Porifera Precambrian-Recent Geologic range: Class Calcarea: Devonian-Recent Class Hexactinellida: Cambrian-Recent Class Demospongea: Cambrian-Recent Class Sclerospongia: Ordovician-Devonian The fossil record of sponges is quite spotty because sponges are often soft and cellular, making sponges rarely preserved. However, some sponges have a rigid skeletal framework and this calcareous or siliceous framework, or isolated spicules are more commonly preserved. Morphological features: Sponges are the simplest forms of multicellular life. They possess no organs and the skeleton has many pores and canals lined with cells. Each of the cells create a current with a whip like flagellum to move water and food particles into the sponge. The skeleton itself is composed of organic substance called spongin with needle-like elements known as spicules. The spicules are the only part fossilized and are commonly composed of calcite or silica, which are interconnected to provide support. Habitat: Most species prefer shallow marine waters; however, some modern sponges are found in deep waters. Cnidaria Precambrian-Recent Geologic range: Class Hydrozoa: Cambrian-Recent Class Scyphozoa: Precambrian-Recent Class Anthozoa: Ordovician-Recent Morphological characteristics: Common cnidarians include jellyfish, sea anemones, and coralsCnidarians are slightly more complex than sponges. They have true tissues but no discrete organs. Most cnidarians are soft-bodied, except for corals which have a calcareous skeleton, making them difficult to fossilize. Their major characteristic is nematocysts, which are stinging cells used to paralyze prey or predators. Habitat: Cnidarians are almost exclusively marine. They are typically either sessile (attached) most abundant in shallow waters (however sea anemones can be found in the deepest parts of the ocean) or free-floating usually found at the surface. Brachiopoda Cambrian-Recent Geologic range: Class Inarticulata: Cambrian-Recent Class Articulata: Cambrian-Recent Morphological features: Brachiopods have two calcite valves surrounding the soft body. The plane of symmetry for most brachiopods runs through both shells so that one half of the shell is the mirror image of the other. One valve is larger than the other (called the ventral or pedicle valve). The two valves are attached at a hinge. The hinge teeth and hinge line can be used to identify particular types of brachipods. Habitat: Brachiopods are exclusively benthic marine, living primarily on the shallow shelf and in epicontinental platform seas. Bryozoa Ordovician-Recent Geologic Range: Class Stenolaemata: Ordovician-Recent Class Phylactolaemata: Recent Class Gymnolaemata: Ordovician-Recent Morphological Features: Bryozoans are colonial marine organisms that make a calcareous skeleton. Bryozoans are commonly mistaken for corals; however, bryozoans have smaller holes for the individual animal. They also lack the radial septa characteristic of coral skeleton. The soft parts of the animal are not preserved, but the details of the calcareous colonial skeleton are. Habitat: Bryozoans are found in modern oceans at all latitudes and as deep as 5500m, but most abundant in shallow, tropical seas. Most species require a hard substrate to attach. Mollusca Cambrian-Recent Geologic Range: Class Monoplacophora: Cambrian-Recent Class Polyplacophora: Ordovician-Recent Class Scaphopoda: Ordovician-Recent *Class Bivalvia: Cambrian-Recent *Class Gastropoda: Cambrian-Recent Class Rostroconcha: Ordovician-Silurian *Class Hyolitha: Cambrian-Permian Class Cephalopoda: Cambrian-Recent *major classes Morphological features: Mollusks include clams, snails, nautiloids, ammonoids, chitons, and several minor groups. Most mollusks have a calcareous shell, which is well fossilized. They are bilaterally symmetrical with a muscular foot, mantle (secretes shell) and radula. Bivalves have, as the name suggests, two valves surrounding the soft body. Habitat: Mollusca are found in marine, freshwater and land environments. Most are marine. Arthropoda Cambrian-Recent Geologic Range: Class Trilobita: Cambrian-Permian Class Crustacea: Cambrian-Recent Class Uniramia: Cambrian-Recent Class Chelicerata: Cambrian-Recent Class Arachnida: Ordovician-Recent Habitat: Arthropods are the most diverse phylum and are found in marine, freshwater and land environments. They inhabit all extremes (deep ocean, hottest deserts and coldest ice). Morphological Features: Arthropods include insects, crabs, spiders, and trilobites. Arthropods have segmented bodies and jointed appendages. They possess an exoskeleton composed of chitin and molt or shed the exoskeleton in order to grow larger. Even though they possess an exoskeleton, arthropods have a relatively poor fossil record because of the organic chitinous cuticle. Only the arthropods with mineralized skeletons such as the calcified triobites and ostracodes have a good chance of being preserved. Echinodermata Early Cambrian-Recent Geologic Range: *Class Crinoidea: Cambrian-Recent Class Paracrinoidea: Early Ordovician-Early Silurian Class Eocrinoidea: Early Cambrian-Late Silurian *Class Blastoidea: Middle Ordovician-Late Permian Class Stylophora: Middle Cambrian-Pennsylvanian *Class Ophiuroidea: Early Ordovician-Recent *Class Asteroidea: Early Ordovician-Recent *major classes Class Holothuroidea: Middle Cambrian-Recent Class Helicoplacoidea: Early Cambrian Class Edrioasteroidea: Early Cambrian-Late Pennsylvanian Morphological Features: Common echinoderms include sea stars, sea urchins, and sand dollars. Echinoderms typically have penta-radial symmetry. Most echinoderms have a skeleton with individual plates (ossicles) made up of single crystals of high-magnesium calcite. Some even have spines on their external ossicles. One of the most distinctive features is their internal water vascular system used for locomotion, feeding and respiration. Echinoderms have tube feet used for locomotion and feeding. Habitat: Echinoderms are exclusively marine. They can be found in shallow waters as well as the deep abyssal seafloor. Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Late Cambrian-Recent Geologic Range: Class Agnatha: Late Cambrian-Recent Class Plaodermi: Early-Late Devonian Class Chondrichthys: Middle Devonian-Recent Class Acanthodii: Middle Silurian-Early Permian Class Osteichthyes: Middle Devonian-Recent Class Amphibia: Early Carboniferous-Recent Class Reptilia: Middle Carboniferous-Recent Class Aves: Upper Jurassic-Recent Class Mammalia: Late Triassic-Recent Morphological Features: Common vertebrates include fish, birds, dinosaurs and mammals. Characteristics of vertebrates are they have a notochord, nerve cord, vertebrae (either bone or cartilage), and pharyngeal gill slits – at least sometime in their development. Habitat: Vertebrates inhabit marine, freshwater, terrestrial and aerial environments. Phylogenetic relationships