Teaching American History For All Mt Diablo Unified School District in partnership with University Of California- Berkeley History-Social Science Project 5th Grade Lesson Rich Farmlands of the Middle Colonies Laurie Rogers Teaching American History for All MDUSD/UCB H-SSP 5th Grade Lesson Developed by: Laurie Rogers, Lauren Weaver, and Donna Leary. Overarching Grant Focus Question: How did definitions of citizenship change from the seventeenth century to the twentieth century? Yearlong 5th Grade Grant Focus Question: How did Americans change from being colonial subjects to American citizens? Unit Focus Question: How did the reasons for founding the colonies and the geographical location impact the economy and government? Unit Working Thesis: The different economic and political development of the Northern, Middle, and Southern colonies were dependent upon the different reasons for founding, the distinct people who settled in them, and the varied resources available. Lesson Focus Question: Why did settlers come to the Middle Colonies? Lesson Working Thesis: The people who settled the Middle Colonies came for the rich farmland and abundant natural resources. By raising and selling the crops in market towns the Middle Colonies flourished. Suggested Amount of Time: 45 minutes Textbook: Porter, Dr. Priscilla. Reflections: The United States: Making A New Nation. San Diego: Harcourt School Publishing, 2007, p257 Unit 3, Chapter 6, Lesson 3: Busy Farms and Seaports, page 257 Reading Strategies: 1. Deconstructing sentences and paragraphs 2. Identifying historical participants and key words in relation to colonies Writing Strategies: 1. Using completed chart to write a final paragraph, generating a thesis statement and a conclusion. Expectations: Students will be able to construct a thesis statement and write a three to five sentence paragraph reflecting what evidence they have read on Page 257. Write a paragraph using this information: (This is my sample of what I would expect from students after the lesson had been presented.) Settlers came to the Middle Colonies Because of the rich fertile land and the abundant natural resources. Settlers could grow crops such as wheat, corn and rye. They could raise dairy cows on the thick grasses and hogs on the acorns and wild berries found in the forest. Farmers could sell their crops and livestock at the market town. Settlers could come to the Middle Colonies and make money by raising crops and livestock. Procedure: History-Social Science Content Standards: 5.4 Students understand the political, religious, social, and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era, in terms of: 5.4.5 How the British colonial period created the basis for development of political self-government and a free market economic system, unlike Spanish and French colonial rule. Historical and Social Sciences Analysis Skills: Research, Evidence and Point of View: 1. Students summarize the key events of the era they are studying and explain their historical contexts. Historical Interpretation: 3. Students identify and interpret the multiple causes and effects of historical events. Language Arts Context Standards: Reading: 1.1 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression 2.3 Discern main ideas and concepts presented in non-fiction texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas 2.4 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge. Writing: 1.0 Writing Strategies 1.2 create a multi-paragraph expository composition 1.6 edit and revise to improve the meaning and focus of writing 2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.2 write responses to literature 1.1 ask questions that seek information not already discussed Rich Farmlands (Page 257) When settlers came to the Middle Colonies, they were amazed by the richness of the land and its abundant natural resources. Unlike New England, the Middle Colonies had lots of fertile soil. Since farming was how most people in the 13 colonies made their living, the Middle Colonies attracted many settlers… Throughout the Middle Colonies wheat fields stretched as far as the eye could see. Although wheat, corn, and rye were the main crops, colonists also used the rich land for other things. Dairy cows thrived on the thick grasses, while hogs roamed the forests, growing fat on acorns and wild berries. Farmers in the Middle Colonies usually traveled to market towns to sell or trade their livestock and crops. Every market town had a gristmill, which ground the farmers’ grain into flour. Most towns also had a lumber mill. During visits to market towns, farm families shopped at the general store. There they purchased items they could not make or grow themselves, such as iron tools, shoes, paint and buttons. Reflections- United States History: Making A New Nation Settling the Colonies ~Busy Farms and Seaports, Unit 3, Chap 6, Lesson 3 Time marker Participants or Connector Doers (nouns) Throughout wheat fields the Middle Colonies Although while Action Words (verbs) stretched Who, What, Where (nouns) Questions or conclusions (Why is it important?) as far as the eye could see. “as far as the eye could see” wheat, corn and rye were the main crops, colonists also used the rich land for other things. rich Dairy cows thrived on the thick grasses thrived hogs roamed the forest, growing fat on acorns and wild berries. roamed Farmers in the Middle Colonies usually traveled to towns to sell or trade their livestock and crops. Pg. 257 How did the many uses of the land attract settlers to the Middle Colonies? Reflections- United States History: Making A New Nation Settling the Colonies Busy Farms and Seaports Time marker Participants or Action Connector Doers Words (nouns) (verbs) When settlers came Who, What, Where (nouns) Questions or conclusions to the Middle Colonies, they (settlers) were amazed by the richness of the land and its abundant natural resources. richness abundant natural resources Unlike New England, the Middle Colonies had lots of fertile soil. fertile Since farming was how most people in the 13 colonies made their living, the Middle Colonies attracted many settlers. attracted Unit 3, Chap 6, Lesson 3, Pg 257 Why did settlers come to the Middle Colonies? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________