U.S. History Clark Lane Cares Project: Action Plan Final Draft Student Sample Focus Problem We are polluting our Earth by producing too much garbage. Goal #1: Initiate a Recycling Program in the CLMS Cafeteria Action Plan (Making it Happen) 1. Create a PSA to be aired on the AM announcements to highlight the importance of recycling. The purpose of the PSA is to encourage students to participate in the recycling program we will be starting at CLMS. 2. We will contact Mr. Sachs and the First Selectman of Waterford to ask them to donate 10 recycling bins for the CLMS cafeteria. If we cannot get the bins donated, we will ask student council to donate the money needed to purchase the bins. 3. We will ask Mr. Sachs to help us set up a meeting with the teachers who monitor the lunch waves. The purpose of the meeting will be to inform them how the recycling bins should be used. 4. We will make posters showing exactly what should be put in each bin (i.e. cans, paper, plastic) 5. Student monitors will help the teachers in the cafeteria ensure that the bins are being used properly by students. 6. At the end of each day, custodians will be asked to wheel the bins out to the back of the school and deposit the recycled materials into the recycling dumpster. Goal #2: Selling Re-useable Water Bottles Action Plan (Making it Happen) 1. Inform the students at CLMS about the harmful effects that plastic water bottles have on our environment. This will be done through a PSA and posters in the hallway at CLMS. 2. Design a water bottle (through a website we found) that says “Clark Lane Cares” with a recycling symbol on it (picture of water bottle included in actual action plan submitted by students). The water bottle will discourage students from using and throwing away plastic water bottles. 3. Sell the bottles during lunch for 1-2 weeks. The bottles cost $2.00 to make and we will sell them for $5.00. We will use the profit that we make to purchase and plant trees around CLMS.