Morgan obituaries from McKeesport Daily News

The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of 2 November 1936:
Mrs. Mary E. Morgan, 89, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T.L. Robinson, 13 Earl
Street, Duquesne, this morning at 9 o’clock. She was the widow of Joseph Morgan and
had lived in this district all her life.
She is survived by the following children: O.H. Morgan and Mrs. T.L. Robinson of
Duquesne; Mrs. Albert Delo of Kokomo, Ind; Mrs. Winfield Henderson of Bolivar, Pa.
and Mrs. Omer Hunt, of McKeesport; also by 57 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren,
and one great-great grandchild.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Robinson home in
Duquesne, with burial in Versailles Cemetery.
The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of 16 June 1944:
Mrs. Laura Morgan Reed, widow of Jesse J. Reed, died this morning at her home, 16 Earl
St., Duquesne, after a brief illness.
Born in Elizabeth, Nov. 24, 1871, a daughter of the late Joseph and Mary E. Morgan, she
came to McKeesport in her early teens and lived here until two years ago.
Surviving are three sons, Albert W. Reed, of McKeesport; Jesse V. Reed, in the U.S.
Navy stationed at Portsmouth, Va.; and Wilbur N. Reed, of Duquesne; four daughters,
Mary E. Reed, Mrs. Clarence K. Fowler, Mrs. William Robinson, and Ena Reed, all of
Duquesne; three sisters, Mrs. Thomas L. Robinson, of Duquesne; Mrs. Albert Delo, of
Kokomo, Ind.; and Mrs. Winfield Henderson, of Bolivar, Pa.; seven grandchildren and
one great grandchild.
Funeral services, in charge of her pastor, the Rev. Dr. C.W. Baker Jr. of the First English
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Duquesne will be conducted Sunday at 8 p.m. at the
Allebrand Funeral Home, Duquesne Place, Duquesne. Private burial will be made
Monday morning in Versailles Cemetery, McKeesport.
The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of [ ] September 1941:
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Morgan, shown above, of 21 North Fifth St.,
Duquesne, were extending them greetings on their golden wedding anniversary at their
home today. Mr. Morgan, 72, and Mrs. Grace Fleming Morgan, 73, were married Sept.
30, 1891 in Kittanning and made their home for the first three years of marriage in
Reynoldton, now McKeesport’s Tenth Ward. Forty-seven years ago, they moved to
Duquesne. He retired as carpenter foreman at the Duquesne Works of the CarnegieIllinois Steel Corp. in 1932. The couple have four children, Mrs. Howard Spahr, Mrs.
Ethel Davies, both of Duquesne, J. Howard Morgan and Mrs. Twyla Landy, both of
McKeesport, 10 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of 20 January 1969:
J. Howard Morgan, 76, of 3010 Cronemeyer Ave., died today in McKeesport Hospital.
He was a lifetime McKeesport resident and was a retired roller at the Duquesne Works,
U.S. Steel Corp. He belonged to Duquesne Christian Church.
Starting at 6 p.m. today, friends will be received at the H. Melvin Jaycox Funeral Home.
Services are scheduled there Wednesday at 11 a.m. Burial will follow in McKeesport and
Versailles Cemetery.
Mr. Morgan leaves his widow, Ada Lewis Morgan; daughters, Mrs. Betty Sturm of Irwin
and Mrs. Grace Ghrist of Detroit, Mich.; five grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; and
sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Spahr and Mrs. Ethel Davies, both of Duquesne. His parents were the
late Oliver and Grace Fleming Morgan.
The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of 8 May 1942:
Oliver H. Morgan, 73, a resident of Duquesne for 48 years, died last night at his home,
118 Auriles St., Duquesne.
Before his retirement nine years ago, he had been employed as a carpenter at the
Duquesne Works of the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. He was a member of the First
Christian Church of Duquesne and I.O.O.F.
Surviving are his widow, Grace Fleming Morgan; one son, Howard, of McKeesport;
three daughters, Mrs. Twila V. Landy, of McKeesport; Mrs. Myrtle Spahr and Mrs. Ethel
Davies, of Duquesne; 10 grandchildren; five great grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Katie
Delo, of Kokomo, Ind.; Mrs. Laura Reed, of McKeesport; Mrs. Agnes Henderson, of
Bolivar, Pa.; and Mrs. Mayme Robinson, of Duquesne.
Friends are being received at the Allebrand Funeral Home, Duquesne Place, Duquesne,
where services will be conducted Monday at 2:30 p.m. by the Rev. R.A. Graybill.
Interment is to follow in Versailles Cemetery, McKeesport.
The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of [ ] Nov 1959:
Mrs. Twila Vern Landy, 64, former resident of McKeesport, who resided with a sister,
Mrs. Ethel Davies of West Mifflin, died yesterday in McKeesport Hospital.
Born Jan. 22, 1895, in Duquesne, she was a daughter of Mrs. Grace Fleming Morgan and
the late Oliver H. Morgan. She was a member of First Christian Church, Duquesne.
