SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering Intro Molecular & Cellular Biology Lab (BIO 211): Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. W Woorrkksshheeeett:: H Huum maann G Geenneettiicc TTrraaiittss Table 1: Human traits & Mendelian inheritance in humans Human trait Dominant Trait Cleft in chin or cheeks Dimples - skin depressions (D allele) Free hanging ear lobe Ear lobe - hand freely (E allele) Widow’s peak (skip if baldness exists) Tasting of PTC Interlocking fingers Hair line has distinct point in the center of the fore head (W allele) Able to sense the bitter taste of the molecule phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) on the tongue (T allele) Place left thumb on top of the right thumb when interlocking fingers (F allele) Able to roll tongue upwards Recessive Trait No cleft, smooth chin and cheeks (2 d alleles) Attached ear lobe - earlobes are connected to the head near the jaw bone (2 e alleles) Straight hair line (2 w alleles) Cannot taste this chemical (2 t alleles) Place right thumb over the left (2 f alleles) No rolling possible Tongue rolling Bent little finger Long palmar muscle Pigmented iris Finger hair (R allele) Little finger is bendable towards the fourth finger (“crooked little finger”) (B allele) Inside of wrist reveals three tendons upon tightly clenching your fist indicating a long palmar muscle (L allele) Iris of the eyes shows depositing of the brown pigment melanin with different density; brown, hazel, violet, green eye color (P allele) All or some fingers have tiny hair below the finger tip and above the knuckle (2 r alleles) Little finger doesn’t bend under force (2 b alleles) Fist clenching only reveals two tendons on the wrist inside (2 l alleles) Iris of eyes does not show melanin pigmentation; Blue eyes (2 p alleles) No hair visible on the middle joint of the fingers; smooth hair-less mid digits (even after use of an magnifying 1 SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering Intro Molecular & Cellular Biology Lab (BIO 211): Instructor: Elmar Schmid, Ph.D. glass!) Number of fingers Index finger length (a sex/genderinfluenced trait) (M= male; f = female) (M allele) People are born with six fingers (polydactyly) (S allele) People with shorter second finger in comparison to fourth finger (MS or FS allele) (2 m alleles) People with fix fingers (2 s alleles) Second finger is longer than the fourth finger (Ms or Fs allele) While the heritable human traits listed in the Table 1 above do not interfere with a persons life and do not seems to confer any obvious advantages or disadvantages to an individual possessing these traits, there is – unfortunately – many dominantrecessive inherited traits been described for our species which are associated with human disorders leading to impairment of good health and a lot of human suffer Many inherited disorders in humans are controlled by a single gene - more than 1000 dominant or recessive traits are known - these traits show therefore simple inheritance patterns, which can be described and predicted by Mendel’s principles 2