Snapshot spectral imaging using image replication and polarising interferometry A. S. Gorman A. R. Harvey* Engineering and Physical Sciences Heriot Watt University Edinburgh, UK * Abstract. The Image Replicating Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS) is a novel, two dimensional snapshot spectral imaging technique suitable for use at visible and infrared wavelengths. This paper outlines the design principles of IRIS systems. The potential difficulties due to chromatic dispersion are discussed as well as potential solutions. The technique used to register the spectral images is also described briefly. Finally the results of preliminary experiments for using IRIS to spectrally unmix fluorophore signatures are presented. 1. Introduction Spectral imaging is a tool that can be used to discriminate and identify different materials by detecting specific spectral signatures within an image. The majority of spectral imaging techniques require some form of temporal scanning to reconstruct the object spectra1. This can be a problem for scenes in which the spatial and/or spectral information is changing. IRIS has been developed to satisfy the need for 2-dimensional, snapshot spectral imaging. IRIS is compact, has no moving parts and offers near 100% optical efficiency in polarised light. The technique also has the advantage of measuring the spectral information directly, whereas the only previously reported 2-dimensional snapshot technique2 requires computationally intensive data inversion to reconstruct the spectral data cube. 2. Concept IRIS3,4 employs several beam-splitting spectral filters (BSSF). to simultaneously replicate the input image and to spectrally filter. The principle of operation of this filter is similar to a Lyot filter5 which consists of N+1 co-aligned polarisers separated by N co-aligned retarders, with the optic axis of the retarders at 45° to the transmission axis of the polarisers. Each polariser-retarder-polariser combination has transmission, T ( ) cos2 (2.1) where, no ( ) ne ( ) d (2.2) and no ( ) and ne ( ) are the ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices of the retarder material at wavelength, , and d is the thickness of the retarder. The transmission of a Lyot filter with N retarders is therefore (2.3) T ( ) cos2 1 cos2 2 cos2 3 cos2 N Like all interferometric techniques, the pass-band is a slow function of angle of incidence. The BSSF within IRIS is a straightforward extension of the Lyot filter; Wollaston prisms are used in place of the linear polarisers following the first retarder (Figure 1). Now the complimentary sin2 component is also transmitted so that a BSSF with N retarders produces 2N beams with passbands given by the 2N distinct products of the cos2 n and sin2 n terms. For example with N=2, the transmissions for 4 beams are. T1( ) cos2 1 cos2 2 T2 ( ) sin2 1 cos2 2 T3 ( ) cos2 1 sin2 2 (2.4) T4 ( ) sin2 1 sin2 2 For the Lyot filter, the thicknesses of consecutive retarders are related by a factor of two, giving a single sharp spectral transmission peak. The choice of retarder thicknesses for the BSSF is more complicated, they are selected by minimising some suitable metric such as the orthogonality of the bands. 3. IRIS design IRIS consists of the BSSF and several additional components which together act to create a tiled array of sub-images at the detector plane. The 2 N sub images are Ny arranged 2Nx 2 at the detector where N x ( Ny ) is the number of times the beam is split in the x-z (y-z) plane. In each plane the splitting angles double consecutively. A schematic of the optical arrangement is shown in Figure 2. An image of the scene is formed by lens L1 at the plane of the field stop of size S. Lens L 2 collimates those rays passed by field stop which then pass through the BSSF before being brought to focus at the focal plane array (FPA) by L 3 . It is desirable that as much of the FPA area is used as possible; from Figure 4 and Figure 4 the following approximate relations are evident. x y (3.1) f3 4 tan x 4 tan y f3 x y N N x y f2 2 Sx 2 Sy (3.2) The field-of-view of the system is then controlled by altering f1 . These equations, together with the requirements that f-numbers be matched through the system and that vignetting should not occur, facilitate the first-order design of IRIS systems. This first-order design is then refined using birefringent ray-tracing software. To control stray light, the field stop and system housing is blackened. To stop unwanted light entering at L3 a blackened aperture stop is used at the exit of the BSSF. In the thermal infrared these objectives become more difficult as blackened surfaces are emissive and must be cooled. The need to cool the housing can be removed by ensuring the system is designed so that all radiation reaching the detector originates from plane of the field