Description: Ice cream consumption was measured over 30 four-week periods from March 18, 1951 to July 11, 1953. The purpose of the study was to determine if ice cream consumption depends on price or temperature. Number of cases: 30 Variable Names: 1. Date: Time period (1-30) of the study (from 3/18/51 to 7/11/53) 2. IC: Ice cream consumption in pints per person 3. Price: Price of ice cream per pint in dollars 4. Temp: Average monthly temperature in degrees F. (tempsq is temp squared) A sample of the data: date IC 1 .386 2 .374 3 .393 4 .425 price .270 .282 .277 .280 temp 41 56 63 68 Three regressions were run on the data: The first regression equation is IC = 0.923 - 2.05 price Predictor Constant price s = 0.06466 Coef 0.9230 -2.047 Stdev 0.3964 1.439 R-sq = 6.7% t-ratio p 2.33 0.027 -1.42 0.166 R-sq(adj) = 3.4% The second regression equation is IC = 0.597 - 1.40 price + 0.00303 temp Predictor Coef Stdev Constant 0.5966 0.2583 price -1.4018 0.9251 temp 0.0030303 0.0004700 s = 0.04132 R-sq = 63.3% t-ratio p 2.31 0.029 -1.52 0.141 6.45 0.000 R-sq(adj) = 60.6% IC = 0.597 - 1.40 price + 0.00303 temp -.000004tempsq Predictor Coef Stdev t-ratio p Constant 0.5966 0.2583 2.31 0.029 price -1.4018 0.9251 -1.52 0.141 temp 0.0030303 0.0004700 6.45 0.000 Ttemsq -.000004 .005 .0008 .890 s = 0.04132 R-sq = 64.3% R-sq(adj) = 60.1% Which model will give better predictions? Explain your answer. Interpret each of the coefficients for the better of the two models. Using the best model, what is the true relationship between price and ice cream consumption and between temperature and ice cream consumption? Interpret the relationship between temp and IC for the third model Can we be 90 percent sure that a lower price will increase ice cream consumption? How much Ice cream will be consumed if the price is .28 and the temperature is 60 degrees? How much will be consumed if the price is .28 and the temperature was 180 degrees?