Title: On Shaky Ground: Looking for Patterns of Earthquake Activity Summary of sequence of activities, concepts & & inquiry skills: In this module we are scaffolding students’ (mental) model-building by leveraging from the declarative knowledge they have already learned about types of plate boundaries (convergent, divergent, & transform) and having them explicitly integrate this with the characteristics of different types of Earthquakes, i.e., how these relate to the depth, magnitude, & distribution of earthquakes. This will aid students in understanding both how features of Earthquakes relate to the type of boundary it is occurring on as well as aid them in understanding how scientists use data to ascertain information about plate boundaries. Students begin by describing the movement along each of the plate boundaries (declarative prior knowledge) and brainstorming about whether or not this movement might be a predictor for the location, depth, & or magnitude of Earthquakes along the boundary (this supports the driving question & supports inquiry strand1- identify questions & concepts that guide scientific investigations). Students are not expected to be able to predict the next earthquake but decide whether or not there are patterns of Earthquakes associated with plate boundaries and what these patterns might be (inquiry strands 4formulate scientific explanations using logic & evidence). Students then are introduced to active earthquake datasets (inquiry strand 3- use technology & data literacy/technology literacy). In the introduction of the datasets students look at recent activity of Earthquakes and begin to extract data from them (inquiry strand 3- use technology and data literacy/technology literacy). Students then are asked to look at ~40 years of data along each of the plate boundaries and compare the characteristics of the Earthquakes over the same time period, looking at depth, magnitude, and distribution (inquiry strand 3- use technology & data literacy/technology literacy integration of declarative knowledge & data skills). Students graph the different variables (inquiry strand 6- communicate & defend scientific argument & data literacy skills & integration of declarative knowledge). Finally students synthesize the characteristics of the plate boundaries and the spatial & dynamic “fingerprint” of different types of Earthquakes, as is evidenced from the datasets they have analyzed (inquiry strand 6- communicate & defend scientific argument & integration of spatial & causal knowledge). Driving Question: Do Earthquakes along plate boundaries have similar or different patterns of occurrence (depth, magnitude & location)? Type(s) of visualization(s): Data tables, maps, graphs Dataset(s). GIS Focal variable(s) Pre-Unit Brainstorming Activities Unit tasks Assess ment Tasks Task description Technology tools and visualization components (computer based productivity tools used to Alignments NSES Inquiry NSES Content AAAS Content record responses are not included here) none 1 N/A Draw a diagram to describe Divergent boundaries 6.2 develop/use diagrams and charts 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1b N/A Write a description of what you have drawn none 6.1 review, summarize, and explain information and data 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.1 Earthquakes often occur along the boundaries between colliding plates… 2 N/A Draw a diagram to describe Convergent boundaries none 6.2 develop/use diagrams and charts 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.1 Earthquakes often occur along the boundaries between colliding plates… 2b N/A Write a description of what you have drawn none 1.2 Plate boundary systems 3 N/A Draw a diagram to describe Transform boundaries none 6.1 review, summarize, and explain information and data 6.2 develop/use diagrams and charts 1.1 Earthquakes often occur along the boundaries between colliding plates… 1.1 Earthquakes often occur along the boundaries between colliding plates… 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.1 Earthquakes often occur along the boundaries between colliding plates… 3b N/A Write a description of what you have drawn none 4 N/A The Student is provided with a following map from a USGS website image …How does the location of the Earthquakes relate to the location of plate boundaries? 4b N/A How does this info help support or refute the theory of plate tectonics? Student is provided with a map from a USGS website 6.1 review, summarize, and explain information and data 4.1 formulate explanations using logic and evidence 1.2 Plate boundary systems 2.1 observations and data 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.1 Earthquakes often occur along the boundaries between colliding plates… 1.1 Earthquakes often occur along the boundaries between colliding plates… 1.5 The theory of plate tectonics provides an explanation for a diverse array of seemingly unrelated phenomena. Alignment of Unit & Assessment Tasks to NSES (Inquiry & Content Strands), & AAAS Content Strands Alignments Unit Assess Task Technology tools and NSES NSES Content AAAS Content Tasks ment description visualization components Inquiry Tasks A1-3 A1-A2 Develop a Use of maps and/or globe 1.1 1.1 systems as 1.1 Earthquakes hypothesis formulate composites of often occur along testable related objects or the boundaries hypothesis components between colliding plates. B3-5 B1-B2 C1-3 D1-2 Observe patterns Seismic Eruption software 6.1 review, summarize, and explain information and data C1, C2 Classifying Patterns (Brainstorm ing) Seismic Eruption software 6.2 Develop use diagrams & charts 2.1 observations and data 1.1 Earthquakes often occurring along the boundaries between colliding plates N/A Seismic Eruption software 2.5 plan method 2.1 observations and data 1.1 Earthquakes often occurring along the boundaries between colliding Collecting Data 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.1 Earthquakes often occur along the boundaries between colliding plates. plates E1-7 C1 Comparing data Seismic Eruption software (using data previously collected) 6.1 review, summarize, and explain information and data 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.1 Earthquakes often occurring along the boundaries between colliding plates F1-2 N/A Application Seismic Eruption software (using data previously collected) 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.1 Earthquakes often occurring along the boundaries between colliding plates G1-4 N/A Conclude & persuade Powerpoint & Word 4.1 Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using data and evidence 1.1 formulate testable hypothesis 1.2 Plate boundary systems 1.1 Earthquakes often occurring along the boundaries between colliding plates