Publications for reports Peer-reviewed publications Chew-Graham CA, Dixon R, Shaw J, Smythe N, Lovell K, Peters S. Practice Nurses' views of their role in the management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalagic Encephalitis: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 8:2. Peters S, Chew-Graham C, Dowrick C. (2008) Psychological treatments for Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS) delivered by health professionals: Using qualitative methodologies to understand the story behind the numbers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 64 (6) 668. Wearden A, Peters S. (2008) Editorial. Therapeutic techniques for interventions based on Leventhal’s common sense model. British Journal of Health Psychology 13 189-193. Chew-Graham, Cahill G, Dowrick C, Wearden A, Peters S. Use of multiple sources of evidence about CFS/ME in primary care consultations. Annals of Family Medicine. 2008; 6: 340-348. Wearden, A., Riste, L., Dowrick, C., Chew-Graham, C., Bentall, R., Morriss, R., Peters, S., Dunn, G., Richardson, G., Powell, P. (2006) Fatigue Intervention by Nurses Evaluation – The FINE Trial. A randomised controlled trial of nurse led self-help treatment for patients in primary care with chronic fatigue syndrome (study protocol) [ISRCTN74156610] BioMed Central – Medicine. Wearden A & Chew-Graham CA. Managing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in UK primary care: challenges and opportunities. [Invited Editorial] Chronic Illness, 2006, 2: 143-153. Papers under review Chew-Graham, C., Dowrick C., Wearden, C., Richardson, V., & Peters, S. Making the diagnosis of CFS/ME in primary care: a qualitative study. Under review with BMC Family Medicine. Chew-Graham, C., Brocki, J., Wearden, A., Dowrick, C., & Peters, S. “Factors influencing engagement of patients in a psychological intervention for CFS/ME: A qualitative study. Under review with British Journal of General Practice. In preparation Wearden, A.J., Dowrick, C., Chew-Graham, C., Bentall, R.P., Morriss, R.K., Peters, S., Riste, L., Richardson, G., Lovell K., & Dunn, G. (the FINE Trial Writing group on behalf of the FINE Trial group). “A randomised controlled trial of a nurse-led home-based self-help treatment for patients in primary care with chronic fatigue syndrome – the FINE Trial. (Declined by the Lancet, in preparation for the British Medical Journal.). Wearden, A.J., Riste, L., & Bentall, R.P. “Performance on a timed step test in chronic fatigue syndrome patients: the role of illness beliefs and behaviors” In preparation for Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Roos, J., & Wearden, A. Dynamic Illness cognitions, socialization to the treatment model and outcome of pragamatic rehabilitation for chronic fatigue syndrome. In preparation for Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peters, S., Wearden, A., Dowrick, C., Brocki, J. Lovell, K., Cahill, G., & Chew-Graham, C. “Challenges of nurse delivery of psychological interventions for long-term conditions in primary care: a qualitative exploration of the case of CFS/ME”. In preparation for Implementation Science. Riste, L., Wearden, A.J., Chew-Graham, C., Dowrick, C., & Peters, S. Treatment and referrals practices for CFS/ME in UK primary care. In preparation for British Journal of General Practice. Conference presentations (Forthcoming) Wearden, A., for Fine Trial Group- “A randomized controlled trial of pragmatic rehabilitation for chronic fatigue syndrome in primary care: the FINE Trial [ISRCTN 74156610]” Master presentation* at Conference of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, Southampton, 14-15 December, 2009. *(selected after blind peer review of the abstracts). (Forthcoming) Wearden, A., Dowrick, C., Chew-Graham, C., for Fine Trial Group- “ Fatigue Intervention by Nurses Evaluation – The FINE Trial. Randomised controlled trial of nurse-led pragmatic rehabilitation treatment delivered at home for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) in UK primary care [ISRCTN74156610]” Conference of North American Primary Care Research Group, 13th -17th November, Montreal, Canada. Wearden, A., for the FINE Trial Group - “Pragmatic rehabilitation for chronic fatigue syndrome in primary care. The FINE Trial [IRCTN74156610]” Presentation given to conference of the Society for Academic Primary Care, 9th July 2009, St Andrew’s UK. Peters S, Wearden A, Chew-Graham A. Challenges of nurse delivery of psychological interventions for long-term conditions in primary care: a qualitative investigation of the case of CFS/ME. Oral presentation. Primary Care Mental Health Workshop. Edinburgh, UK. March 2009. Peters S, Dixon R, Shaw J, Smythe N, Chew-Graham CA. Practice Nurses’ role in the psychological management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a qualitative study. Society for Behavioural Medicine (UKSBM). Jan 2009, Exeter, UK. Chew-Graham CA, Richardson V, Peter S. Making the diagnosis of CFS/ME in primary care: a qualitative study. Abstract selected for prize presentation. Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) North, Nov 08 UK. Peters S, Dowrick C, Lovell K, Cahill G, Chew-Graham C. Delivering psychological interventions in primary care for chronic conditions: a qualitative exploration of the case of chronic fatigue syndrome. Oral presentation. EACH. Oslo, Norway, September 2008 Peters S, Chew-Graham C, Dowrick C. Psychological treatments for medically unexplained symptoms delivered by health professionals: using qualitative methodologies to understand the story behind the numbers. XXVII European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR) and XI Annual Scientific Meeting Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP). Zaragoza, Spain. June 2008. Abstract published in Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 64 (6) 668. Peters S, Dowrick C, Lovell K, Cahill G, Chew-Graham C. Psychological interventions for long term conditions in primary care: the case of chronic fatigue syndrome. Presentation given at the joint conference of the BPS Division of Health Psychology and the European Health psychology Society, 9th September, 2008, Bath UK. Brocki J, Peters S, Dowrick C, Chew-Graham C. What makes a psychological intervention acceptable to patients? A qualitative exploration of the case of CFS/ME. SAPC Galway, July 2008. Wearden, A., Peters, S., Riste, L., Chew-Graham, C., Dowrick, C., for Fine group “Recruitment to a primary care treatment trial.”