LAND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Objectives The Land Development Agency, established by the Planning and Land Act 2002, will commence on 1 July 2003. The object of this Act is to provide a planning and land system that contributes to the orderly and sustainable development of the ACT, consistent with the social, environmental and economic aspirations of the people of the ACT and in accordance with sound financial principles. The Land Development Agency has the following functions: to develop land; to carry out works for the development and enhancement of land; and to carry out strategic or complex urban development projects. The Land Development Agency may exercise its functions alone, through subsidiaries, joint ventures or trusts or by holding shares in, or other securities of, corporations. The Land Development Agency through its land development and land sales program supports the Government’s vision of Canberra as a strong, confident and prosperous community. The Agency will incorporate functions of the former Land Agency within Urban Services, Kingston Foreshore Development Authority and the Gungahlin Development Authority. The Agency will work to ensure that the development and sale of ACT land is orderly, viable, self-supporting and delivers significant beneficial economic, social and environmental outcomes to the Territory. It will provide greater choice for home buyers in the ACT by offering flexibility to those wanting to choose their own block and builder. The Agency will apply due commercial rigour in the undertaking of its operations. The commercial objective is to deliver a return to the Territory on its investment commensurate with relevant industry benchmarks. 2003-04 Highlights Strategic and operational issues to be pursued in 2003-04 include: delivering a land release program that aims to provide for 3,394 dwellings consistent with the englobo release framework, including 1,000 dwellings from redevelopment, through a variety of mechanisms; establishing the Land Development Agency; developing land in the Government’s 2003-04 Land Release Program either independently or through partnership with the private sector; facilitating further commercial development in, and ongoing management of, the Gungahlin Town Centre which will contribute to the level of amenity in the Town Centre for the Gungahlin community; 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 405 Land Development Agency completing the public sector land development pilot project at Yerrabi stage 2; and managing the development of the Kingston Foreshore area with due regard to the interests of the community in which it operates and in accordance with Government directions. In 2003-04, a number of residential units will be sold, the servicing of sites and the construction of the harbour will commence and the construction of the Eco-pond, Common Parklands and Sewer Pumping Station will be completed. Budgeted Financial Targets Section 54 of the Financial Management Act 1996 (FMA) advises that Chief Executives are responsible for achievement of financial results. For the purpose of Section 54 of the FMA, key budgeted results are specified in the Budget Papers to improve accountability. An outcome of the increased accountability will be the requirement for Chief Executives to explain material variances from specified budgeted results. In accordance with Section 54 of the FMA, following are the key budgeted results for the Land Development Agency. Operating Result ($99.520m surplus) – this measure focuses on the financial performance of the Agency, and will measure its success in managing expenditure levels within government funding and own-source revenue limitations. Current Ratio (2.6 to 1) – the current ratio is an indication of the ability to fund short term liabilities from short term assets. This ratio demonstrates that the Agency is able to more than sufficiently cover its short term liabilities from short term assets. Dividends to Government ($131.190m) – this measure focuses on the Agency’s ability to provide an adequate return to the Territory. Total Assets ($160.221m) – this measure focuses on the Agency’s ability to manage its asset base including cash, receivables, investments, inventories and property, plant and equipment. Total Liabilities ($70.512m) – this measure focuses on maintaining prudent levels of liabilities as required by Section 11 of the FMA. The majority of the Agency’s liabilities relate to trade creditors, other creditors, ACT Government borrowings, employee provisions, revenue received in advance and infrastructure liabilities, employee provisions and creditors. 