Mrs. Landy, widow of Thomas B. Landy, is survived by her mother of West Mifflin; a
daughter, Mrs. Bernice Morgan of Oroville, Cal.; two sons, Glen B. Landy of
Westmoreland City and Thomas E. of Mt. Vernon; a brother, Howard Morgan of
McKeesport; two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Spahr and Mrs. Davies, both of West Mifflin; and
three grandchildren.
Beginning at 7 p.m. today, friends will be received at the Teichart Funeral Home,
Duquesne, where services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday by the Rev. R.A. Graybill.
Burial will be in McKeesport and Versailles Cemetery.
The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of 20 November 1963:
Mrs. Cleora Grace Morgan, 95, an area resident 70 years, died yesterday at her home, 436
Grandview Ave., West Mifflin. Mrs. Morgan was born Feb. 18, 1868, in Reinerton, Pa., a
daughter of the late Hamilton And Roseann Holmes Fleming. She was a member of First
Christian Church of Duquesne.
Widow of Oliver H. Morgan, she leaves a son, J. Howard Morgan of McKeesport;
daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Spahr and Mrs. Ethel Davies, both of West Mifflin; 10
grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; and six great-great grandchildren.
Friends are being received at the Jack L. Teichart Funeral Home, Duquesne, and services
will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in First Christian Church, Duquesne. The Rev. R.A. Graybill
will officiate and burial will take place in McKeesport and Versailles Cemetery.
The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of 2 January 1960:
Mrs. Bernice Landy Morgan, 145 Canyon Highlands Drive, Oroville, Cal., died Thursday
in her home. She was born Feb. 26, 1913, in Colorado, a daughter of the late Thomas B.
and Twila Landy. She formerly resided in McKeesport.
Surviving are her husband, Howard G. Morgan; two brothers, Thomas E. Landy of Mt.
Vernon and Glenn B. Landy of Harrison City; and her grandmother, Mrs. Grace Morgan
of Duquesne.
Interment will take place Monday in Oroville, Cal., following services.
The McKeesport, PA “Daily News” issue of [ ] April 1920:
[Note: This obituary was copied from microfilm which was poorly focused and
photographed. As a result, this obituary is cut off along the left margin, the result being
that there is missing text, some of which can be assumed, given a partial beginning of a
word on a previous line or from other known facts about Joseph Morgan’s life and
family. Missing text is indicated by asterisks within brackets. Assumed text is indicated
by brackets.]
[After] an illness of four weeks, with [****] spinal meningitis, Joseph Mor-[gan], [aged]
79 years, four months, and 8 [days] [****] one of the oldest and best known [residents]
of the city, died yesterday [at his] home, 821 Grant street. He was [born in] Napanee,
Canada, and came to [this] country in the early 60’s, locating [****] **ier, Pa. He
learned the car-[penter] trade and followed it for nearly [****] century. He was married
De-[cember] 22, 1866, to Miss Mary E. Mar-[shall,] who survives him. They resided [in
Eliza]beth for several years and from [there] moved to the Tenth ward, where [Mr.
Mo]rgan served as a justice of the [peace for] nearly ten years and carried [****]
business of house building until [****] when he sold out, and became a [****] of
Westmoreland county. He [****] two years on a farm near Bolivar [and res]ided in that
town a year or two, [**** re]turned to this city a few years [****].
[Mr.] and Mrs. Morgan recently cele-[brated] their golden wedding anniver-[sary at] the
home of their daughter, [Mrs.] Thomas Robinson, of Duquesne. [Mr. Mo]rgan was a
member of the West [****] E. church and a prominent [membe]r of the Odd Fellows,
serving in [****] the offices of the lodge, and as [****] deputy for many years. He [was
al]so a member of the Encamp-[****].
[Besi]des his widow, Mr. Morgan is [survive]d by six children: Oliver H., of [****]me;
Travallo V. Morgan, and [K]atie Delo, of Kokomo, Ind.; Mrs. [Laura] Reed, of this city,
Mrs. Agnes [Hender]son and Mrs. Mamie Robinson, [of Duq]uesne; also by 52
grandchil-[dren] and eight great grandchildren. [****] brothers and four sisters also
[survive], John W. Morgan and Mary [Wal]rath, of this city; William H. [and Ja]mes
Morgan and Katie Ingold, [of Duq]uesne, and Isabella Stevens and [****]urst, of Akron,
O. Mr Morgan [****] good citizen and neieghbor and [****] will be mourned by a host
[of frien]ds.
[Servi]ces will be held by the Odd Fel-[lows an]d will be conducted at the home [****]
evening and the funeral ser-[vice w]ill be held at 2 o’clock on Wed-[nesday] in charge of
the Rev. James [**** of] Pittsburgh, assisted by the Rev. [****]binson pastor of the West
Side [****] church. Interment will be in [Versaill]es cemetery.