CLARINET SYLLABUS Year 1 Attainment Target RHYTHM/DURATION/METRE Students can: Term 1 (1 BRONZE) a) echo simple rhythms b) follow a steady pulse c) play semibreve, minim, crotchet and equivalent rests d) play in time in 4/4 metre a) play by ear C-G Term 2 (1 SILVER) a) maintain a steady pulse b) play in 2/4, ¾ metre c) play dotted minims, pairs of quavers and dotted crotchets Term 3 (1 GOLD) (Grade 1) a) establish a steady pulse b) be aware of intonation a) play low G – open G a) play low F, upper A and Bb b) play F,G maj. And Amin scales and arpeggios a) recognise bars, bar lines, 4/4 time signature b) read semibreve, minim, crotchet with equivalent rests c) read notes C-G a) b) c) d) a) read sharps/flats/naturals F#,G# b) recognise C time c) recognise graded dynamics d) read low F and E, upper A and Bb a) hold instrument correctly with appropriate posture b) establish a correct embouchure c) produce supported sound, co-ordinating hand and tongue d) produce a controlled column of air e) assemble and show care of the clarinet a) copy simple melodies using known notes b) recognise high and low notes c) echo a rhythm d) move in time to a piece of music d) identify simple moods in music a) co-ordinate tongue/hand with increasing accuracy b) produce notes with a greater clarity of the tonguing c) produce a controlled column of air over a wider range of notes and phrase lengths a) echo stepped melodic phrases by singing and playing b) identify the first 5 notes of an G major scale relative to the tonic c) identify when a change occursphrase in a repeated rhythm tempo a) play using an even dynamic (mf) b) recognise the difference between loud and quiet a) play a piece loudly and quietly, p, mf, f a) play individually and with awareness of others b) perform at home c) practise with other members of the group d) play unaccompanied and with simple accompaniments a) perform as part of a group to an audience b) sustain an independent part in an ensemble PITCH Students can: MUSICAL LITERACY Students can: INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUE Students can: AURAL Students can: DYNAMICS Students can: PERFORMING SKILLS AND OPPORTUNITIES Students can: Understand repeat signs Understand ¾ and 2/4 time Read slurs and ties Read low G – open G a) slur between notes b) understand and play tongued and slurred articulations c) perform accented notes a) match a pitch played by the teacher b) improvise question and answer phrases c) identify differences and changes in d) sight read basic 8 bar phrases a) play graduated dynamics within a piece- incorporating crescendo, diminuendo (pg 51-57, E.Elements) b) identify changes in dynamics a) perform as part of a group in an assembly b) join a BMS Junior Ensemble c) play pieces in the key of F, G and C Major and A minor CLARINET SYLLABUS Year 2 Attainment Target Term 1 (2 BRONZE) RHYTHM/DURATION/METRE Students can: a) establish pulses of contrasting tempi b) play using dotted crotchet - quaver rhythms c) recognise basic semiquavers a) play low E begin to produce notes over the break (Ex 119-125 E.Elements) b) play F scale – 2 octaves c) play C scale and arpeg a) read crotchets, dotted crotchets, minims, semibreves, quavers, semiquavers and ties b) read lower ledger lines in treble clef c) read & understand the effect of sharps, flats and naturals d) recognise & understand effect of key signatures e) read sf and staccato a) play with consistency of tone across the range b) maintain good posture, sitting or standing c) play sF, ., <, in context of Grade 1 piece a) improvise question & answer phrases b) clap the pulse in simple and triple time c) echo 2 bar melodic phrases by singing & playing (steps & leaps) d) sight-read phrases in 4/4, 3/4 PITCH Students can: MUSICAL LITERACY Students can: INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUE Students can: AURAL Students can: DYNAMICS Students can: PERFORMING SKILLS AND OPPORTUNITIES Students can: a) play using mp a) play duets incorporating simple rhythmic or melodic ostinato b) demo a sound knowledge of Grade 1 Term 2 (2 SILVER) Term 3 (2 GOLD) (Grade 2) a) play in compound time, using dotted crotchets & dotted minims a) change the speed of a pulse within a piece eg Rall. Accel a) continue notes over break up to top A b) play D maj scale and arpeg c) play G scale 2 octaves, C major 1 octave a) read & understand accidentals b) read & understand 1st and 2nd time bars c) identify repeated patterns of pitch/rhythms a) play D min scale and arpeg b) play A minor scale 2 octaves a) show an awareness of, and correct, fault intonation b) co-ordinate hand and tongue movements a) perform fluent phrasing using continued air b) play slurs cleanly over large intervals a) identify the metre of a piece b) identify changes in repeated melodic pattern c) rcho melodic phrases using harmonic intervals up to perfect 5th d) identify where a note is b or # e) clap pulse or short piece in compound time a) play using cresc and dim a) complete a range of exercises taken from Grade 2 syllabus a) play simple pieces in 2 parts a) perform individually to an audience a) read & understand tenuto b) read & understand tempi markings eg. Allegro, andante, adagio c) read & play triplets CLARINET SYLLABUS Year 3 Attainment Target RHYTHM/DURATION/METRE Students can: PITCH Students can: MUSICAL LITERACY Students can: Term 1 (3 BRONZE) (Grade 2) a) play C maj 2 octaves & arpeggio b) play Bb maj and G min (2 octs) scale and arpeggios (1 oct) a) play D min scale and arpeggios 2 octs b) A, D maj 2 octs c) chromatic on C – 1 oct a) read and understand trills, mordents and grace notes b) understand the structure of tones and semitones in a major scale a) understand how articulation affects the character of a piece b) read and understand enharmonic changes c) read a chromatic scale a) co-ordinate fingers and tongue in more complex musical passages b) use muscle control to help develop intonation a) compose a question and answer phrase in a major key b) read music fluently in keys of 2 sharps or 2 flats a) sing and play an interval of an octave above a given note b) differentiate between tones and semitones c) sing a major scale d) improvise question and answer phrases using syncopated rhythms e) conduct in compound time a) play with a more controlled use of dynamic range a) sing an interval of a minor third above a given note b) identify pitch or rhythmic changes to a notated pattern when played differently a) play a simple, well- known tune by ear, starting on different notes b) improvise question and answer phrases in minor keys c) recognise major or minor tonality a) play in a larger ensemble b) enter Grade 2 ASBRM a) recognise beginnings and ends of phrases and follow their part accordingly b) join BMS senior ensemble INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUE Students can: DYNAMICS Students can: PERFORMING SKILLS AND OPPORTUNITIES Students can: Term 3 (3 GOLD) (Grade 3) a) play rhythmic patterns in irregular metres ie. 5/4 a) play fluently from low E two octaves extending to 12th above a) slur & tongue over an interval up to an octave AURAL Students can: Term 2 (3 SILVER) a) play in compound triple time a) make appropriate use of articulation for a variety of musical styles a) recognise and play with a variety of accentuation in relation to musical style a) show an awareness of the role of their individual part within an ensemble and react accordingly