next question)
1 No preference
(skip next question)
How much did you prefer that product over the other? (Choose one response.)
3 Much more
2 Somewhat more
1 Slightly more
0 No preference
Did you like both equally or did you dislike both equally? (Choose one response.)
2 Like both equally
1 Dislike both equally
The next few questions are about the testing process.
Please select the response below that best indicate how informative the directions were for
5 Very informative
4 Pretty informative
3 Somewhat informative
2 Not very informative
1 Not informative
How easy or difficult was it to understand the directions?
5 Very easy
4 Somewhat easy
3 Neither easy or difficult
2 Somewhat difficult
1 Extremely difficult
How do you feel about the amount of beverage you consumed throughout the test?
5 Much too much
4 Somewhat too much
3 About the right amount
2 Somewhat too little
1 Much too little
How interested were you throughout the process?
5 Very interested
4 Somewhat interested
3 Neither interested nor not interested
2 Slightly interested
1 No interest
How at ease were you with the hand sensors?
5 Very at ease
4 Somewhat at ease
3 Neither at ease nor not at ease
2 Somewhat not at ease
1 Extremely not at ease
How at ease were you with the computer?
5 Very at ease
4 Somewhat at ease
3 Neither at ease nor not at ease
2 Somewhat not at ease
1 Extremely not at ease
In the last 10 times you consumed a carbonated soft drink, how many times did you drink
from a straw?
10 times
7-9 times
4-6 times
1-3 times
0 times
Did you feel like sipping from a straw instead of a cup change your experience? If so,
how so?
Is there anything you really liked or disliked about the process?