
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Programme of the course «Fundamentals of logistics infrastructure (warehouse) design» for bachelor students
(educational direction 080500.62, profile «Logistics and Supply Chain Management»)
Government of the Russian Federation
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Higher Professional
"National Research University
"Higher School of Economics"
Faculty of Logistics
Program of the course
Information Technology Support of Logistics Business Processes
For the direction 38.04.02 «Management» of the master’s degree student’s education,
profile «Strategic Logistic Management»
Author of the program:
Vadim Korepin
Moscow, 2015
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Programme of the course «Fundamentals of logistics infrastructure (warehouse) design» for bachelor students
(educational direction 080500.62, profile «Logistics and Supply Chain Management»)
Organizational and methodical part
Course « Information systems in supply chain management» will be delivered in English to the
bachelor students of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and exchange students of the partnering universities first time in 2014 academic year. The course accounts for 108 academic hours in total, including
40 contact hours. Significant amount of contact hours will be devoted to the work in small groups including
both HSE and exchange students in order to boost intercultural communication, exchange of experience
and ideas.
Prerequisites for students
Students attending classes should have taken the following courses: «Foundations of logistics»,
«Economic support for logistics and supply chain management», «Operations management», «Supply
chain management», «Functional areas of logistics», «Inventory management in supply chains».
The main purpose of the course is to establish the students’ competence in setting up and developing a company’s logistics infrastructure in line with the corporate, marketing and logistics strategies of an
organization. The major emphasis will be made in information system using and implementations
Training objectives
Having taken the course a student must:
realize a current state of the ERP systems market in the Russian Federation, its trends, main actors,
pricing policies, major issues and developments;
be familiar with the types of a ERP system eco-systems
know the requirements for an effective and efficient ERP implementations;
have a deep knowledge in supply chain management, manufacturing and finance functionality of
be familiar with basic MRP2 principles
be familiar with information systems implementation methodology
be able to take decisions how to choose appropriate system for company ;
be skilled to make a recommendations to organize fit/gap analysis;
understand how to develop efficient and effective way to organize tender for system integration
realize benefits and drawbacks of the different systems;
be able to take decisions how to organize integrations between two or several systems
be familiar with WMS, SCM, MES, SRM, SCM systems
be familiar with Sure Step methodology
be familiar with basic functional and technology capabilities of 1C, SAP and Microsoft Dynamics
know the 2-tier and 3-tier system architecture
know about newest ERP systems trends
know about TCO and ROI calculations
Methodical novelty of the course
1. Material of the course is based on the real experience and more than 15 years in enterprise resource planning system implementation and developing. More than 30 realized projects make a possibility
to include in course best practices in choosing, implementation and comparing different products.
2. The course involves comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign markets of information systems that helps HSE students and exchange students from partner universities to realize important differ2
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Programme of the course «Fundamentals of logistics infrastructure (warehouse) design» for bachelor students
(educational direction 080500.62, profile «Logistics and Supply Chain Management»)
ences in the respective trends and developments. In course of their analysis students will reveal that the
market of implementation systems in Russia is at very competitive stage and understanding differences and
strong point of main systems is very important.
3. The course include description of leaders on ERP markets:
SAP - SAP Business One is a business management software designed for small businesses, sold
by the German company SAP AG. As an ERP solution, it aims to automate key business functions in financials, operations, and human resources.
1C - 1C:Enterprise 8 system of programs is intended for automation of everyday enterprise activities: various business tasks of economic and management activity, such as management accounting, business accounting, HR management, CRM, SRM, MRP, etc.
Microsoft Dynamics AX - Microsoft Dynamics AX is one of Microsoft's enterprise resource planning software products. It is part of the Microsoft Dynamics family.
Position of the course in the system of formed innovative qualifications
Course «Information systems in supply chain management » is a part of a cycle of professional disciplines. It is included in the block of subjects that support educational profile «Logistics and Supply Chain
Management». This course is elective for the students of specialization «Logistics and Supply Chain Management».
The course is based on the knowledge that students can get from the preceding disciplines:
- «Foundations of logistics»;
- «Economic support for logistics and supply chain management»;
- «Operations management»;
- «Supply chain management»;
- «Functional areas of logistics»;
- «Inventory management in supply chains».
To master the course students should have following knowledge and competencies:
knowledge of general logistics terms and notions, classification of logistics costs, elements of logistics infrastructure, major supply chain actors along with their functions, specifics of logistics functional spheres, types of inventory and main systems of inventory management, general characteristics of material flows, sorts of loads;
skills of data mining from different sources (periodicals, special literature, web), data systematization and analysis, teamwork with roles assignment, presentation of analysis outcomes;
ability to use Microsoft Office or Open Office software to group and analyze data, make necessary
calculations, prepare presentations.
