Rosdahl, Kowalski: Textbook of Basic Nursing

Guided Lecture Notes, Chapter 23
List the objectives of the chapter. (Refer to PowerPoint slides 4-6)
List the key terms and acronyms of the chapter. (Refer to PowerPoint slides 7-9)
Learning Objective #1. Describe the principal functions of the blood and its
mechanisms to maintain homeostasis.
Describe the components of the hematologic system and lymphatic systems.
(Refer to PowerPoint slides 10-11)
Review the functions of the hematologic system and the lymphatic system. (Refer
to PowerPoint slides 12-13)
Discuss the various functions of blood. Explain why blood is considered a
connective tissue and how it differs from other connective tissues. (Refer to
PowerPoint slides 14-17)
Explain the mechanism of hematopoesis. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 18)
Learning Objective #2. Identify the four plasma proteins and their chief functions.
Explain the composition and functions of plasma. (Refer to PowerPoint slides
Name the four plasma proteins. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 24)
Discuss the functions of albumin, fibrinogen, prothrombin, and globulin. (Refer to
PowerPoint slides 25-27)
Learning Objective #3. Outline the structure and function of the red blood cells, white
blood cells, and platelets.
Define red blood cells and explain how they are produced. In addition, discuss the
composition of hemoglobin and the function of iron in hemoglobin. (Refer to
PowerPoint slide 32)
Discuss the functions of white blood cells. In addition, differentiate between red
blood cells and white blood cells. (Refer to PowerPoint slides 35, 31)
Define platelets and explain why they are essential. (Refer to PowerPoint slide
Learning Objective #4. Discuss the importance of chemotaxis and phagocytosis in
fighting invading organisms.
Define chemotaxis and phagocytosis. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 41)
Identify the white blood cells involved in chemotaxis and in phagocytosis. (Refer
to PowerPoint slide 41)
State the importance of chemotaxis and phagocytosis in fighting invading
organisms. (Refer to PowerPoint slides 41-42)
Learning Objective #5. Describe the mechanism of blood clotting.
State the importance of clotting and discuss the process of formation of a clot.
(Refer to PowerPoint slide 49)
Explain why vitamin K is required for clotting. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 51)
Discuss the factors behind the inability to clot. (Refer to PowerPoint slides 5051)
Learning Objective #6. Identify the four blood groups and the Rh factors.
State the four blood groups. In addition, discuss the ill effects of a blood
transfusion involving incompatible blood. (Refer to PowerPoint slides 56-57)
State the difference between Rh-positive and Rh-negative blood types. Also,
discuss what happens if an Rh-negative person is given Rh-positive blood. (Refer
to PowerPoint slide 57)
Learning Objective #7. Describe the blood groups that are considered the universal
donor and the universal recipient and state why this is so.
Define agglutination. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 57)
Discuss why blood group AB is known as a universal recipient and blood group O
known as universal donor.
Learning Objective #8. Describe lymphatic circulation and the filtration role of the
lymph nodes.
Define lymphatic vessels, lymph, lacteals, lymph nodes, and lymph nodules. Also
discuss the difference in composition of lymph and plasma. (Refer to PowerPoint
slides 59-61, 63-64)
Discuss the process of lymphatic circulation. (Refer to PowerPoint slides 84-85)
Learning Objective #9. Describe the circle of Willis and the blood–brain barrier,
including the function of each.
Explain what blood circulation is. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 75)
Describe cerebral circulation. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 79)
Discuss the functions of the circle of Willis and the blood–brain barrier. (Refer to
PowerPoint slides 79-80)
Learning Objective #10. Explain the process of hepatic–portal circulation.
Review systemic circulation. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 77)
Describe the path of blood flow from the digestive organs and spleen before
returning to the heart. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 77)
Learning Objective #11. Discuss at least three normal changes in the hematologic and
lymphatic systems caused by aging.
Discuss the effects of aging on the hematologic and lymphatic systems including
a decline in hematopoesis, slight decrease in platelets, altered antigen-antibody
responses, and decrease in albumin. (Refer to PowerPoint slide 87)