Student Initiated Extra-Curricular Learning Activities Checklist (as per Student Initiated Extra-Curricular Learning Activities Policy # CC-03, Revised July, 2013. Checklist For credit on the Dean’s Letter, MSPR, the student Chair must submit to UGME, a proposal that meets all following criteria for consideration by the Curriculum Committee. All of the following criteria must be met: 1. Faculty Advisor selected 2. Faculty Advisor will actively review content and approach to ensure that these complement but are not redundant to the current curriculum. Learning Objectives for the planned curriculum are included. 3. Learning sessions are described, 4. At least 10 hours of learning opportunities are described. There is a mechanism to ensure attendance Included in Proposal Lacking from Proposal Specifies how a min. attendance at 80% of learning opportunities will be achieved and sent to UGME. 5. A mechanism for evaluation of the group’s curriculum is proposed. This is NOT assessment of student progress, but rather evaluation of the program for improvement, etc. (See sample attached.) Deadline for these submissions is the end of October to the UGME office. Pinchin, S. and Xu, S. Checklist for Student Initiated Extracurricular Learning Groups. Feb. 10, 2012, reviewed Oct. 2012.