The knowledge that students get while studying the discipline will form a base for taking further
bachelor’s and master’s courses listed below.
Courses for bachelor students:
 «Distribution logistics»;
 «Operations management in supply chains».
Courses for master students (Master programme «Strategic management of logistics»):
 «Strategic logistics infrastructure management»;
 «Management of logistical operations in supply chain»;
 «Optimization of investments into logistics infrastructure»;
 «Information technologies for logistics infrastructure management»;
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Programme of the course «Fundamentals of logistics infrastructure (warehouse) design» for bachelor students
(educational direction 080500.62, profile «Logistics and Supply Chain Management»)
«Strategic development of corporate distribution network»;
«Strategic planning of logistics infrastructure development».
As a result of studying the course «Information systems in supply chain management» students
should gain following competencies.
General competencies:
- skill to create deep and professional analysis of current or set of information systems in company
- skill to calculate value of ERP systems implementation in short-term and long-term strategies
- skill to apply quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis when taking management decisions
as well as construct economic, financial and organizational-management models;
- ability to select mathematical models of organizational systems, analyze their validity, adapt models
to complete specific management tasks;
- skill to design business processes and knowledge of methods of their reengineering;
- skill to use information, received in course of marketing research and best practices benchmarking,
in an organization’s practical activity;
- ability to carry out analysis of an organization’s operations and use its results to make management
Professional competencies:
ability to plan and take actions, both at tactical and operational levels, aimed at logistics strategy realization;
ability to participate in the design of logistics department’s organizational structure as well as to assign authority and responsibility on the base of their delegation to the linear (operational) units inside a company’s logistics department;
ability to plan and conduct logistics operations with reference to warehouse facilities;
ability to choose material handling and storage equipment for a warehouse as well as optimize its
logistics process;
ability to optimize individual operations with the help of economic-mathematical models of logistics business processes, systems and supply chains.
II. Course contents
Class hours
Enterprise Resource Planning system
Supply chain planning and execution
SCM processes support systems: SRM,
Total cost of ownership IS
Implementation process and methodology
Class hours Self-study
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Programme of the course «Fundamentals of logistics infrastructure (warehouse) design» for bachelor students
(educational direction 080500.62, profile «Logistics and Supply Chain Management»)
List of sample control and test questions
1. Major particulars and trends of the Russian ERP market
2. Types of information systems
3. Warehouse management systems (WMS)– main features, functional and technologies overview
4. Implementation methodologies
5. ROI and TCO calculation for new and existing information systems
6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems – main features, functional and technologies overview
7. Transportation management systems (TMS) – main features, functional and technologies overview
8. Main purpose of MRP, CRP and MRPII conceptions
9. Process of selection best solutions for company
10. Main difference between 2-tier and 3-tier system architecture
11. Supply Relationship Management (SRM) systems – main features, functional and technologies overview
12. Advanced planning systems (APS) – main features, functional and technologies overview
13. Manufacture execution systems (MES) – main features, functional and technologies overview
14. Key risks during enterprise system implementations
15. Lean supply chain management
Sample tasks for the self-study
Define the optimum system for 3PL company
Define short-term information strategy for multi-system company.
Define long-term information strategy for company with several installations.
Calculation TCO for existing ERP systems
Calculation ROI for new ERP systems
Design the information system structure
Identify the requirements for ERP
Plan the implementation stages
Develop data model for company
Sample themes of course projects
Warehouse management systems (WMS)– main features, functional and technologies overview
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)– main features, functional and technologies overview
Supply chain management (SCM)– main features, functional and technologies overview
Green logistic
Lean supply chain management
Lean production
Implementation methodologies overview
Future of ERP
Social ERP
Forms of control
Current control is conducted during the workshops by questioning students about the issues discussed at previous classes as well as on the base on the assessment of students activity in course of group
and individual work.
Intermediate control is carried out in form of the written tests on each of the studied themes. Every
test normally contains 5-10 questions. Students are given 10-20 min. to complete the test.
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Programme of the course «Fundamentals of logistics infrastructure (warehouse) design» for bachelor students
(educational direction 080500.62, profile «Logistics and Supply Chain Management»)
The ultimate control is held in form of written examination assuming that students answer several
questions on the subject. The examination takes 1 hour and 20 min.
The final grade on the course is put according to 10-point scale and it is formed on the base of the
results of the students work at the seminars, their homework, examination mark and attendance of the classes. The final grade is calculated following the next formula:
Gf = Ws*Gs + We*Ge + Wa*Ga,
Gf – final (resulting grade)
Gs – grade for the student’s work at the seminars
Ws – weight of the grade on the seminars (Ws=0,25)
Ge – examination grade
We – weight of the examination grade (We=0,5)
Ga – grade on the attendance
Wa – weight of the attendance grade (Wa=0,25).