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 406 Land Development Agency Land Development Agency Statement of Financial Performance 2002-03 Budget $'000 2002-03 Est.Outcome $'000 2003-04 Budget $'000 Var % 2004-05 Estimate $'000 2005-06 Estimate $'000 2006-07 Estimate $'000 0 73 # 0 0 0 46 0 -100 0 0 0 674 2 763 1 938 5 942 188 115 1 506 0 1 546 0 1 546 0 98 992 0 185 067 0 87 - 126 632 8 938 138 610 12 432 116 164 8 736 102 475 193 020 88 137 076 152 588 126 446 1 971 316 4 581 295 14 1 470 36 656 1 030 2 813 496 5 329 235 931 22 353 61 343 0 43 57 16 -20 # # 67 -100 2 813 514 3 040 172 580 30 975 22 586 0 2 851 532 2 819 172 23 38 793 41 883 0 2 533 498 2 568 73 0 23 052 42 309 0 Revenue 0 0 519 2 302 80 736 0 83 557 User Charges - Non ACT Government User Charges - ACT Government Interest Revenue of Associates and Joint Ventures Other Revenue Resources Received free of charge Total Ordinary Revenue Expenses 1 836 324 4 816 120 25 0 34 300 100 Employee Expenses Superannuation Expenses Supplies and Services Depreciation and Amortisation Borrowing Costs Cost of Goods Sold Other Expenses Expenses of Associates and Joint Ventures 41 521 Total Ordinary Expenses 46 333 93 500 102 60 680 87 073 71 033 42 036 Operating Result 56 142 99 520 77 76 396 65 515 55 413 0 Increase/(Decrease) in asset revaluation reserve 0 44 411 # 0 0 0 0 Change In Equity Other Than Those Resulting From Transactions With Owners As Owners 0 44 411 # 0 0 0 0 Total Equity From Start of Period 0 67 390 # 89 709 113 220 115 330 1 845 -1 125 99 996 2 978 0 6 600 61 100 -93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -89 468 -131 190 -47 -52 885 -63 405 -63 705 67 390 89 709 33 113 220 115 330 107 038 1 845 0 78 506 -54 151 68 236 Capital Injections Distributions to Government Inc/Dec in Net Assets from Admin Restructure Dividend Declared Total Equity At The End of Period 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 407 Land Development Agency Land Development Agency Statement of Financial Position Budget as at 30/6/03 $'000 Est.Outcome Planned as at 30/6/03 as at 30/6/04 $'000 $'000 Planned Planned Planned Var as at 30/6/05 as at 30/6/06 as at 30/6/07 % $'000 $'000 $'000 Current Assets 923 25 174 3 199 5 200 0 34 496 Cash Receivables Investments Inventories Other Total Current Assets 594 16 768 1 847 6 547 31 2 32 17 59 28 600 078 400 788 456 338 91 842 813 # 2 27 17 63 8 600 881 400 772 920 2 24 17 65 6 600 802 400 594 015 2 22 17 61 5 600 003 400 195 592 25 787 140 322 444 120 573 116 411 108 790 41 051 0 5 105 26 10 281 8 940 678 0 -75 # -87 -100 3 551 9 512 505 0 51 12 410 333 0 51 9 837 260 0 Non Current Assets 37 565 500 4 769 0 Receivables Inventories Property, Plant and Equipment Capital Works in Progress 42 834 Total Non Current Assets 46 182 19 899 -57 13 568 12 794 10 148 77 330 TOTAL ASSETS 71 969 160 221 123 134 141 129 205 118 938 790 0 168 469 0 2 693 13 517 12 000 0 464 0 28 805 # # -100 -1 970 3 231 1 421 0 462 0 9 269 5 201 0 0 461 0 6 364 3 844 0 0 461 0 5 941 4 120 54 786 1 230 14 383 12 026 10 246 Current Liabilities 6 353 0 0 324 104 1 400 8 181 Payables Interest Bearing Liabilities Finance Leases Employee Benefits Other Provisions Other Total Current Liabilities Non Current Liabilities 0 500 0 413 Payables Interest Bearing Liabilities Finance Leases Employee Benefits 0 0 11 448 13 676 1 421 0 629 # # -100 40 5 896 0 0 642 1 196 0 0 653 1 000 0 0 654 913 Total Non Current Liabilities 459 15 726 # 6 538 1 849 1 654 4 579 70 512 # 20 921 13 875 11 900 67 390 89 709 33 113 220 115 330 107 038 67 390 0 45 298 44 411 -33 # 68 809 44 411 70 919 44 411 62 627 44 411 67 390 89 709 33 113 220 115 330 107 038 9 094 68 236 TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS REPRESENTED BY FUNDS EMPLOYED 68 236 0 68 236 Accumulated Funds Reserves TOTAL FUNDS EMPLOYED 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 408 Land Development Agency Land Development Agency Statement of Cashflows 2002-03 Budget $'000 2002-03 Est.Outcome $'000 2003-04 Budget $'000 Var % 2004-05 Estimate $'000 2005-06 Estimate $'000 2006-07 Estimate $'000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts 0 597 58 745 User Charges Interest Received Other Revenue 49 858 100 856 67 1 938 194 894 37 126 93 0 1 506 122 080 0 1 546 139 460 0 1 546 116 228 59 342 Operating Receipts 101 763 196 899 93 123 586 141 006 117 774 2 137 5 256 3 230 5 186 51 -1 3 312 2 960 3 341 2 700 2 998 2 449 14 7 772 931 51 425 # 562 580 51 849 23 70 115 0 48 623 Operating Payments 15 179 60 772 300 58 701 76 179 54 070 NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 86 584 136 127 57 64 885 64 827 63 704 22 4 462 # 0 0 0 22 4 462 # 0 0 0 3 665 13 178 260 0 0 0 3 665 13 178 260 0 0 0 -3 643 -8 716 -139 0 0 0 1 845 2 978 61 0 0 0 10 18 478 0 18 435 -100 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 333 21 413 5 0 0 0 Payments 2 180 4 316 25 572 7 