TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 14, 2008 – LIVERPOOL, UK Attendance David Gershenson - Els Berns - Maria van der Burg - Jose Antonio Lopez Guerrero - Gokhan Tulunay - TBD Ralf Butzow - Felix Hilpert - Nobuyuki Susumu - Brigitte Miller - Ken Swenerton - Mi-kyung - ??? Woong-Shick Ahn - James D. Brenton - Aikou Okamoto - Hani Gabra - Katherine Y. Look - GOG EORTC EORTC GEICO TRSGO NSGO AGO-OVAR JGOG RTOG NCIC CTG KGOG KGOG SGCTG JGOG SGCIG Eli Lilly Summary 1.) Welcome new members and discussion of leadership change 2.) Review of new banking efforts within GCIG members a. Multiple new trials planned including trials involving serial biopsies to obtain specimens during/after therapy. 3.) Review of new translational science projects within GCIG members a. Discussion of TGCA (US) and IGC projects. Multiple members participating in these genome projects. 4.) Collaborative projects and direction of committee: a. Provide TR proposals for GCIG trials Extensive discussion about direction/function of committee. A consensus developed for the committee to review and supply TR for GCIG trials. This will require early input from this committee into these trials as they are being developed. Agreement to create a formal process for TR to be inserted into trials. b. Initiate GCIG bank based studies Discussion focused on the type of project, which could be accomplished within the GCIG. It was decided that projects focused on rare tumors (clear cell etc.) or clinical questions requiring rare specimens such as recurrence or plat resistance. Over the next few weeks, recommendations will be obtained from members via e-mail as to specific projects with the goal being to establish a demonstration project by next meeting. c. Initiate database analysis project Large scale expression profiling meta analysis utilizing Birrer/Bowtell results has been initiated and this could be extended to other members as a GCIG demonstration project. Multiple groups expressed interest and this will be attempted over the next few months. d. Agreement within committee to focus on one or two projects so as not to become too diffuse.