Rob Poole Work experience summary

Rob Poole
Work experience summary
Brathay 1980-89
Full time/ part time outdoor instructor and expedition trainer.
Field Studies Council 1982Research Officer; supporting undergraduate and post graduate students at
field centres in Shropshire and Devon.
British Petroleum – (Field Studies Council supported)
Research student; undertaking a PhD in wetland ecosystems mainly in Canada.
3 years.
Field Studies Council -1987
Development Warden; developing field centres to undertake significant
change, acting as an interim warden as one warden left, putting in place
appropriate systems and structures for the new post holder. Undertaking
interim leadership as warden of Malham Tarn Field Centre, Flatford Mill Field
Centre and Dale Fort Field Centre.
Newquay Zoo 1987-1994
Director; developing a tired local authority owned attraction and turning a
£50,000 annual loss into an annual profit of £80,000. Creating a focus on
visitors, their retention time and experience. Introducing new features and
attractions to cater for all visitors and improve the visitor experience. Involving
staff in a period of change, introducing customer training and a culture of
engaging with visitors. 400,000 visitors with new systems developed to deal
with capacity days. Development of evening and weekend added value
experiences. Instigating and delivering a media drive to build visitor numbers.
New shop, cafe and £500,000 investments with grant aid. 44 staff. 440,000
visitor attraction.
Churchtown Farm 1995-1996
Farm boy on a 600 acre organic farm. All aspects of the farming year for
arable and livestock. 400 acres arable, 200 head suckler cows, 600 sheep. All
aspects of practical farm work.
Heligan Gardens 1990-2000
Director and leaseholder with Tim Smit; taking a visitor attraction from a £250
new bank account project to a world class visitor attraction. Developing all
aspects of undertaking a “from scratch” project. Overcoming major obstacles in
planning, design, function, operation and community expectations. Building a
business plan to deliver a great garden, then making it happen.. 350,000
visitor attraction.
Greenmeadow Community Farm 1997-2000
Director; open farm with 100,000 paying visitors and 38 staff. Developed as an
organic 200 acre farm with it's own bar, restaurant, cafe and education rooms
with a 300 seat milking parlour. Monthly features and event with a capacity of
5,000 people. Active volunteer programme with around 80 active volunteers.
Rural Economic Partnership 2000
Part time research into the challenges, option and opportunities facing the
farming community in West Cornwall.
Penwith District Council 2001-2009
Rural Economy Officer; building and funding projects from community needs. A
range of projects developed from producing 150,000 veg boxes
(Healthyboxes)to access to the landscape for all and a peer reviewed farm and
rural outreach project dealing with rural issues from suicide to migrant workers
and farm diversification. Average funding secured £20,000 a week over the
Cornwall Council 2009-2011
Rural Economy; researching, writing and the delivery of Local Action and
Fisheries Local Action around £3 million of new grant secured. Complex
negotiations with national agencies and Regional Development Agency etc.
2000- 2005 Farming part time a 21 acre holding.
2005Farming part time an 80 acre Soil Association Accredited farm,
Beef, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry and Horses.
Qualifications and Membership
• Accredited Peer by the Local Government Improvement and
Development Agency
• Fellow Royal Geographical Society – Services to Arctic and Sub Artic
• Member Institute Economic Development
• 10 O levels
• 4 A levels Biology, Chemistry, Art, Gen Studies
• HND Applied Biology BSc Applied Biology
22 Local Authority courses Heath and Safety etc.
Community Service
5 years – volunteer Brathay Mountain Rescue Team.
15 years - Volunteer Coastguard Rescue Officer, Cliff Team Leader.
10 years – School Foundation Governor Chair of Finance 8 years.
3 years - Mentor Children exclusion unit violence offenders
3 years – Prisoner Under Licence- pre release support work.
2 years ongoing supporting 14-16 year olds in work experience on my own
farm. 30 young people a week.
Col E T Bolitho OBE DL
Chyandour Office,
T18 3LW.
01736 363021
Relationship: Edward has worked with me on a number of projects where I
have been responsible for development, funding and management. Letter from
Edward to CEO Cornwall Council Attached.
Charlotte Hill
Strategic Partnerships Manager
Communications and Strategy
Chief Executive’s Department
Cornwall Council,
Room 239, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY
Tel: 01872 323922
Mobile: 07969 191000
Relationship: Charlotte was the Head of Economic Development at Penwith
District Council for all my time there.
Ivan Annibal
Managing Director
Rose Regeneration Ltd
Exchequergate House
18a Minster Yard
T: 01522 521211
Relationship: Ivan was the Head of Economic Regeneration Lincolnshire
County Council for the past 10 years. He was my mentor for the Governments
Rural Excellence Programme. For the past three years he has developed Rose
Regeneration part time and new full time. I have worked on a number of
Simon Walsh
Gibraltar Mill
Mill Road
Great Bardfield
01371 810451
Relationship: I have know Simon since 1982 when he was the Reserve
Manager of Sherkin Island West Cork. We have worked as colleagues for many
years both in the UK and Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
Tamsin Daniel
Cultural Capital Projects Lead
The Old Grammar School,
TR15 3AJ.
01209 315619
Relationship: I have known Tamsin for over 10 years we have worked on many
projects together and by bribing together very different skills we have
unlocked many funding streams for projects along with building relationships
with challenged communities such as the fishermen of St Ives and the
Porthmeor Studios.