093 52 249 Related to Employees Related to Supplies and Services Borrowing Costs Other CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Receipts 101 101 Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant & Equipment Investing Receipts Payments 1 845 1 845 -1 744 Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment Investing Payments NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Receipts 1 845 0 6 132 7 977 Capital Injection from Government Borrowings Received Receipt of Transferred Cash Balances Financing Receipts 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 409 Land Development Agency Land Development Agency Statement of Cashflows 2002-03 Budget $'000 2002-03 Est.Outcome $'000 2003-04 Budget $'000 Var % 2004-05 Estimate $'000 2005-06 Estimate $'000 2006-07 Estimate $'000 1 125 96 668 10 30 3 000 0 131 265 0 0 0 -100 36 -100 -100 -100 0 52 885 12 000 0 0 0 63 406 1 421 0 0 0 63 704 0 0 0 Financing Payments 100 833 131 265 30 64 885 64 827 63 704 NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES -80 500 -109 852 -36 -64 885 -64 827 -63 704 Payments 0 54 151 0 209 0 54 360 -46 383 Distributions to Government Dividends to Government Repayment of Borrowings Repayment of Finance Lease Payments of Transferred Cash Balances 4 122 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH HELD 2 441 17 559 619 0 0 0 0 CASH AT BEGINNING OF REPORTING PERIOD 0 2 441 # 20 000 20 000 20 000 2 441 20 000 719 20 000 20 000 20 000 4 122 CASH AT THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD Notes to the Budget Statements The Land Development Agency will commence operations on 1 July 2003. The Agency comprises the land development and land sale functions of the former Land Agency, the functions of the former Kingston Foreshore Development Authority (KFDA) and the former Gungahlin Development Authority (GDA). The estimated outcome for 2002-03 is the outcome of the former Land agency, however, the budget for 2003-04 is that of the Land Development Agency. The significant variations are due to the incorporation of the three entities into the Land Development Agency. Significant variations are as follows: Statement of Financial Performance user charges – ACT Government: the increase of $0.046m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget reflects rent from Totalcare for their accommodation in Fyshwick. In June 2002, the property was transferred from Totalcare for sale by auction later in the year. Pending sale of the property, Totalcare pays rent net of expenses to the Land Agency. This was not anticipated at budget time; interest: the increase of $0.155m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget is due to investment of receipts from higher than anticipated land sales; revenue of associates and joint ventures: the increase of $0.461m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget results from the sale of land through joint 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 410 Land Development Agency ventures which achieved higher than predicted sale prices not anticipated during budget preparation; other revenue: the increase of $18.256m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget is due mainly to higher than predicted sale prices at auctions. The increased infrastructure revenue has a corresponding effect on ‘other expenses’ below; employee expenses: the increase of $0.135m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget is due to wage increases; supplies and services: the decrease of $0.235m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget relates to the re-classification of some of these expenses from ‘cost of goods sold’; depreciation and amortisation: the increase of $0.175m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget is due mainly to depreciation of Gold Creek Country Club asset; cost of goods sold: the increase of $1.470m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget reflects the expenses of the Gold Creek Country Club and from the preparation of additional land to replace those withdrawn from the land release program. This is slightly offset by the re-classification of expenses from supplies and services referred to previously; other expenses: the increase of $2.356m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget is due mainly to increased infrastructure transfer expenses resulting from the completion of infrastructure in response to the increased demand for land; and expenses of joint ventures: the increase of $0.930m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget reflects the expensing of work in progress and the costs for the wind down of all joint ventures in 2002-03. Statement of Financial Position current assets: the decrease of $8.709m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget