Art Through the Ages is a semester course that will introduce students to the basics of Art History: famous artists, their work, architecture, their cultures, and the Eras in which they fall under throughout history. Not only will they be exploring and learning about Art History but they will be creating art that correlates with each era. The course begins with Pre-historic art, carries through Egyptian art, Greek and Roman art, then progresses through Gothic art, the Renaissance, Baroque art, 19th Century art (European and American) and Modern art. Supplementary readings, activities, projects, homework assignments and papers will also be required. I. TEXTS TO BE USED: a) Art in Focus Gene Mittler b) Art in Focus-Reading Tutor **This will be provided by the teacher II. COURSE OBJECTIVES: a) To strengthen students visual/verbal vocabulary within the history of art. b) To enhance students’ knowledge of the critical and historical aspects of art through many forms of information (text book, power point, worksheets, videos, etc.) III. STUDIO CURRICULUM: a) Students will demonstrate imaginative and unique ideas in the artwork they produce based on the different art era’s they study throughout the semester. b) Media(s) in which they will work with: Drawing, painting, crafts and mixed media. IV: ASSIGNMENTS/GRADING: 1. Tests, papers, large projects 40% 2. Small Projects (Class work, art projects, etc.) 30% 3. Quizzes 10% 4. Homework (Review packets, journal entries, etc.) 5. Class Participation (Cooperation, coming to class prepared, etc.) QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. 15% 5% CURRICULUM 1. PREHISTORIC ART a) Introduction to Prehistoric art b) Small Project: Venus Sculptures c) Quiz: Prehistoric Art d) Small Project (or) Large Project: Cave Paintings e) Test: Prehistoric art f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packets 2. EGYPTIAN ART a) Introduction to Egyptian art/architecture b) Small Project: Cartouches c) Quiz: Egyptian art/architecture d) Large Project: Egyptian god designs e) Test: Egyptian art/architecture f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packets 3. GREEK ART a) Introduction to Greek art/architecture b) Large Project: Greek Pottery c) Small Project: Greek $ d) Quiz: Greek art/architecture e) Test: Greek art/architecture f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packets g) Paper: Greek Art or Architecture 4. ROMAN ART a) Introduction to Roman art/architecture b) Large Project: Mosaics c) Small Project: d) Quiz: Roman art/architecture e) Test: Roman art/architecture f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packet QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. 5. MIDDLE AGES/ROMANESQUE a) Introduction to Middle Ages/Romanesque art and architecture b) Small Project: Illumination Art c) Quiz: Middle Ages/Romanesque art and architecture d) Test: Middle Ages/Romanesque art and architecture e) Large Project: Heraldry f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packet 6. GOTHIC ART a) Introduction to Gothic art/architecture b) Small Project: Clay Gargoyles c) Quiz: Gothic art/architecture d) Test: Gothic art/architecture e) Large Project: Stained glass window design f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packet 7. RENAISSANCE a) Introduction to Renaissance art/architecture b) Small Project: 1 pt. Perspective city c) Quiz: Renaissance art/architecture d) Test: Renaissance art/architecture e) Large Project: Illustrate a Proverb f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packet g) Artist Posters: Based on Renaissance artists (Mid-Term Project) 8. BAROQUE ART a) Introduction to Baroque art/architecture b) Small Project: Still Life Drawing c) Quiz: Baroque art/architecture d) Test: Baroque art/architecture e) Large Project: f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packet 9. 19TH CENTURY ART a) Introduction to 19th Century art/architecture b) Small Project: c) Quiz: 19th Century art/architecture d) Test: 19th Century art/architecture e) Large Project: Impressionist-style tiles f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packet 10. MODERN ART a) Introduction to Modern art/architecture b) Small Project: Abstract Art c) Quiz: Modern art/architecture d) Test: Modern art/architecture e) Large Project: Pop art Drawing-Roy Lichenstein style f) Group Activity: Review Packet, Review Games, Activity Packet g) Final Exam: Paper (or) Project (or) test ????? V. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Homework will be assigned EVERY week and all assignments will be based on the current chapter being taught in class. EACH student will be given a sketchbook and this will contain ALL your homework assignments, sketches, etc. ** Homework assignments can include any of the following: a) Journal Entries b) Small art projects c) Compare/contrast activities d) Critical thinking e) Reviewing the facts f) Aesthetics QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.