Coralie - ecole elementaire ladner elementary school

Whether it be sooner or later, everyone will forget the importance of
the earth's health. They'd treat it as if it were a big trash can, or a toxic
wasteland. At Ladner Elementary School, and in my own community,
we do everything possible to make Ladner a better environmental
place. Our efforts and hard work really help change Ladner's pollution
and energy waste.
To emphasize the idea of recycling, our school has a bottle recycling
system. Each class has a bin to recycle their juice boxes and water
bottles. The way it works is, 6 peoples from each gr.6 class take turns
collecting the bins, sorting the bottles and returning the bins. After the
bottles are sorted, a parent helper brings them to the bottle return.
This really helps because we don't waste our bottles and we help keep
our school healthier.
Ladner Elementary also has a school garden near the front of our
field. When the kindergarten classes went to the nursery for a field
trip, they realized how sick some of the plants were. So, they decided
to bring them to our school. We're almost finished building it, and
soon, the plants will be able to move in. The younger classes have
committed to tending the garden every day. Our school would like to
keep the garden for years to come.
One of the most important groups at Ladner Elementary is the
S.W.A.T. team (Saving Watts At every Turn). The S.W.A.T team helps
our school save wasted energy, and gives us ideas for energy saving.
They meet a few times a week to create posters, put together
announcements, and find new ideas. For example, they come around
the classes to turn the lights off when we're not there, at recess, and
on sunny days. On cold days, they tell us to bring sweaters instead of
turning up the heat. They also make sure that the laptops are plugged
in and turned off when they're not being used. The S.W.A.T team plays
a big role in conserving our school's energy. Without them, our school
would probably be wasting a lot of energy.
Where I live, we are very strict on keeping our complex eco-friendly
because there are so many little kids. To do this, the older kids
(including me) have started a little eco committee. We meet on
Thursdays to discuss new ways of making our complex a better
environmental place. We put up waterproof signs on the recycling bins
so everyone would know what to put where. We also put some up
near the trash huge garbage can so people would know what and
what not to put in it. We also clean up the park when it's littered and
we put up signs in the park for people to remember to pick up after
their dogs. We do this voluntarily because we care for our
environment. It's always fun to help out.
Helping Ladner become a more eco-friendly place is what I and my
community like to do. We help because we want to keep the earth
healthy and it makes us feel good inside. At Ladner Elementary, we
have a passion for the eco-system and that's what our school is really
concentrated on. It's always a fun experience to help out Ladner, and
the world.