stop. Unwanted radiation is then controlled by cooling the field stop. 4. Dispersion One additional concern is spectral dispersion of the birefringence of the Wollaston prism material, which causes smearing of the spectral images. This smear maps a point in the object space to a line at the focal plane; the intensity of this line is modulated by the appropriate passband and the object spectra. For small angles the spatial extent of the smear due to a single Wollaston prism is approximately equal to, (4.1) d f3 Bmax Bmin tan where Bmax Bmin is the maximum difference in birefringence across the spectral band, and is the wedge angle of the prism. This highlights the need for careful choice of prism material although the problem will be less severe for systems with a narrow spectral bandwidth. A more accurate estimate of the dispersion can be found by tracing rays through the system. This has been carried out for an eight channel laboratory system with splitting angles of 2.48° and 4.97° in the x-z plane and 3.87° in the y-z plane. The Wollaston prisms are calcite and the retarders are quartz of thicknesses 121.5μm, 176μm and 351μm. The FPA is 1280x1024 with 6.7μm square pixels, from (3.1) f3 50mm . The result of the ray-trace for one of the four cornermost sub-images for an initially on-axis ray is shown in Figure 6, the degree of dispersion between 500nm and 600nm is 14.8 pixels. To validate this model the spectral smear of the laboratory system has been measured using a liquid crystal tuneable filter. A corner has been chosen as the reference point. The result is shown in Figure 6 and at 15.7 pixels is in close agreement with the predicted value. Although this smear can be avoided for narrow bandwidth systems, it is the authors' belief that the spectral smear can be corrected or greatly reduced for broadband systems by the use of inverse filtering techniques. Alternatively the effects of dispersion can be alleviated using an array of narrow band filters at the image plane or compensatory dispersive elements before the image plane. 5. Registration Although IRIS is a direct snapshot technique the data-cube must still be constructed by registering the sub-images. Two factors cause the sub-images to be warped relative to one another: geometric distortion introduced by L3 and geometric distortions introduced by the BSSF. Distortion introduced by the BSSF is minimal and so the effects of L3 dominate. The lens distortions are radially symmetric about the optical centre of the image and can be described by a polynomial in the scalar distance from this point. Such distortion will cause straight lines to become curved in a manner which depends on their position in the image. The nature of the distortion means that once the correct transformations have been determined they can be applied to any other image captured with that particular IRIS. The registration can therefore be regarded as a one time calibration. In practice the transformations are best found by imaging a panchromatic scene. The sub-images for this scene are then cropped and a target image, T, is chosen from among them. Each remaining sub-image, R, is in turn registered with this target image by searching the polynomial transformation space to maximise the mutual information, I, of the images. The search is performed using the simplex algorithm. p T (i , j ), R(i , j ) I (T , R ) p T (i , j ), R(i , j ) log (5.1) p T (i , j ) p R(i , j ) i j The registration accuracy obtained using this method is better than one tenth of a pixel 6. Example application: IRIS for fluorophore separation IRIS is currently being trialled for identifying and spectrally unmixing the emission of fluorophores used to label biological samples. Shown here are the results of one such trial in which IRIS is used for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements. FRET is a mechanism by which the emission from one fluorophore (the donor) excites another (the acceptor). For FRET to occur, the emission spectra of the donor must overlap with the absorption spectra of the acceptor, the fluorophores also have to be in close proximity. FRET measurements can thus be used to determine the separation and relative orientation of molecules. In this trial the sample is labelled with two dyes; Cerulean (donor) and Venus (acceptor), Figure 7 shows the emission spectra of these dyes. The Cerulean is excited using the appropriate source and the sample imaged using IRIS and a Nikon Eclipse TE2000-E microscope. The integration of the two components is achieved by locating the input field stop of IRIS in the image plane of the microscope. The bands for the IRIS system are shown in Figure 8, these have not been optimised for this task although a preliminary investigation suggested their suitability for this task. Figure 9 shows the registered images for the FRET