Microsoft Word 2007 – Quick Reference Card

Microsoft Word 2007 – Basics Handout | | Instructor: Cathy Pierson |
PC to Mac users Website support:
Before you begin working in Microsoft Word 2007, you should try to become familiar with the primary user interface.
Table of Contents
1. The Ribbon Interface
2. Office Button Options & PDF
3. Reveal Codes (Format Marks)
4. Text Formats & Styles Section
5. Tables & Styles
6. Pictures, Resize & Styles
7. Bookmarks & Links
8. Headers, Footers, Page #s
9. Page Margins & Tabs
10. Table of Contents Page
11. Sharing Documents
12. Protect Document
1. The Ribbon
The ribbon replaces the menus and toolbars used in previous versions of Microsoft Word. When you click a task tab, the
context-sensitive ribbon displays an associated set of task groups and commands.
Quick Tips:
The Office Menu
displays Save, Print,
Prepare > Inspect to
find hidden edits.
Prepare > Encrypt
to add a Password to
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Window Appearance:
Commands to adjust the
appearance of your window are
consolidated here.
1. Normal
2. Page Layout View
3. Page Break Preview
4. Zoom
Quick Access
Toolbar: To Customize – click the
drop-down arrow at the right of the
toolbar. Select the command you
want to add and Click the Add button.
Right-click to customize.
| Information Technology | Instructional Services | | 325-HELP |
3. Page Layout TAB for spacing Issues or
OFFICE Button: Saving Documents
There are many situations in which it is useful to save
your file in a fixed-layout format that is easy to share and
print but hard to modify. You can do this by:
 Selecting Save As for Word 2003 –
 Selecting Save As PDF or XML
4. Numbered Headings – Select Bullet Option
To save or export a file to PDF or XPS, you must first
install the Save as PDF or XPS add-in for the 2007
Microsoft Office system at . You can still use
Adobe Acrobat Reader to read *.PDF files.
3. OFFICE Button-HOME TAB: Reveal Codes
Useful to find those Page & Section Breaks
5. Change document default font – Select the
Font Section dialog box on the HOME TAB >
1. Under the Office Icon, select Word Options
Click on the Default Tab to permanently
change it.
2. Choose Display and check the box, ‘Show all
formatting marks’
3. Click the Home tab and the Show/Hide Icon
to turn it on/off.
TIP: Page Breaks: Ctrl-Enter Keys
TAB: Formatting
The Styles section provides you with a variety of
predefined text styles you can quickly apply to selected
text. Heading1, 2, 3 & 4
TAB: Creating and Customizing
Tables – Quick Styles
To Insert Table:
1. Select the Insert tab
& Table Icon >
choose rows and columns. After you insert a
table, the Table Tools TAB are available for
Quick Styles etc.
2. To make changes, double-click table to use
the Table Tools TAB
1. 2003 Default Styles under Change Styles
2. Clear Formatting Option under Styles
Pulldown Menu
To Insert, Merge or Delete Cells use the LAYOUT
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TAB: Headers, Footers & Page
Select the Insert tab
and Header- Footer
section for multiple selections.
TAB: Inserting and Resizing
1. Click the Insert tab
, select Pictures.
2. In the Insert Picture dialog box, choose the
graphic and click Insert.
1. Edit-Exit Header-Footer Mode – Dbl click to
edit mode; click back on document to exit.
2. Delete Head/Foot – Select Insert TAB pulldown menu & select Remove Head-Footer
Picture Tools and Quick Styles
You can click on an image to view
the Picture Tools and Styles.
Arrange Text around a Picture
1. Click on the Graphic.
2. Choose Page Layout
option to select a style.
TAB: Margins, Orientation and
and Position
TAB: Bookmarks and Hyperlinks
Step1: To bookmark a location or text segment:
1. Position the cursor in the document.
2. Click the Insert tab
and click Bookmark
in the Links Group.
3. In the Bookmark dialog box, type a name in
the Bookmark Name box, then click Add.
Step 2: To create a hyperlink to the bookmark or
text segment:
1. Select the text or graphic you want to use as
the link to the bookmark.
2. Click the Insert tab
and Hyperlink.
3. Click Place in This Document.
4. Click the target bookmark in the Place in
This Document box, and click OK
Margins: Select Page Layout tab
Margins options such as Narrow, Normal and custom.
Orientations: Select Portrait or Landscape
Columns: Select 2, 3 etc for newsletters etc.
Breaks: Use these to create different Page # formats
Watermark: Import Logos etc.
1. Select View tab
and check Ruler.
2. Click the Margin Tab on the left until the
desired Tab marker is displayed.
3. Highlight paragraph or page text
4. On the ruler, click the place where you want to
set the tab.
5. Delete Tabs: Click on Tab Marker, then move
up & off the ruler
6. REMOVE ALL TABS: Select the whole
document (Ctrl-A Keys). Go to Paragraph
Dialog Box
and select
Tabs… Button
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TAB: Table of Contents
Before you generate a table of contents, you must first
apply styles to your section headings (e.g., Heading1,
1. Select the References tab
TC style-type
TAB: Sharing Documents
Tracking Changes allows you to quickly see changes
made to your document. When Track Changes has
been turned on, each user’s changes or comments
display in a different color.
& choose a
To Turn on Track Changes:
1. Select the Review tab
and select Track
Changes. Any changes made will show up in a
different color.
2. For more Options: Click Table of Contents >
Insert Table of Contents to open the dialog
10.1 Different Page Number Formats using Section
Example: Table of Contents is Roman Numeral;
Document is Arabic Numeral
1. On Table Contents: Format Page Numbers
Option to set Roman Numeral
2. Create a Section Break after TC: Page
Layout TAB > Breaks > Next Page
3. Break Connection after Section Break:
Head/Foot Design TAB > Link to Previous
4. Create New Number Format: Head/Foot
Design TAB > Page Numbers > Format
Page Number > select option to set Arabic
Numeral & Start Page Numbering at 1
2. You can also select options for the way changes
show up in the document; such as inline or
balloon comments.
Reviewing Changes: After changes have been made,
you then have the option of accepting or rejecting those
1. Select the Review tab
2. Choose the Accept or Reject as you review the
changes or you can use the drop down arrow to
Accept All Changes.
Comparing Documents
Comparing documents is a useful tool to use when
consolidating or viewing changes by several users.
1. Select the Review tab
and Compare
2. Click the drop-down arrow on the Compare
button and make a selection.
3. Choose Original or Revised Documents.
Split window panes will appear
with your original document on
one side and the document with changes and comments
on the other side.
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