Chapter 4 Sec 1 & 2

Mr. Boothby
US History
Lecture notes CH4 sections 1 and 2
Please be sure that you use complete sentences when answering all the lecture questions. Read pages 88-97 before you begin to fill out
these questions! Also make sure to keep these sheets in order form Ch1 through 16. Do not lose these or keep them backwards!
CHIV. Life in the English Colonies: Sec1 forms of government:
1. One bright September______________, William___________ II rose at __________ (That
Sucks), said his___________, and began the ___________________ of running his…
2. On page 88 Benjamin Franklin’s statement about the changing life in the colonies is shown. How had
things changed by the 1700’s and how did it effect the forming of the USA?
3. How did the original thirteen colonies function (government)?
4. Why were town meetings important to the functionality of colonial life? How many women
attended these?
5. Do you think we will ever have a female president? How would a colonist feel about this if they
were brought forward in time to 2049 to meet our female president?
6. Who was James the II and what did he do in 1686 that may have initiated the colonist steps
toward independence?
7. Why did the colonist originally leave England?
8. What was the “Glorious Revolution”?
9. How did the glorious revolution affect the colonist in the New England states?
Sec II the growth of trade:
10. The beat of a drum signaled the beginning of trade at the slave market.
11. What question did Olaudah Euiano state in the opening paragraph and what are your thoughts
on this topic?
12. What were the navigation acts and why did colonist grow to hate them? Were the colonists
simply being used by England?
13. What would you do if the navigation acts were imposed on your business? Would you smuggle
and if so, how would you justify your illegal actions against the crown?
14. Explain the triangle trade from page 96 and how disgusting the slave ships were. How would
you feel if you were a slave on one of these ships in the 1700s?
USE THE BACK OF THIS SHEET AND RESPOND IN 7-12 sentences for full credit.
II group discussion activity (3-5 students per group): many people agree the 55 signers of the
declaration of independence were great men and had good values! Did you know that over 50%
owned slaves! What are your thoughts on this topic? Where they justified in owning slaves or was it
wrong for them to participate in the slave trade? Do you feel they knew that what they were doing
was wrong?