Maturitné otázky z anglického jazyka v školskom roku 2000

Maturitné otázky z anglického jazyka v školskom roku 2000/2001
1. a, Grammar text
b, Travelling
( Means of transport.Describe the journey by plane.Travelling around our
country.Travelling abroad.Give the reasons of travelling.)
2. a, Grammar text
b, Schools in Slovakia and Great Britain
(Describe our system of education.Describe British system of education.
The advantages and disadvantages of Secondary Grammar School.
School subjects and time-table.Describe our school,your class.)
3. a, Grammar text
b, Famous cities
( London, New York, Sydney and other cities. Geographical data.
Population. Famous tourist sights. Theatres and museums. Shopping
centres. Means of transport.)
4. a, Grammar text
b, At a restaurant. Meals.
( Main daily meals. Party at a restaurant. Compare Slovak and English
meals. Yours and your family favourite meals. )
5. a, Grammar text
b, Weather, time
( Climate. Seasons of the year – description. Nature – plants, animals –
- in spring, summer, autumn, winter. Temparature. Your favourite
seasons. Kinds of weather. Influence of weather on our mood, health,
travelling, sport. Months of the yaer, days of the week.Weather forecast.)
6. a, Grammar text
b, Likes and dislikes
( My hobby or hobbies. Sports of hobbies. Sorts of music. My favourite
composer, singer, pop group. Literature, art. My favourite painter,
picture, musical instruments, orchestras, collections of ... Sports and
games. What you dislike. Why ? Typical hobbies for men, for women,
for children. )
7. a, Grammar text
b, William Shakespear, Daniel Defoe, Bronte sisters and other
representatives of British literatur.
( Life and work of authors above. The analysis of a comedy and of the
tragedy of W.Shakespeare. Emily Bronte – Wuntering Heigkts. Charlotte
Bronte – Jane Eyre. Daniel Defoe – Robinson Crusoe. My favourite
British writer.)
8. a, Grammar text
b, Clothes and fashion
( The importance of clothes. The clothes you like wearing. The clothes
you don‘t like wearing and why. What men wear. The clothes you wear
for special occasions. Summer clothes. Winter clothes. A fashion show.
Describe one model. Uniforms, typical clothes for various nations,
national costumes. Differances in opinions on the fashion of adults and
young people. )
9. a, Grammar text
b, Great Britain
( History, important, battles, wars, well-known kings and queens.
Geography. Parts of Britain.Industry, agriculture. Important towns and
cities. Political party system. Parlament. Prime minister. Family life,
customs and traditions. )
10. a, Grammar text
b, Michalovce
( Geographical data and population. The history of Michalovce. Tourist
attractions and its surrounding. Famous personalities. Cultural lifecinemas,theatres, libraries, schools, industry and factories. Other
important institutions. New features in life of our town. My relation to
Michalovce. )
11. a, Grammar text
b, Famous personalities
( Famous persons in the field of sciense politics, music, arts, sports. )
12. a, Grammar text
b, Mark Twain, Jack London, Edfgar Allan Poe and other representatives
of American literature.
( Life and work of the authors above. The analysis of a short story of
Edgar Allan Poe. Mark Twain – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. A selection of Jack London‘s wrok.
My favourite American writer.)
13. a, Grammar text
b, Cultural life in our country
( Theatre, TV, cinema. Going to the theatre, buying tickets, kinds of seats,
stage and scebery. Theatre genres. Watching TV, TV channels at their
typical programmes. TV as a mass medium and its importance for
everydaylife in the socienty. Going to the cinema. Making films and
works relating to its. The most respected Slovak films.)
14. a, Grammar text
b, The United States of America
( Geography, area, population. Some facts from the history, the year
1492, G. Washington, A. Lincoln – slavery, M. L. King, J. F. Kennedy,
B. Clinton. Towns and cities. The capital of the USA and its states, flag
and political system. Industry and agriculture. The way of life – habits and
traditions. )
15. a, Grammar text
b, Talking about holidays. In a hotel.
( When you begin to plan holidays. Who you prefer to spent your holidays
with – your frend (s) or parents and why. Main types of holidays –
advantages of each. Where to stay – a camp, hotel or tent – advantagas
and disadvantages. How to reserve a room for some time in a hotel. What
to do at the seaside, in the countyside, in the mountains.)
16. a, Grammar text
b, Health, human body, diseases
( ‘’ An apple a day keeps a doctor away.’’ Do people often ruin their
health themselves ? How to make an appointment with a doctor. What are
‘’ all the usual things ‘’ that a doctor does during a medical examination
of a patient. The most common diseases. How burns, fractures and cuts
are treated. Parts of human body.)
17. a, Grammar text
b, Sports in Slovakia, Great Britain, the USA.
( The most typical sports and games in these countries. The most
important sport event all over the world. From the history of the Olympic
games. Well – known sportsmen and sportswomen. The rules of some
sports – football, hockey, golf, cricket.)
18. a, Grammar text
b, Canada
( Geography – arae, climate, population. Some facts from the history.
Towns and cities. Mountains and rivers. Industry and agryculture.
Political system.)
19. a, Grammar text
b, Australia
( Geography – arae, climate, population. Some facts from the history –
James Cook , convicts. Towns and cities – Camberra, Sydney – the most
beautiful city. Industry and agriculture. Political system – state territories,
the head of the states. Australian animals, sports, native people. )
20. a, Grammar text
b, Slovakia
( Geography – area, population. From its history – the years 1948,1989,
1st January 1993. Mountains and rivers. Towns, its capital, spas and
interesting places. Political system and cultural life in Slovakia .)
21. a, Grammar text
b, Holidays in Slovakia, Great Britain and the USA
( January : New Year‘s Day, February : St Valentine‘s Day, April : April
Fool‘s Day, Easter, July : Independence Day, October : Halloween,
November : Thanksgiving Day, December : Christmas Eve, Christmas
Day,Boxing Day.)
22. a, Grammar text
b, Ecology
( What are the most serious ecologocal problems of today. Why is the
protections of environment so urgent today. What is the most famous
environmental organisation. Name some animals, flowers, trees.)
23. a, Grammar text
b, House, home
( Do you live in a house or a flat ? Describe your house, flat. What is your
idea of a perfect house ? The basic types of houses. What does a typical
British house look like ? Where the Americans live. Describe the
equipment of an average American family. )
24. a, Grammar text
b, Shopping
( What kinds of shops do you know. What you can buy there. Describe
the shop in whitch you usually do your shopping. Compare the shopping
in small village with the one in large city. How can you pay in shops ? )
25. a, Grammar text
b, Basic personal data
( Your family, close and distant relatives. Describe the members of your
family, their character and physical appearance. Your family life important
family events. Your future career. Who encourages you to take up languages
or law or midicine as your future career ? Sorts of jobs. Hobbies and your
leisure town. )