Causes of the American Revolution

What caused the American
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Great Britain 1770
• Origin: Part of Roman Empire
around 55 B.C. Unified around
1000 A.D. Great Britain formed
around 1700 A.D.
• Population: 6,400,000
• Size: 88,744 sq. miles
• Economy: Belief in mercantilism
(trade with the colonies should
profit the home country).
Beginnings of industrialization
• Military: Large professional army
(10,000 solidiers in 13 colonies).
Largest and most powerful navy
in the word.
• Tax Rate: approximately 20%
“The sun never sets on the British Empire.”
13 Colonies 1770
• Origin: 13 colonies formed
between years 1607 and 1732
• Population: 2,140,000
• Size: 360,000 sq. miles
• Economy: exporting cash
crops, timber production,
fishing, trading with Great
• Military: Amateur militia
made up of volunteers from
each town/colony. No Navy.
• Tax Rate: approximately 2-5%
depending on the colony
Navigation Acts
Year(s): 1650 – 1696
p. 92-93
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
• Summarize
French and Indian War
Year(s): 1754 - 1763
p. 95-96
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
• Summarize
Proclamation of 1763
• Summarize
Year(s): 1763
p. 97
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
• How did the map of North America change
after the French and Indian War?
Sugar and Stamp Act
Year(s): 1764-1765
p. 98-100
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
• Summarize
Townshend Acts
Year(s): 1767
p. 100
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
• Summarize
Boston Massacre
• Summarize
Year(s): 1770
p. 101
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
Boston Tea Party
Year(s): 1773
p. 102
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
• Summarize
Intolerable Acts
• Summarize
Year(s): 1774
p. 102 - 103
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
• Why did Great Britain pass the Intolerable
Shots Fired!
• Battles of Lexington and Concord
Year(s): April – May 1775
p. 114 - 115
British Perspective:
• Battle of Bunker Hill
Colonist Perspective:
2nd Continental Congress
• Summarize
Year(s): June 1776
p. 119
British Perspective:
Colonist Perspective:
• How did the 2nd Continental Congress
contribute to the “birth” or our country?