FDR’S NEW DEAL Alphabet Agencies BROCHURE 40 Points DUE: _______________________ It is 1935 and you have been chosen to head up one of Roosevelt’s New Deal Agencies to bring relief to the poverty-stricken people during the Great Depression. In order to gain support for your agency and in order to spread the word about it, you decide to create a brochure detailing the agency’s purpose. Using Microsoft Publisher, MS Word, or creating/drawing/neatly writing by hand, create a BROCHURE describing your agency. The brochure should a) describe the purpose (relief, recovery, or reform) of the agency b) describe the major functions of the agency (why is it necessary, how does it help people, what problems does it solve, etc.) This can either be in bulleted format or paragraph format as you see fit. c) be on 8 ½ x 11” paper (i.e. not on loose-leaf!) d) contain a front cover visual depictions. ALPHABET AGENCIES OF THE NEW DEAL: 1) NRA (National Recovery Administration) 2) HOLC (Home Owners Loan Corporation) 3) CWA (Civil Works Administration) 4) TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) 5) CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) 6) NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) 7) WPA (Works Progress Administration) 8) AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) 9) PWA (Public Works Administration) 10) FSA (Farm Securities Administration) 11) FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration) 12) FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) 13) FHA (Federal Housing Administration) 14) SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) 15) SSA (Social Security Administration) 16) NYA (National Youth Administration) 17) IRA (Indian Reorganization Act) FDR’S NEW DEAL Alphabet Agencies Brochure 40 Points Category Organization/ Attractiveness Content and Accuracy Writing/ Mechanics Graphics/ Pictures Excellent (10) Exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information, is neat and appealing overall. The purpose of the agency is clear. Enough detail is included in the text to understand the major functions of the agency, how it helps people, when it was formed, etc. Additional info is included. Grammar, capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. The graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. TOTAL = ________ out of 40 Good (7) Attractive formatting and well-organized information Not quite (5) Somewhat organized information Missing (2) Not organized in a coherent fashion The purpose of the agency is clear. Enough detail is included in the text to understand the major functions of the agency, how it helps people, when it was formed, etc. The purpose of the agency is somewhat clear. Some info is provided about the functions of the agency. Missing One-two grammatical mistakes Three or more grammatical mistakes Incorrect grammar throughout The graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. The graphics go well with the text, but there are too few. Missing Name: ________________________________________________________________________ FDR’S NEW DEAL By 1933, it was clear that Hoover’s policy of “rugged individualism” could not solve the deep rooted problems of the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt came into office with no clear or specific plan for what to do. Roosevelt used to say “try something, if it doesn’t work, try something else.” He and his brain trust recognized, at least, that they must do something. FDR and his brain trust were willing to experiment with new roles for the federal government. These attempts at least gave Americans the hope that something was being done. Roosevelt’s basic philosophy of Keynesian economics manifested itself in what became known as the 3 R’s of relief, recovery and reform. With few precedents for government involvement in the economy, FDR experimented with countless programs his advisors suggested might relieve the suffering, restore the health of the economy and prevent future depressions. The programs created to meet these goals generated jobs and more importantly, hope. They became known as “alphabet soup” – a series of acts and agencies that created a huge federal bureaucracy. Relief: CWA immediate action taken to halt economic deterioration and relieve suffering CCC PWA FERA NYA Recovery: HOLC temporary programs aimed at restarting the flow of consumer demand and restore the health of the economy TVA WPA AAA FSA NRA Reform: NLRB FDIC SEC SSA FHA IRA permanent programs aimed at preventing another depression and insuring citizens against economic disaster Questions to consider: 1) Summarize the short-term impact of the New Deal in relieving the problems of the Great Depression. 2) Why was the New Deal an “experiment?” What was the long-term impact? 3) FDR and his New Deal faced considerable opposition from both liberals and conservatives. Hypothesize some of the arguments against the New Deal: