Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and the New Deal

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and the New Deal
Election of 1932
 FDR elected as President
 Reflected the desire of many Americans to have government take an
active role in solving economic problems
Three R’s
 Three different types of programs
 Relief: Help people in need
 Recovery: Restore the economy back to health
 Reform: To correct problems and injustices in society
 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
o Put young men to work on environmental projects
 Works Progress Administration (WPA)
o Put people to work on new bridges, roads, airports, etc
o Paid artists, writers and actors to paint murals, write histories,
and perform plays
 Public Works Administration (PWA)
o Put people to work on building schools, dams, refurbishing
government buildings, improving highways
 Modernizing the nation
o Designed to stimulate industry and spur economic growth
 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
o Government regulation of crop production
o Paid farmers to leave land unplanted and reduce the number
of animals they raised
 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
o Insured bank deposits in all member banks (up to $5,000)
 Social Security Act
o Provided unemployment benefits, pensions for older
Americans and survivor’s insurance
Impact of the New Deal
 Effectiveness of the New Deal in ending the depression is difficult to
measure because U.S. involvement in World War II accelerated
economic growth
 Expanded federal power
o Made role of federal government much bigger
o Before the new deal, the federal government had not taken
such an active role in citizens lives: Work programs, Economy
 Entitlement Programs
o Initiated programs previously not in existence
o Social Security
 Old age pensions for retired workers
 Unemployment compensation
 Aid to families with dependent children and disabled
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and the New Deal
Election of 1932
 FDR elected as President
 Reflected the desire of many Americans to have
Three R’s
 Three different types of programs
 Relief: Help
 Recovery:
back to health
 Reform: To
in society
 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
o Put young men to work on environmental projects
 Works Progress Administration (WPA)
on new bridges, roads, airports, etc
o Paid artists, writers and actors to paint murals, write histories,
and perform plays
 Public Works Administration (PWA)
o Put people to work on building schools, dams, refurbishing
government buildings, improving highways
 Modernizing the nation
o Designed to stimulate
 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
o Government regulation of crop production
o Paid farmers to
and reduce the number
of animals they raised
 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
in all member banks (up to $5,000)
 Social Security Act
o Provided unemployment benefits, pensions for older
Americans and survivor’s insurance
Impact of the New Deal
 Effectiveness of the New Deal in ending the depression is difficult to
measure because U.S.
federal power
o Made role of federal government much bigger
o Before the new deal, the federal government had not taken
such an
role in citizens lives: Work programs,Economy
Entitlement Programs
o Initiated programs previously not in existence
o Social Security
for retired workers
 Aid to families with dependent children and disabled
Criticism of New Deal
o Tenant farmers didn’t receive money (subsidy) given to the
landowners by government
 Many programs excluded women, limited numbers of African
Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans or segregated
minorities from whites
 Conservatives argued Roosevelt was interfering too much with
private business and spending too much money on relief (socialist)
 Supreme Court ruled National Industrial Recovery Act and
Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional
National Labor Relations Act/Wagner Act
 1935 (2nd New Deal)
 Guaranteed workers right to join a union and a unions right to
bargain collectively (as a whole)
 Outlawed business practices unfair to labor
Court Packing (1937)
 Roosevelt attempted to increase the number of justices in the
Supreme Court
o Wanted to appoint judges that would favor his programs
 People reacted negatively to his tampering and Roosevelt backed