
Matthew Zierenberg.
Phone: TBA
Course Description
Biology the study of Life…
Biology is an inquiry-based course designed to familiarize you with science processes, skills, and understandings
related to a wide range of topics in science. During this course, you will learn to identify the basic questions and
concepts that guide scientific investigation and to design and conduct your own investigations. Some important skills
you will develop include microscopy, graphing and measurement, identification of research questions, making
connections, and the ability to be a self-directed learner. You will have the opportunity to explore the world of biology
by using technology, inquiry, research and hands on learning activities.
Course Objectives
Utah Biology Core Curriculum
Standard 1: Students will understand that living organisms interact with one another and their environment.
Standard 2: Students will understand that all organisms are composed of one or more cells that are made of molecules,
come from preexisting cells, and perform life functions.
Standard 3: Students will understand the relationship between structure and function of organs and organ systems.
Standard 4: Students will understand that genetic information coded in DNA is passed from parents to offspring by
sexual and asexual reproduction. The basic structure of DNA is the same in all living things. Changes in DNA may
alter genetic expression.
Standard 5: Students will understand that biological diversity is a result of evolutionary processes.
II. ACT Science
a. Data Representation
b. Research Summary
c. Conflicting Viewpoints
Wasatch High School Desired Results for Student Learning
a. Communication Literacy
b. Productive Citizenship
1. Students are expected to bring to class each day a Wasatch High School planner, notebook, #2 pencil, eraser, blue or
black ink pen, and scientific calculator.
2. Students are expected to come prepared to class and to stay in class. Hall pass use will be limited to emergencies.
3. Students are expected to adhere to the Wasatch High School Dress Code Policy.
4. Students are expected to submit quality work and show mastery of Biology principles to the level expected by the
Utah State Biology Core.
5. Students are expected to be morally responsible. Moral responsibility includes honestly completing and evaluating
assignments and tests. Students may be asked to evaluate each other’s work. Cheating will not be tolerated. Plagiarism
is cheating and will not tolerated. You must give appropriate citation for research sources (including websites, articles,
textbooks etc.)
6. Students are expected to maintain a fair testing environment. Talking during quizzes or tests is distracting and
unacceptable and may be considered cheating.
7. Students are expected to follow the Wasatch High School Cell Phone Policy.
8. Students are expected to confirm the accuracy of their own grade and attendance. Students may access their grades
and attendance records on-line at
9. Students are expected to save corrected work should a question arise regarding the accuracy of their grade.
10. Students are expected to attend class on time daily. Effort, participation, and attendance will be evaluated in
determining the citizenship grade of each student. Moreover, more than six absences or tardies will result in a no credit
(NC) grade for this class based on the Wasatch High School Attendance Policy.
11. Assignments are expected on the due date even if the student will not be attending class that day. Each student will
be given a syllabus outlining the assignment, objective test, and final exam schedule. Students who will not be able to
attend class may drop off their assigned work at the office, send it with a friend or turn in the assigned work early.
Late work will be penalized 50%. Make-up tests will be given the first day the student is back in class.
12. All late work must be turned no later than 10 calendar days past the original due date of the given assignment to
receive the 50% credit.
12. Students are expected to practice safety and maintain cleanliness in the classroom and lab. Cleanliness and
organization lead to an attitude of excellence and quality work. Food, soft drinks and gum will not be allowed in the
classroom or lab. Drinking water will be permitted in the classroom area but nothing is to be ingested in the lab area.
13. Students are expected to be positive contributors to the class. This includes being punctual and prepared. Students
should practice good citizenship by working hard at learning biology and encouraging their classmates. Moreover,
students should expect the most from themselves, their classmates, and their teacher in order to achieve their highest
academic potential.
A= 94.5% B= 82.5% C=72.5%, D=62.5%
I honestly believe that every student can be successful at studying Biology. Students, who study consistently, work
well with others, come to class regularly, and maintain a positive attitude will find rewards of increased knowledge and
understanding, personal satisfaction, and preparation for college and other advanced educational opportunities.
Student Name Printed
Student Signature
Parent Name Printed
Parent Signature