* Presentation given at the joint conference of the BPS Division of Health Psychology and the European Health Psychology Society, 9th September, 2008, Bath UK. Wearden, A., Riste, L., Bentall, R., for FINE Trial Group - “Performance on a timed step test by patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.”* The role of illness beliefs.” August 30th 2008. 18th International Congress of Behavioural Medicine, Tokyo. (Presentation invited by symposium organiser, Dr Rona Moss-Morris, as part of symposium on medically unexplained conditions.) Dowrick C. Assessment of chronic fatigue: general practitioners’ approach. Royal Society of Medicine Symposium on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. London, April 2008 Chew-Graham C, Dowrick C, Cahill G, Peters S. Delivering psychological interventions in primary care for chronic conditions: a qualitative exploration of the case of CFS/ME. Northwest Regional Scientific Meeting of Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC), Kendal, UK. November 2007. Wearden, A., for FINE Trial Group - “Treating chronic fatigue syndrome in primary care.” * December 2nd 2006. 17th International Congress of Behavioural Medicine, Bangkok. (Presentation invited by symposium organiser, Dr Rona Moss-Morris, as part of symposium on chronic fatigue syndrome.) Cahill G, Peters S, Chew-Graham C. Managing CFS/ME in primary care: negotiating the illness in the context of the doctor-patient relationship. Oral presentation. European Association of Communication in Healthcare (EACH). Basle, Switzerland. September 2006. Chew-Graham C, Cahill G, Peters S. Negotiating CFS/ME in primary care: how patients and general practitioners construct the condition. Poster presentation. 35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC). Keele, UK. July 2006. POSTER PRESENTATIONS Riste, L., Wearden, A., for FINE Trial Group - “Expectations of treatment at randomization predict dropout from an RCT for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)” Lisa Riste and Alison Wearden for the FINE Trial team. Poster presented at the conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Pisa, 23rd-26th September, 2009. Riste, L., Wearden, A., Chew-Graham, C., Dowrick, C., for FINE Trial Group - “Patients reports of management of CFS/ME in primary care.” Poster presented at the conference of the Society for Academic Primary Care, 9th July 2009, St Andrew’s UK. Roos, J., Wearden, A. “Socialization to the treatment model” Poster presented at the annual conference of British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, July 2009, Exeter. Riste, L., Wearden, A., for FINE Trial Group - “CFS/ME Treatment and referral by GPs in North West England.” Poster presented at the CFS/ME Network/CNCC conference, Milton Keynes, April 23rd-24th 2009. Chew-Graham C, Peters S, Wearden A, Cahill G, Dowrick C, for FINE Trial Group. “Sources of evidence brought to a primary care consultation for CFS/ME: a qualitative study.” Poster presented at the CFS/ME Network/CNCC conference, Milton Keynes, October 4th-5th 2007 (won second prize). Chew-graham, C., Cahill, G., Peters, S. “Negotiating CFS/ME in primary care: how patients and general practitioners construct the condition.” Poster presented at the conference of the Society for Academic Primary Care, Keele, 15-17th March 2007. Other Full-time ClinPsyD, Jo Roos, started September 2007, awarded September 2009. “Processes of change in pragmatic rehabilitation for chronic fatigue syndrome.” Written up as thesis. Additional awards - Primary Care Research Network North-West Flexibility & Sustainability Funding awarded to Prof Chris Dowrick March 2009 - £ 12,991. Additional awards - NHS Manchester Short term NHS Post-doctoral fellowship awarded to Dr Lisa Riste. Applicants: Carolyn Chew-Graham, Alison Wearden, Sarah Peters, Karina Lovell, University of Manchester. April –Nov 2009 £19,000. Outcome awaited…… NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme (RfPB) submitted 20th September 2009 “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) interventions within the Primary Care Setting: Developing resources for support and self-management in primary care.” Applicants, ChewGraham, C., Wearden, A., Peters, S., Riste, L., Lovell, K., (all University of Manchester), O’Brien, K. (Manchester NHS Trust), Turner, P. (service user). Graham Dunn is a named collaborator. Amount requested £244,000 (decision May 2010). 19 August 2009 Practitioner consultation: We invited local GPs & practice nurses and clinical leads from the local CFS/ME service in Greater Manchester to get feedback on the results of the FINE trial and to engage their interest in future development work proposed in the RfPB bid above. 22 April 2005 CFS Network Launch, Bury Alison Wearden presented on the progress of the FINE trial and what its aims were to the invited audience of clinical, service users and carers. Ongoing consultation We have ongoing consultation with service users who have been contacted via local CFS/ME support groups in Stockport and Bury/Bolton. This was to engage a service user representative to co-apply to RfPB and to seek members for the service user forum who have been formed to provide assistance with the development phase and dissemination of the FINE trial results. This groups will meet once the outcome of the RfPB is known to hopefully allow us to maximise the potential for this work.