Program Planning Committee Meeting Minutes Friday, February 11, 2011 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Clark Hall 412 Present: Debra Caires (Chair), Stephen Chen, Elaine Collins, Robert Cooper, Susan McNiesh, Lisa Oliver, Tina Peterson, Annabel Prins, Alaka Rao, Jinny Rhee, Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan, Ashwini Wagle, Chunlei Wang, Wenbin Wei, Yasue Kodama Yanai Ex-officio: Dennis Jaehne, Jackie Snell, Sutee Sujitparapitaya Absent: Pam Stacks, Gary Stebbins, Charles Whitcomb 1) Announcements: a. Google Groups: i. Program Planning Committee members are now a part of PPCSpring11 Google Group. ii. Members can post messages by sending an email to: iii. We will now upload all meeting documents and share via Google Docs iv. Debra and Kim will create a database spreadsheet in Google Spreadsheet that we can update and be able to access on any computer. v. Committee will be using the Google Spreadsheets to link with Google forms vi. Some committee members are concern a bit about using Google Docs for editing. vii. Debra will be attending Google Docs training to learn some insights on the using Google Apps/Docs and will share with the rest of the committee. 2) Action Item: The minutes of the December 10, 2010 meeting were approved with three abstentions. 3) Liaison Duties a. Committee believes that it is good to have liaisons work in pairs for team building and to help facilitate the learning curve for new members. b. Liaisons will be sending out notifications and letters to departments as each step in the program process is reach. c. Chair Caires will reassign Elaine Collins as a liaison to a different college. d. All program planning reports will be sent electronically (.doc and .pdf). e. Committee would like to give the team liaisons a try and revisit the process again next academic year. f. Chair Caires would like to provide a brief paragraph about the Liaison Team Duties on the website instead of the entire guideline. g. Committee agreed to have a template letter to send off to departments instead of having to create a new document h. Committee believes that the departments will need to have a strategic plan going forward and the liaison can play a more active role in the facilitating the program planning process. i. Committee suggests that departments should request for required data elements only when they are ready to write the plan. j. The Office of Institutional Research can provide RDE to departments in about one week. k. Action Item: All in favor to change RDE section in Liaison Guidelines to the following: Required Data Elements will be available on the Office of Institutional Research Website for the semester that a department's Program Plan is due. If additional assistance is needed, such as an RDE formatted copy or training, contact OIR at the initial time of writing the Program Plan. If the department misses the scheduled Program Plan due date, a new copy of the Required Data Elements can be obtained from the Office of Institutional Research Website. 4) WASC Letter a. A conference call was held in January 2011 on the interim WASC report submitted in November 2010. b. We are making progress on the recommendations from 2007. c. WASC webpage run by President’s Office and interim WASC report will be available soon. i. AVP Jaehne will let committee know once report is uploaded to the website. d. AVP Jaehne will discuss WASC letter and interim report at the Senate meeting on Monday, February 14, 2011. e. One of WASC’s recommendations is to align institutional learning outcomes with general education program outcomes. f. SJSU will consider providing students with the learning outcomes along with the course descriptions in the catalog. g. Other campuses are including program outcomes for courses in the catalog. h. Studies shows that 60% of students did not show much improvement in key aspects of learning in the four years in school i. WASC endorses these new projects and findings from the Social Science Research Council and the Lumina Foundation in regards to learning in higher education. j. The Office of the Provost will be hosting an audio conference with authors, Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, on their book Academic Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, on Friday, February 18, 2011, at 10:00 am in IRC k. The Chancellor’s office will be sponsoring 100 seniors to complete the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) exam on campus to measure student learning outcomes. l. Participants will read case studies and answer questions for 90 minutes. m. Links for the case studies from the Lumina Foundation and the Social Science Research Council will be sent to the entire committee. Meeting Adjourned: 2:05