measurements. The goal is to determine the mixing proportions of the dyes within each pixel. This can be achieved using a least squares solution if the instrument response to the individual dyes is known. In the context of unmixing, these responses are known as endmembers, Figure 10 shows the theoretical and measured endmember for Cerulean. Unfortunately the response for Venus could not be accurately measured due to background light pollution. The unmixing is instead carried out using the measured endmember for Cerulean and the theoretical endmember for Venus. Figure 11 shows the results of an unconstrained least squares solution to the unmixing problem, it appears that each pixel consists of an almost equal mixture of the endmembers, although the Cerulean dominates. Also shown is the so called dark endmember which accounts for shadowing, this is minimal. The next step in this treatment is to gain accurate values for the endmembers and to compare the results with a physical model of the emission to yield a value for the quantity of interest. 7. Conclusion In this paper the performance and design of IRIS has been described. The unorthodox transmission functions exhibited by IRIS mean that optimisation in design of the BSSF is required. To use the BSSF for spectral imaging several additional components are necessary. The relationships between the various system parameters have been stated, allowing first-order design of IRIS systems. The birefringent materials used must be carefully selected to maximise transmission of the system while ensuring dispersion within the BSSF is minimal. Possible methods for correcting this dispersion have been highlighted. Steps to take to minimise stray light and maximise the signal-to-noise ratio have also been given. The nature of the imaging distortions have been described as well as the technique used to register the spectral images. Preliminary results of using IRIS to spectrally unmix fluorophore signatures have been presented and show that IRIS is capable of this task. Future work includes an investigation into reducing or correcting the spectral smear and further field trials for a number of applications including visible-light and thermal-infrared surveillance, fluorescence lifetime imaging and retinal imaging for medical purposes. (a) (b) Figure 1: Two possible arrangements for a 4 channel beam splitting spectral filter. (a) With Nx=2 and Ny=0 (b) With Nx=1 and Ny=1 Figure 2: Schematic of the IRIS optical system Figure 4: Relationship between maximum splitting angle, FPA size and f3 Figure 4: Ratio f3/f2 determined by size of field stop and subimages. Figure 6: Theoretical dispersion Figure 6: Measured dispersion Figure 7: Emission spectra of the dyes Cerulean and Venus Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 1 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0.45 0.5 0.55 Wavelength (nm) 0 0.45 0.5 0.55 Wavelength (nm) Band 5 0 0.45 0.5 0.55 Wavelength (nm) Band 6 0 0.45 0.5 0.55 Wavelength (nm) Band 7 Band 8 1 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0.45 0.5 0.55 Wavelength (nm) 0 0.45 0.5 0.55 Wavelength (nm) 0 0.45 0.5 0.55 Wavelength (nm) 0 0.45 0.5 0.55 Wavelength (nm) Figure 8: Transmission of IRIS used for fluorophore separation ceve88: band1 ceve88: band2 ceve88: band3 200 80 150 60 100 40 50 40 40 30 20 20 50 20 0 0 ceve88: band5 ceve88: band4 60 ceve88: band6 40 10 0 0 ceve88: band7 ceve88: band8 30 60 20 40 10 20 0 0 100 30 20 50 10 0 0 Figure 9: FRET image of labelled with Cerulean (donor) and Venus (acceptor) Normalised response of IRIS to dyes 0.7 EMcerul - theory mc18 - measured 0.6 Normalised emission 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Band Figure 10: Normalised theoretical and measured response of IRIS to the Cerulean fluorophore. Cerulean Venus 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 Shadow 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Figure 11: Results of unmixing the normalised spectra in Figure 9. [1] A. R. Harvey, J. E. Beale, A. H. Greenaway, T. J. Hanlon, John W. Williams, Technology Options for Hyperspectral Imaging Proc SPIE 4132, p13-24, Imaging Spectrometry VI; Michael R. Descour, Sylvia S. Shen; Eds (2000) [2] M. R. Descour, C. E. Volin, E. L. Dereniak, K. J. Thome, A. B. Schumacher, D. W. Wilson, and P. D. Maker, "Demonstration of a high-speed nonscanning imaging spectrometer ," Opt. Lett. 22, 1271-1273 (1997) [3] A R Harvey, D W Fletcher-Holmes, Imaging Spectrometer, Patent WO 03/089890, 30 October 2003 [4] Andrew R. Harvey, David W. Fletcher-Holmes, Alistair Gorman, Kirsten Altenbach, Jochen Arlt, Nick D. Read, Spectral imaging in a snapshot, Spectral Imaging: Instrumentation, Applications, and Analysis III, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5694, p. 110-119, (2005) [5] B. 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