Computers are integrated into everyone’s life, and now more so then ever, they also play a big role in the classroom. Adaptive and assistive technology can foster excellence in education through innovative learning solutions. Teachers can create dynamic lessons, download media, and make lessons that can be saved, shared, and updated. An example of this can be found at, which is a website designed to improve the education of children, teachers and parents. Unfortunately there are many children with many different special needs. Hence, many adaptive and assistive technologies can quickly deliver good information and sources to those children that need it. In the following paragraphs I have provided some website descriptions along with links. These websites offer diverse support and useful information for children and families who may be in need of assistive and adaptive technology: Assistive or Adaptive Technology commonly refers to "...products, devices or equipment, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that are used to maintain, increase or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities..." offers a variety of high-tech assistive and adaptive technology products, augmentative and alternative communication devices, computer access equipment, multilingual speech synthesis and voice recognition software. We propose a great selection of virtual on-screen keyboards, voice-enabled communication boards, as well as cognitive rehabilitation tools adapted to people’s special needs. Empowering Rural Students with Disabilities Through Assistive Technology Technology can open doors and break down barriers for children, youth and adults with learning disabilities. Whether in the classroom or workplace, technology can provide a vital difference. Here we explore new developments in technology, and practical insights into the promise and realities of making technology work for people with learning disabilities More sources available at: National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP) NCIP "promotes the effective use of technology to enhance educational outcomes for students with sensory, cognitive, physical and social/emotional disabilities." Its web site includes facilitated discussions about technology use for students with special needs, online workshops, exemplary early childhood classrooms, a section on voice recognition, an extensive library of resources about technology and special education, videos of students using assistive and instructional technologies, and much more.