mainly reflects the reduction in receivables as much of the land originally designated for the June 2003 auction was brought forward to March 2003; non current assets: the increase of $3.348m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget reflects the receivables from land rental debtors being higher than anticipated when the budget was originally prepared; current liabilities: the decrease of $4.061m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget is due mainly to overestimation of payables at the time of preparation of the budget; and non current liabilities: the decrease of $0.454m in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget mainly reflects a loan for a joint venture which did not eventuate. 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 411 Land Development Agency Statement of Cashflows the decrease of $1.899m in cash flows from investing activities in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget mainly reflects the increased payments for capital works related to land sales, works in progress and the fitout of office accommodation in Dame Pattie Menzies building; and the decrease of $34.117m in cash flows from financing activities in the 2002-03 estimated outcome from the original budget reflects the transfer of $3.0m of cash balance held as working capital for the Property unit transferred from Land Agency as a result of an Administrative Arrangement Order at the start of the year and the increase in dividends to Government from the higher than predicted land revenue, offset by increased capital distributions for the final repayment of capital from the Dunlop 1 Joint Venture. 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 412 Land Development Agency Capital Works Departmental Estimated Total Cost Estimated Expenditure 2003-04 $’000 2003-04 Financing $’000 Expenditure previous years $’000 Expected completion date 1 000 0 1 000 1 000 June 2004 800 0 800 800 June 2004 1 200 0 1 200 1 200 June 2004 200 0 200 200 June 2004 Valley Ave Extension Stage 2 2 100 0 2 100 2 100 June 2004 Homemakers Precinct Stage 2 1 900 0 1 900 1 900 June 2004 Gungaderra Catchment Infrastructure Stage 1 3 000 0 3 000 3 000 June 2004 10 200 0 10 200 10 200 3 800 822 2 978 2 978 3 800 822 2 978 2 978 14 000 822 13 178 13 178 $’000 New Capital Works Belconnen Section 87 water main & gross pollutant trap Phillip Parramatta Street Extension Belconnen Lathlain Street Extension and Intersection Minor new works –general site preparation Total New Capital Works1 Works in Progress: Anthony Rolfe Avenue2 extension (stage 3) Total Works In Progress3 Total Departmental Capital Works June 2004 Notes: (1) (2) (3) The capital works have been approved as part of the Capital Works Program and will be funded by the Land Development Agency from its own source revenue. GDA originally had funding of $3.8m approved in 2002-03 for the extension of Anthony Rolfe Avenue (stage 3) to be completed in 2003-04. Capital works for KFDA were previously agreed by Government and not included in the program above. KFDA will spend $19m on commencing the construction of a harbour and completing the construction of the Eco Pond, Common Parklands and Sewer Pumping Station in Kingston. 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 413 Land Development Agency 2003-04 Discontinued Output Class and Output OUTPUT CLASS 1: LAND PRINCIPAL MEASURES OUTPUT 1.1: LAND Description: To ensure sustainable land use and sale of land for the best return to the community. Measures Quantity Land Number of residential units and commercial blocks sold 1 Number of Land Rental Properties managed Preparation of a Land Release Strategy Quality/Effectiveness The average cash return on greenfields sales is greater than Government funded physical infrastructure costs per block Timeliness Achievement of the published land release program 1 Land release through auction Cost Profit Margin TOTAL COST ($’000) 2 2002-03 Targets 2002-03 Estimated Outcome 2003-04 Targets 985 425 1 802 399 1 - >1 >1 - 100% At least once every quarter 93% Four times/year - >15% $41 521.0 55% $46 333.0 - This output will cease due to the creation of the Land Development Agency (LDA) from the former Land agency, the Gungahlin Development Authority (GDA) and the Kingston Foreshore Development Authority (KFDA), due to commence operations on 1 July 2003. Notes: (1) (2) In 2002-03 the estimated outcome is lower than target due to the need to balance the over-budget increase in land release by the GDA and the fact that North Watson and East O’Malley were deferred to 2003-04. Increased costs reflect increased asset transfers due to the completion of infrastructure to meet increased demand. 2003-04 Budget Paper No.4 414 Land Development Agency